#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] = "@(#$Id: reslist.cpp,v 1.16 2006-12-20 13:55:46 dockes Exp $ (C) 2005 J.F.Dockes";
#include <time.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qvariant.h>
#include <qevent.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qtooltip.h>
#include <qwhatsthis.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <qimage.h>
#include <qclipboard.h>
#include <qscrollbar.h>
#if (QT_VERSION < 0x040000)
#include <qpopupmenu.h>
#include <q3popupmenu.h>
#include <q3stylesheet.h>
#include <q3mimefactory.h>
#define QStyleSheetItem Q3StyleSheetItem
#define QMimeSourceFactory Q3MimeSourceFactory
#include "debuglog.h"
#include "recoll.h"
#include "guiutils.h"
#include "pathut.h"
#include "docseq.h"
#include "transcode.h"
#include "pathut.h"
#include "mimehandler.h"
#include "plaintorich.h"
#include "refcntr.h"
#include "reslist.h"
#include "moc_reslist.cpp"
#ifndef MIN
#define MIN(A,B) ((A) < (B) ? (A) : (B))
ResList::ResList(QWidget* parent, const char* name)
: QTEXTBROWSER(parent, name)
if (!name)
// signals and slots connections
connect(this, SIGNAL(clicked(int, int)), this, SLOT(clicked(int,int)));
connect(this, SIGNAL(linkClicked(const QString &, int)),
this, SLOT(linkWasClicked(const QString &, int)));
connect(this, SIGNAL(headerClicked()), this, SLOT(showQueryDetails()));
connect(this, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(int,int)),
this, SLOT(doubleClicked(int, int)));
m_winfirst = -1;
m_curPvDoc = -1;
m_lstClckMod = 0;
void ResList::resetSearch()
m_winfirst = -1;
void ResList::languageChange()
setCaption(tr("Result list"));
// Acquire new docsource
void ResList::setDocSource(RefCntr<DocSequence> docsource,
RefCntr<Rcl::SearchData> sdt)
m_winfirst = -1;
m_docSource = docsource;
m_searchData = sdt;
m_curPvDoc = -1;
// Get document number from paragraph number
int ResList::docnumfromparnum(int par)
if (m_winfirst == -1)
return -1;
std::map<int,int>::iterator it = m_pageParaToReldocnums.find(par);
int dn;
if (it != m_pageParaToReldocnums.end()) {
dn = m_winfirst + it->second;
} else {
dn = -1;
return dn;
// Get paragraph number from document number
int ResList::parnumfromdocnum(int docnum)
if (m_winfirst == -1 || docnum - m_winfirst < 0)
return -1;
docnum -= m_winfirst;
for (std::map<int,int>::iterator it = m_pageParaToReldocnums.begin();
it != m_pageParaToReldocnums.end(); it++) {
if (docnum == it->second)
return it->first;
return -1;
// Return doc from current or adjacent result pages
bool ResList::getDoc(int docnum, Rcl::Doc &doc)
if (docnum < 0)
return false;
// Is docnum in current page ? Then all Ok
if (docnum >= int(m_winfirst) &&
docnum < int(m_winfirst + m_curDocs.size())) {
doc = m_curDocs[docnum - m_winfirst];
goto found;
// Else we accept to page down or up but not further
if (docnum < int(m_winfirst) &&
docnum >= int(m_winfirst) - prefs.respagesize) {
} else if (docnum <
int(m_winfirst + m_curDocs.size()) + prefs.respagesize) {
if (docnum >= int(m_winfirst) &&
docnum < int(m_winfirst + m_curDocs.size())) {
doc = m_curDocs[docnum - m_winfirst];
goto found;
return false;
return true;
void ResList::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent * e)
if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Q && (e->state() & Qt::ControlButton)) {
recollNeedsExit = 1;
} else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Prior) {
} else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Next) {
void ResList::contentsMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
m_lstClckMod = 0;
if (e->state() & Qt::ControlButton) {
m_lstClckMod |= Qt::ControlButton;
if (e->state() & Qt::ShiftButton) {
m_lstClckMod |= Qt::ShiftButton;
// Return total result list count
int ResList::getResCnt()
if (m_docSource.getcnt() == 0)
return -1;
return m_docSource->getResCnt();
#if 1 || (QT_VERSION < 0x040000)
#define SCROLLYPOS contentsY()
#define SCROLLYPOS verticalScrollBar()->value()
// Page Up/Down: we don't try to check if current paragraph is last or
// first. We just page up/down and check if viewport moved. If it did,
// fair enough, else we go to next/previous result page.
void ResList::resPageUpOrBack()
int vpos = SCROLLYPOS;
moveCursor(QTEXTBROWSER::MovePgUp, false);
if (vpos == SCROLLYPOS)
void ResList::resPageDownOrNext()
int vpos = SCROLLYPOS;
moveCursor(QTEXTBROWSER::MovePgDown, false);
LOGDEB(("ResList::resPageDownOrNext: vpos before %d, after %d\n",
if (vpos == SCROLLYPOS)
// Show previous page of results. We just set the current number back
// 2 pages and show next page.
void ResList::resultPageBack()
if (m_winfirst <= 0)
m_winfirst -= 2 * prefs.respagesize;
// Convert byte count into unit (KB/MB...) appropriate for display
static string displayableBytes(long size)
char sizebuf[30];
const char * unit = " B ";
if (size > 1024 && size < 1024*1024) {
unit = " KB ";
size /= 1024;
} else if (size >= 1024*1204) {
unit = " MB ";
size /= (1024*1024);
sprintf(sizebuf, "%ld%s", size, unit);
return string(sizebuf);
// Fill up result list window with next screen of hits
void ResList::resultPageNext()
if (m_docSource.getcnt() == 0)
int resCnt = m_docSource->getResCnt();
LOGDEB(("resultPageNext: rescnt %d, winfirst %d\n", resCnt,
// If we are already on the last page, nothing to do:
if (m_winfirst >= 0 &&
(m_winfirst + prefs.respagesize > resCnt)) {
emit nextPageAvailable(false);
bool hasPrev = false;
if (m_winfirst < 0) {
m_winfirst = 0;
} else {
hasPrev = true;
m_winfirst += prefs.respagesize;
emit prevPageAvailable(hasPrev);
bool gotone = false;
int last = MIN(resCnt - m_winfirst, prefs.respagesize);
// Query term colorization
QStyleSheetItem *item =
new QStyleSheetItem(styleSheet(), "termtag" );
// item->setFontWeight(QFont::Bold);
// Result paragraph format
string sformat = string(prefs.reslistformat.utf8());
LOGDEB(("resultPageNext: format: [%s]\n", sformat.c_str()));
// Insert results if any in result list window. We have to send
// the text to the widgets, because we need the paragraph number
// each time we add a result paragraph (its diffult and
// error-prone to compute the paragraph numbers in parallel). We
// would like to disable updates while we're doing this, but
// couldn't find a way to make it work, the widget seems to become
// confused if appended while updates are disabled
// setUpdatesEnabled(false);
for (int i = 0; i < last; i++) {
string sh;
Rcl::Doc doc;
int percent;
if (!m_docSource->getDoc(m_winfirst + i, doc, &percent, &sh)) {
// Error or end of docs, stop.
if (percent == -1) {
percent = 0;
// Document not available, maybe other further, will go on.
doc.abstract = string(tr("Unavailable document").utf8());
if (i == 0) {
// Display list header
// We could use a <title> but the textedit doesnt display
// it prominently
// Note: have to append text in chunks that make sense
// html-wise. If we break things up to much, the editor
// gets confused. Hence the use of the 'chunk' text
// accumulator
QString chunk = "<qt><head></head><body><p>";
chunk += "<font size=+1><b>";
chunk += QString::fromUtf8(m_docSource->title().c_str());
chunk += ".</b></font>";
chunk += " ";
chunk += tr("Documents <b>%1-%2</b> out of <b>%3</b> for ")
chunk += "<a href=\"H-1\">";
chunk += tr("(show query)");
chunk += "</a>";
gotone = true;
// Determine icon to display if any
string img_name;
if (prefs.showicons) {
string iconpath;
string iconname = rclconfig->getMimeIconName(doc.mimetype,
LOGDEB1(("Img file; %s\n", iconpath.c_str()));
QImage image(iconpath.c_str());
if (!image.isNull()) {
img_name = string("img_") + iconname;
setImage(img_name.c_str(), image);
// Percentage of 'relevance'
char perbuf[10];
sprintf(perbuf, "%3d%% ", percent);
// Printable url: either utf-8 if transcoding succeeds, or url-encoded
string url;
printableUrl(doc.url, url);
// Make title out of file name if none yet
if (doc.title.empty()) {
doc.title = path_getsimple(url);
// Result number
char numbuf[20];
int docnumforlinks = m_winfirst+1+i;
sprintf(numbuf, "%d", docnumforlinks);
// Document date: either doc or file modification time
char datebuf[100];
datebuf[0] = 0;
if (!doc.dmtime.empty() || !doc.fmtime.empty()) {
time_t mtime = doc.dmtime.empty() ?
atol(doc.fmtime.c_str()) : atol(doc.dmtime.c_str());
struct tm *tm = localtime(&mtime);
#ifndef sun
strftime(datebuf, 99, " %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z", tm);
strftime(datebuf, 99, " %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z", tm);
// Size information. We print both doc and file if they differ a lot
long fsize = -1, dsize = -1;
if (!doc.dbytes.empty())
dsize = atol(doc.dbytes.c_str());
if (!doc.fbytes.empty())
fsize = atol(doc.fbytes.c_str());
string sizebuf;
if (dsize > 0) {
sizebuf = displayableBytes(dsize);
if (fsize > 10 * dsize && fsize - dsize > 1000)
sizebuf += string(" / ") + displayableBytes(fsize);
} else if (fsize >= 0) {
sizebuf = displayableBytes(fsize);
// Abstract. The docsequence should deal with this as we don't
// know if a query is open or if we're displaying
// history. OTOH, if the docsequence does it, we're going to
// generate a lot of unneeded abstracts for sorted sequences
// (for all the queried for but undisplayed entries)
string richabst;
string abstract;
if (m_searchData->clauseCount() > 0 && prefs.queryBuildAbstract &&
(doc.syntabs || prefs.queryReplaceAbstract)) {
rcldb->makeDocAbstract(doc, abstract);
} else {
abstract = doc.abstract;
plaintorich(doc.abstract, richabst, m_searchData, true);
// Links;
string linksbuf;
char vlbuf[100];
if (canIntern(doc.mimetype, rclconfig)) {
sprintf(vlbuf, "\"P%d\"", docnumforlinks);
linksbuf += string("<a href=") + vlbuf + ">" + "Preview" + "</a>"
+ " ";
if (!rclconfig->getMimeViewerDef(doc.mimetype).empty()) {
sprintf(vlbuf, "E%d", docnumforlinks);
linksbuf += string("<a href=") + vlbuf + ">" + "Edit" + "</a>";
// Concatenate chunks to build the result list paragraph:
string result;
// Subheader: this is used by history
if (!sh.empty())
result += string("<p><b>") + sh + "</p>\n<p>";
result += "<p>";
if (!img_name.empty()) {
result += "<img source=\"" + img_name + "\" align=\"left\">";
// Configurable stuff
map<char,string> subs;
subs['A'] = !richabst.empty() ? richabst + "<br>" : "";
subs['D'] = datebuf;
subs['K'] = !doc.keywords.empty() ? doc.keywords + "<br>" : "";
subs['L'] = linksbuf;
subs['N'] = numbuf;
subs['M'] = doc.mimetype;
subs['R'] = perbuf;
subs['S'] = sizebuf;
subs['T'] = doc.title;
subs['U'] = url;
string formatted;
pcSubst(sformat, formatted, subs);
result += formatted;
result += "</p>\n";
LOGDEB2(("Chunk: [%s]\n", result.c_str()));
QString str = QString::fromUtf8(result.c_str(), result.length());
m_pageParaToReldocnums[paragraphs()-1] = i;
bool hasNext = false;
if (m_winfirst >= 0 && m_winfirst + prefs.respagesize < resCnt) {
hasNext = true;
if (gotone) {
QString chunk = "<p align=\"center\">";
if (hasPrev || hasNext) {
if (hasPrev) {
chunk += "<a href=\"p-1\"><b>";
chunk += tr("Previous");
chunk += "</b></a> ";
if (hasNext) {
chunk += "<a href=\"n-1\"><b>";
chunk += tr("Next");
chunk += "</b></a>";
chunk += "</p>\n";
} else {
// Restore first in win parameter that we shouln't have incremented
QString chunk = "<p><font size=+1><b>";
chunk += QString::fromUtf8(m_docSource->title().c_str());
chunk += "</b></font><br>";
chunk += "<a href=\"H-1\">";
chunk += tr("Show query details");
chunk += "</a><br>";
append(tr("<p><b>No results found</b><br>"));
m_winfirst -= prefs.respagesize;
if (m_winfirst < 0)
m_winfirst = -1;
hasNext = false;
// Possibly color paragraph of current preview if any
emit nextPageAvailable(hasNext);
// Single click in result list use this for document selection, if no
// text selection active:
void ResList::clicked(int par, int)
// It's very ennoying, textBrowser always has selected text. This
// is bound to change with qt releases!
if (hasSelectedText()&& selectedText().compare("<!--StartFragment-->")) {
// Give priority to text selection, do nothing
LOGDEB2(("%s\n", (const char *)(selectedText().ascii())));
LOGDEB(("click at par %d (with %s %s)\n", par,
(m_lstClckMod & Qt::ControlButton) ? "Ctrl" : "",
(m_lstClckMod & Qt::ShiftButton) ? "Shft" : ""));
// Color paragraph (if any) of currently visible preview
void ResList::previewExposed(int docnum)
LOGDEB(("ResList::previewExposed: doc %d\n", docnum));
// Possibly erase old one to white
int par;
if (m_curPvDoc != -1 && (par = parnumfromdocnum(m_curPvDoc)) != -1) {
QColor color("white");
setParagraphBackgroundColor(par, color);
m_curPvDoc = -1;
m_curPvDoc = docnum;
par = parnumfromdocnum(docnum);
// Maybe docnum is -1 or not in this window,
if (par < 0)
setCursorPosition(par, 1);
// Color the new active paragraph
QColor color("LightBlue");
setParagraphBackgroundColor(par, color);
// Double click in res list: add selection to simple search
void ResList::doubleClicked(int, int)
if (hasSelectedText())
void ResList::linkWasClicked(const QString &s, int clkmod)
LOGDEB(("ResList::linkClicked: [%s]\n", s.ascii()));
int i = atoi(s.ascii()+1) -1;
int what = s.ascii()[0];
switch (what) {
case 'H':
emit headerClicked();
case 'P':
emit docPreviewClicked(i, clkmod);
case 'E':
emit docEditClicked(i);
case 'n':
case 'p':
default: break;// ??
RCLPOPUP *ResList::createPopupMenu(const QPoint& pos)
int para = paragraphAt(pos);
clicked(para, 0);
m_popDoc = docnumfromparnum(para);
RCLPOPUP *popup = new RCLPOPUP(this);
popup->insertItem(tr("&Preview"), this, SLOT(menuPreview()));
popup->insertItem(tr("&Edit"), this, SLOT(menuEdit()));
popup->insertItem(tr("Copy &File Name"), this, SLOT(menuCopyFN()));
popup->insertItem(tr("Copy &Url"), this, SLOT(menuCopyURL()));
popup->insertItem(tr("Find &similar documents"), this, SLOT(menuExpand()));
Rcl::Doc doc;
if (getDoc(m_popDoc, doc)) {
if (!doc.ipath.empty())
popup->insertItem(tr("P&arent document"),
this, SLOT(menuSeeParent()));
return popup;
void ResList::menuPreview()
emit docPreviewClicked(m_popDoc, 0);
void ResList::menuSeeParent()
Rcl::Doc doc;
if (getDoc(m_popDoc, doc)) {
if (doc.ipath.empty())
Rcl::Doc doc1;
doc1.url = doc.url;
doc1.ipath = doc.ipath;
string::size_type colon;
LOGDEB(("Ipath: [%s]\n", doc1.ipath.c_str()));
if ((colon=doc1.ipath.find_last_of(":")) != string::npos) {
} else {
LOGDEB(("Ipath after: [%s]\n", doc1.ipath.c_str()));
list<string> lipath;
stringToTokens(doc.ipath, lipath, ":");
if (lipath.size() >= 1)
emit previewRequested(doc1);
void ResList::menuEdit()
emit docEditClicked(m_popDoc);
void ResList::menuCopyFN()
Rcl::Doc doc;
if (getDoc(m_popDoc, doc)) {
// Our urls currently always begin with "file://"
void ResList::menuCopyURL()
Rcl::Doc doc;
if (getDoc(m_popDoc, doc)) {
string url = url_encode(doc.url, 7);
void ResList::menuExpand()
Rcl::Doc doc;
if (rcldb && getDoc(m_popDoc, doc)) {
emit docExpand(m_popDoc);
QString ResList::getDescription()
return QString::fromUtf8(m_searchData->getDescription().c_str());
/** Show detailed expansion of a query */
void ResList::showQueryDetails()
// Break query into lines of reasonable length, avoid cutting words,
// Also limit the total number of lines.
const unsigned int ll = 100;
const unsigned int maxlines = 50;
string query = m_searchData->getDescription();
string oq;
unsigned int nlines = 0;
while (query.length() > 0) {
string ss = query.substr(0, ll);
if (ss.length() == ll) {
string::size_type pos = ss.find_last_of(" ");
if (pos == string::npos) {
pos = query.find_first_of(" ");
if (pos != string::npos)
ss = query.substr(0, pos+1);
ss = query;
} else {
ss = ss.substr(0, pos+1);
// This cant happen, but anyway. Be very sure to avoid an infinite loop
if (ss.length() == 0) {
LOGDEB(("showQueryDetails: Internal error!\n"));
oq = query;
oq += ss + "\n";
if (nlines++ >= maxlines) {
oq += " ... \n";
query= query.substr(ss.length());
LOGDEB1(("oq [%s]\n, query [%s]\n, ss [%s]\n",
oq.c_str(), query.c_str(), ss.c_str()));
QString desc = tr("Query details") + ": " +
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Query details"), desc);