# Wherever docbook.xsl and chunk.xsl live
# Fbsd
# Mac
# Options common to the single-file and chunked versions
commonoptions=--stringparam section.autolabel 1 \
--stringparam section.autolabel.max.depth 3 \
--stringparam section.label.includes.component.label 1 \
--stringparam autotoc.label.in.hyperlink 0 \
--stringparam abstract.notitle.enabled 1 \
--stringparam html.stylesheet docbook-xsl.css \
--stringparam generate.toc "book toc,title,figure,table,example,equation"
# index.html chunk format target replaced by nicer webhelp (needs separate
# make) in webhelp/ subdir
all: usermanual.html usermanual.pdf
usermanual.html: usermanual.xml
xsltproc ${commonoptions} \
-o tmpfile.html "${XSLDIR}/html/docbook.xsl" usermanual.xml
-tidy -indent tmpfile.html > usermanual.html
rm -f tmpfile.html
index.html: usermanual.xml
xsltproc ${commonoptions} \
--stringparam use.id.as.filename 1 \
--stringparam root.filename index \
"${XSLDIR}/html/chunk.xsl" usermanual.xml
usermanual.pdf: usermanual.xml
dblatex usermanual.xml
rm -f RCL.*.html usermanual.pdf usermanual.html index.html tmpfile.html