topdir=`dirname $0`/..
. $topdir/shared.sh
initvariables $0
# Note: file -i returns application/octet-stream for
# somefile.info-1. xdg-mime query filetype returns text/plain. Recoll
# 1.22 and later return several results for the following query, one
# for the info file, and others in the somefile.info-xx files, as
# text/plain files. Previous versions only returned the info file,
# which was better, but I'm not sure that we can do something about
# it.
# It seems that later versions of xdg-mime return octet-stream so all back
# to normal
recollq '"GPGME is compiled with largefile support by default"' 2> $mystderr |
egrep -v '^Recoll query: ' > $mystdout
diff -w ${myname}.txt $mystdout > $mydiffs 2>&1