#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] = "@(#$Id: internfile.cpp,v 1.45 2008-10-08 16:15:22 dockes Exp $ (C) 2004 J.F.Dockes";
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
#endif /* NO_NAMESPACES */
#include "internfile.h"
#include "rcldoc.h"
#include "mimetype.h"
#include "debuglog.h"
#include "mimehandler.h"
#include "execmd.h"
#include "pathut.h"
#include "wipedir.h"
#include "rclconfig.h"
#include "mh_html.h"
// The internal path element separator. This can't be the same as the rcldb
// file to ipath separator : "|"
static const string isep(":");
static const string stxtplain("text/plain");
set<string> FileInterner::o_missingExternal;
map<string, set<string> > FileInterner::o_typesForMissing;
// This is used when the user wants to retrieve a search result doc's parent
// (ie message having a given attachment)
bool FileInterner::getEnclosing(const string &url, const string &ipath,
string &eurl, string &eipath)
eurl = url;
eipath = ipath;
string::size_type colon;
LOGDEB(("FileInterner::getEnclosing(): [%s]\n", eipath.c_str()));
if (eipath.empty())
return false;
if ((colon = eipath.find_last_of(isep)) != string::npos) {
} else {
LOGDEB(("FileInterner::getEnclosing() after: [%s]\n", eipath.c_str()));
return true;
// Uncompress input file into a temporary one, by executing the appropriate
// script.
static bool uncompressfile(RclConfig *conf, const string& ifn,
const list<string>& cmdv, const string& tdir,
string& tfile)
// Make sure tmp dir is empty. we guarantee this to filters
if (wipedir(tdir) != 0) {
LOGERR(("uncompressfile: can't clear temp dir %s\n", tdir.c_str()));
return false;
string cmd = cmdv.front();
// Substitute file name and temp dir in command elements
list<string>::const_iterator it = cmdv.begin();
list<string> args;
map<char, string> subs;
subs['f'] = ifn;
subs['t'] = tdir;
for (; it != cmdv.end(); it++) {
string ns;
pcSubst(*it, ns, subs);
// Execute command and retrieve output file name, check that it exists
ExecCmd ex;
int status = ex.doexec(cmd, args, 0, &tfile);
if (status || tfile.empty()) {
LOGERR(("uncompressfile: doexec: status 0x%x\n", status));
return false;
if (tfile[tfile.length() - 1] == '\n')
tfile.erase(tfile.length() - 1, 1);
return true;
// Delete temporary uncompressed file
void FileInterner::tmpcleanup()
if (m_tdir.empty() || m_tfile.empty())
if (unlink(m_tfile.c_str()) < 0) {
LOGERR(("FileInterner::tmpcleanup: unlink(%s) errno %d\n",
m_tfile.c_str(), errno));
// Constructor: identify the input file, possibly create an
// uncompressed temporary copy, and create the top filter for the
// uncompressed file type.
// Empty handler on return says that we're in error, this will be
// processed by the first call to internfile().
FileInterner::FileInterner(const std::string &f, const struct stat *stp,
RclConfig *cnf,
const string& td, const string *imime)
: m_cfg(cnf), m_fn(f), m_forPreview(imime?true:false), m_tdir(td)
bool usfci = false;
cnf->getConfParam("usesystemfilecommand", &usfci);
LOGDEB(("FileInterner::FileInterner: [%s] mime [%s] preview %d\n",
f.c_str(), imime?imime->c_str() : "(null)", m_forPreview));
// We need to run mime type identification in any case to check
// for a compressed file.
string l_mime = mimetype(m_fn, stp, m_cfg, usfci);
// If identification fails, try to use the input parameter. This
// is then normally not a compressed type (it's the mime type from
// the db), and is only set when previewing, not for indexing
if (l_mime.empty() && imime)
l_mime = *imime;
if (!l_mime.empty()) {
// Has mime: check for a compressed file. If so, create a
// temporary uncompressed file, and rerun the mime type
// identification, then do the rest with the temp file.
if (m_cfg->getUncompressor(l_mime, ucmd)) {
if (!uncompressfile(m_cfg, m_fn, ucmd, m_tdir, m_tfile)) {
LOGDEB1(("internfile: after ucomp: m_tdir %s, tfile %s\n",
m_tdir.c_str(), m_tfile.c_str()));
m_fn = m_tfile;
// Note: still using the original file's stat. right ?
l_mime = mimetype(m_fn, stp, m_cfg, usfci);
if (l_mime.empty() && imime)
l_mime = *imime;
if (l_mime.empty()) {
// No mime type. We let it through as config may warrant that
// we index all file names
LOGDEB(("internfile: (no mime) [%s]\n", m_fn.c_str()));
// Look for appropriate handler (might still return empty)
m_mimetype = l_mime;
Dijon::Filter *df = getMimeHandler(l_mime, m_cfg, !m_forPreview);
if (!df) {
// No handler for this type, for now :( if indexallfilenames
// is set in the config, this normally wont happen (we get mh_unknown)
LOGDEB(("FileInterner:: no handler for %s\n", l_mime.c_str()));
m_forPreview ? "view" : "index");
string charset = m_cfg->getDefCharset();
df->set_property(Dijon::Filter::DEFAULT_CHARSET, charset);
if (!df->set_document_file(m_fn)) {
LOGERR(("FileInterner:: error parsing %s\n", m_fn.c_str()));
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MAXHANDLERS; i++)
m_tmpflgs[i] = false;
LOGDEB(("FileInterner::FileInterner: %s [%s]\n", l_mime.c_str(),
m_targetMType = stxtplain;
for (vector<Dijon::Filter*>::iterator it = m_handlers.begin();
it != m_handlers.end(); it++) {
// m_tempfiles will take care of itself
// Create a temporary file for a block of data (ie: attachment) found
// while walking the internal document tree, with a type for which the
// handler needs an actual file (ie : external script).
bool FileInterner::dataToTempFile(const string& dt, const string& mt,
string& fn)
// Find appropriate suffix for mime type
TempFile temp(new TempFileInternal(m_cfg->getSuffixFromMimeType(mt)));
if (temp->ok()) {
m_tmpflgs[m_handlers.size()-1] = true;
} else {
LOGERR(("FileInterner::dataToTempFile: cant create tempfile: %s\n",
return false;
int fd = open(temp->filename(), O_WRONLY);
if (fd < 0) {
LOGERR(("FileInterner::dataToTempFile: open(%s) failed errno %d\n",
temp->filename(), errno));
return false;
if (write(fd, dt.c_str(), dt.length()) != (int)dt.length()) {
LOGERR(("FileInterner::dataToTempFile: write to %s failed errno %d\n",
temp->filename(), errno));
return false;
fn = temp->filename();
return true;
// See if the error string is formatted as a missing helper message,
// accumulate helper name if it is
void FileInterner::checkExternalMissing(const string& msg, const string& mt)
if (msg.find("RECFILTERROR") == 0) {
list<string> lerr;
stringToStrings(msg, lerr);
if (lerr.size() > 2) {
list<string>::iterator it = lerr.begin();
if (*it == "HELPERNOTFOUND") {
string s;
stringsToString(lerr, s);
void FileInterner::getMissingExternal(string& out)
stringsToString(o_missingExternal, out);
void FileInterner::getMissingDescription(string& out)
for (set<string>::const_iterator it = o_missingExternal.begin();
it != o_missingExternal.end(); it++) {
out += *it;
map<string, set<string> >::const_iterator it2;
it2 = o_typesForMissing.find(*it);
if (it2 != o_typesForMissing.end()) {
out += " (";
set<string>::const_iterator it3;
for (it3 = it2->second.begin();
it3 != it2->second.end(); it3++) {
out += *it3;
out += string(" ");
out += ")";
out += "\n";
// Helper for extracting a value from a map.
static inline bool getKeyValue(const map<string, string>& docdata,
const string& key, string& value)
map<string,string>::const_iterator it;
it = docdata.find(key);
if (it != docdata.end()) {
value = it->second;
LOGDEB2(("getKeyValue: [%s]->[%s]\n", key.c_str(), value.c_str()));
return true;
LOGDEB2(("getKeyValue: no value for [%s]\n", key.c_str()));
return false;
// These defs are for the Dijon meta array. Rcl::Doc predefined field
// names are used where appropriate. In some cases, Rcl::Doc names are
// used inside the Dijon metadata (ex: origcharset)
static const string keyau("author");
static const string keycs("charset");
static const string keyct("content");
static const string keyds("description");
static const string keyfn("filename");
static const string keymd("modificationdate");
static const string keymt("mimetype");
static const string keytt("title");
bool FileInterner::dijontorcl(Rcl::Doc& doc)
Dijon::Filter *df = m_handlers.back();
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& docdata = df->get_meta_data();
for (map<string,string>::const_iterator it = docdata.begin();
it != docdata.end(); it++) {
if (it->first == keyct) {
doc.text = it->second;
} else if (it->first == keymd) {
doc.dmtime = it->second;
} else if (it->first == Rcl::Doc::keyoc) {
doc.origcharset = it->second;
} else if (it->first == keymt || it->first == keycs) {
// don't need/want these.
} else {
doc.meta[it->first] = it->second;
if (doc.meta[Rcl::Doc::keyabs].empty() && !doc.meta[keyds].empty()) {
doc.meta[Rcl::Doc::keyabs] = doc.meta[keyds];
return true;
// Collect the ipath from the current path in the document tree.
// While we're at it, we also set the mimetype and filename, which are special
// properties: we want to get them from the topmost doc
// with an ipath, not the last one which is usually text/plain
// We also set the author and modification time from the last doc
// which has them.
void FileInterner::collectIpathAndMT(Rcl::Doc& doc, string& ipath) const
bool hasipath = false;
// If there is no ipath stack, the mimetype is the one from the file
doc.mimetype = m_mimetype;
string ipathel;
for (vector<Dijon::Filter*>::const_iterator hit = m_handlers.begin();
hit != m_handlers.end(); hit++) {
const map<string, string>& docdata = (*hit)->get_meta_data();
if (getKeyValue(docdata, "ipath", ipathel)) {
if (!ipathel.empty()) {
// We have a non-empty ipath
hasipath = true;
getKeyValue(docdata, keymt, doc.mimetype);
getKeyValue(docdata, keyfn, doc.utf8fn);
ipath += ipathel + isep;
} else {
ipath += isep;
getKeyValue(docdata, keyau, doc.meta[Rcl::Doc::keyau]);
getKeyValue(docdata, keymd, doc.dmtime);
// Trim empty tail elements in ipath.
if (hasipath) {
LOGDEB2(("IPATH [%s]\n", ipath.c_str()));
string::size_type sit = ipath.find_last_not_of(isep);
if (sit == string::npos)
else if (sit < ipath.length() -1)
} else {
// Remove handler from stack. Clean up temp file if needed.
void FileInterner::popHandler()
if (m_handlers.empty())
int i = m_handlers.size()-1;
if (m_tmpflgs[i]) {
m_tmpflgs[i] = false;
// Just got document from current top handler. See what type it is,
// and possibly add a filter/handler to the stack
int FileInterner::addHandler()
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& docdata =
string charset, mimetype;
getKeyValue(docdata, keycs, charset);
getKeyValue(docdata, keymt, mimetype);
LOGDEB(("FileInterner::addHandler: next_doc is %s\n", mimetype.c_str()));
// If we find a document of the target type (text/plain in
// general), we're done decoding. If we hit text/plain, we're done
// in any case
if (!stringicmp(mimetype, m_targetMType) ||
!stringicmp(mimetype, stxtplain)) {
m_reachedMType = mimetype;
LOGDEB1(("FileInterner::addHandler: target reached\n"));
return ADD_BREAK;
// We need to stack another handler. Check stack size
if (m_handlers.size() > MAXHANDLERS) {
// Stack too big. Skip this and go on to check if there is
// something else in the current back()
LOGERR(("FileInterner::addHandler: stack too high\n"));
Dijon::Filter *newflt = getMimeHandler(mimetype, m_cfg);
if (!newflt) {
// If we can't find a handler, this doc can't be handled
// but there can be other ones so we go on
LOGINFO(("FileInterner::addHandler: no filter for [%s]\n",
m_forPreview ? "view" : "index");
newflt->set_property(Dijon::Filter::DEFAULT_CHARSET, charset);
// Get current content: we don't use getkeyvalue() here to avoid
// copying the text, which may be big.
string ns;
const string *txt = &ns;
map<string,string>::const_iterator it;
it = docdata.find(keyct);
if (it != docdata.end())
txt = &it->second;
bool setres = false;
if (newflt->is_data_input_ok(Dijon::Filter::DOCUMENT_STRING)) {
setres = newflt->set_document_string(*txt);
} else if (newflt->is_data_input_ok(Dijon::Filter::DOCUMENT_DATA)) {
setres = newflt->set_document_data(txt->c_str(), txt->length());
} else if (newflt->is_data_input_ok(Dijon::Filter::DOCUMENT_FILE_NAME)) {
string filename;
if (dataToTempFile(*txt, mimetype, filename)) {
if (!(setres = newflt->set_document_file(filename))) {
m_tmpflgs[m_handlers.size()-1] = false;
if (!setres) {
LOGINFO(("FileInterner::addHandler: set_doc failed inside %s "
" for mtype %s\n", m_fn.c_str(), mimetype.c_str()));
delete newflt;
if (m_forPreview)
return ADD_ERROR;
// add handler and go on, maybe this one will give us text...
LOGDEB1(("FileInterner::addHandler: added\n"));
return ADD_OK;
// Information and debug after a next_document error
void FileInterner::processNextDocError(Rcl::Doc &doc, string& ipath)
collectIpathAndMT(doc, ipath);
m_reason = m_handlers.back()->get_error();
checkExternalMissing(m_reason, doc.mimetype);
LOGERR(("FileInterner::internfile: next_document error "
"[%s%s%s] %s %s\n", m_fn.c_str(), ipath.empty() ? "" : "|",
ipath.c_str(), doc.mimetype.c_str(), m_reason.c_str()));
FileInterner::Status FileInterner::internfile(Rcl::Doc& doc, string& ipath)
LOGDEB(("FileInterner::internfile. ipath [%s]\n", ipath.c_str()));
if (m_handlers.size() < 1) {
// Just means the constructor failed
LOGERR(("FileInterner::internfile: constructor failed\n"));
return FIError;
// Input Ipath vector when retrieving a given subdoc for previewing
// Note that the vector is big enough for the maximum stack. All values
// over the last significant one are ""
// We set the ipath for the first handler here, others are set
// when they're pushed on the stack
vector<string> vipath(MAXHANDLERS);
int vipathidx = 0;
if (!ipath.empty()) {
list<string> lipath;
stringToTokens(ipath, lipath, isep, true);
vipath.insert(vipath.begin(), lipath.begin(), lipath.end());
if (!m_handlers.back()->skip_to_document(vipath[m_handlers.size()-1])){
LOGERR(("FileInterner::internfile: can't skip\n"));
return FIError;
// Try to get doc from the topmost handler
// Security counter: looping happens when we stack one other
// handler or when walking the file document tree without finding
// something to index (typical exemple: email with multiple image
// attachments and no image filter installed). So we need to be
// quite generous here, especially because there is another
// security in the form of a maximum handler stack size.
int loop = 0;
while (!m_handlers.empty()) {
if (loop++ > 1000) {
LOGERR(("FileInterner:: looping!\n"));
return FIError;
// If there are no more docs at the current top level we pop and
// see if there is something at the previous one
if (!m_handlers.back()->has_documents()) {
// While indexing, don't stop on next_document() error. There
// might be ie an error while decoding an attachment, but we
// still want to process the rest of the mbox! For preview: fatal.
if (!m_handlers.back()->next_document()) {
processNextDocError(doc, ipath);
if (m_forPreview)
return FIError;
// Look at the type for the next document and possibly add
// handler to stack.
switch (addHandler()) {
case ADD_OK: // Just go through: handler has been stacked, use it
// forget this doc and retrieve next from current handler
// (ipath stays same)
// Stop looping: doc type ok, need complete its processing
// and return it
goto breakloop; // when you have to you have to
case ADD_ERROR: return FIError;
if (!ipath.empty() &&
LOGERR(("FileInterner::internfile: can't skip\n"));
return FIError;
if (m_handlers.empty()) {
LOGERR(("FileInterner::internfile: conversion ended with no doc\n"));
return FIError;
// If indexing compute ipath and significant mimetype.
// ipath is returned through the parameter not doc.ipath We also
// retrieve some metadata fields from the ancesters (like date or
// author). This is useful for email attachments. The values will
// be replaced by those found by dijontorcl if any, so the order
// of calls is important.
if (!m_forPreview)
collectIpathAndMT(doc, ipath);
doc.mimetype = m_reachedMType;
// Keep this AFTER collectIpathAndMT
// Possibly destack so that we can test for FIDone. While doing this
// possibly set aside an ancestor html text (for the GUI preview)
while (!m_handlers.empty() && !m_handlers.back()->has_documents()) {
LOGDEB(("FileInterner::internfile: dstck filter fpv %d tgt %s\n",
m_forPreview, m_targetMType.c_str()));
if (m_forPreview) {
LOGDEB(("FileInterner::internfile: Testing for html handler\n"));
MimeHandlerHtml *hth =
if (hth) {
m_html = hth->get_html();
if (m_handlers.empty())
return FIDone;
return FIAgain;
class DirWiper {
string dir;
bool do_it;
DirWiper(string d) : dir(d), do_it(true) {}
~DirWiper() {
if (do_it) {
// Extract subdoc out of multidoc into temporary file.
// We do the usual internfile stuff: create a temporary directory,
// then create an interner and call internfile.
// We then write the data out of the resulting document into the output file.
bool FileInterner::idocTempFile(TempFile& otemp, RclConfig *cnf,
const string& fn,
const string& ipath,
const string& mtype)
struct stat st;
if (stat(fn.c_str(), &st) < 0) {
LOGERR(("FileInterner::idocTempFile: can't stat [%s]\n", fn.c_str()));
return false;
string tmpdir, reason;
if (!maketmpdir(tmpdir, reason))
return false;
DirWiper wiper(tmpdir);
FileInterner interner(fn, &st, cnf, tmpdir, &mtype);
Rcl::Doc doc;
string mipath = ipath;
Status ret = interner.internfile(doc, mipath);
if (ret == FileInterner::FIError) {
LOGERR(("FileInterner::idocTempFile: internfile() failed\n"));
return false;
TempFile temp(new TempFileInternal(cnf->getSuffixFromMimeType(mtype)));
if (!temp->ok()) {
LOGERR(("FileInterner::idocTempFile: cannot create temporary file"));
return false;
int fd = open(temp->filename(), O_WRONLY);
if (fd < 0) {
LOGERR(("FileInterner::idocTempFile: open(%s) failed errno %d\n",
temp->filename(), errno));
return false;
const string& dt = doc.text;
if (write(fd, dt.c_str(), dt.length()) != (int)dt.length()) {
LOGERR(("FileInterner::idocTempFile: write to %s failed errno %d\n",
temp->filename(), errno));
return false;
otemp = temp;
return true;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sys/stat.h>
using namespace std;
#include "debuglog.h"
#include "rclinit.h"
#include "internfile.h"
#include "rclconfig.h"
#include "rcldoc.h"
static string thisprog;
static string usage =
" internfile <filename> [ipath]\n"
" \n\n"
static void
cerr << thisprog << ": usage:\n" << usage;
static int op_flags;
#define OPT_q 0x1
RclConfig *config;
RclConfig *RclConfig::getMainConfig()
return config;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
thisprog = argv[0];
argc--; argv++;
while (argc > 0 && **argv == '-') {
if (!(**argv))
/* Cas du "adb - core" */
while (**argv)
switch (*(*argv)++) {
default: Usage(); break;
argc--; argv++;
if (argc < 1)
string fn(*argv++);
string ipath;
if (argc >= 1) {
string reason;
config = recollinit(0, 0, reason);
if (config == 0 || !config->ok()) {
string str = "Configuration problem: ";
str += reason;
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", str.c_str());
struct stat st;
if (stat(fn.c_str(), &st)) {
FileInterner interner(fn, &st, config, "/tmp");
Rcl::Doc doc;
FileInterner::Status status = interner.internfile(doc, ipath);
switch (status) {
case FileInterner::FIDone:
case FileInterner::FIAgain:
case FileInterner::FIError:
fprintf(stderr, "internfile failed\n");
cout << "doc.url [[[[" << doc.url <<
"]]]]\n-----------------------------------------------------\n" <<
"doc.ipath [[[[" << doc.ipath <<
"]]]]\n-----------------------------------------------------\n" <<
"doc.mimetype [[[[" << doc.mimetype <<
"]]]]\n-----------------------------------------------------\n" <<
"doc.fmtime [[[[" << doc.fmtime <<
"]]]]\n-----------------------------------------------------\n" <<
"doc.dmtime [[[[" << doc.dmtime <<
"]]]]\n-----------------------------------------------------\n" <<
"doc.origcharset [[[[" << doc.origcharset <<
"]]]]\n-----------------------------------------------------\n" <<
"doc.meta[title] [[[[" << doc.meta["title"] <<
"]]]]\n-----------------------------------------------------\n" <<
"doc.meta[keywords] [[[[" << doc.meta["keywords"] <<
"]]]]\n-----------------------------------------------------\n" <<
"doc.meta[abstract] [[[[" << doc.meta["abstract"] <<
"]]]]\n-----------------------------------------------------\n" <<
"doc.text [[[[" << doc.text << "]]]]\n";