Switch to side-by-side view

--- a/src/doc/user/usermanual.html
+++ b/src/doc/user/usermanual.html
@@ -5398,6 +5398,41 @@
         necessary in a different location, the index must be
+      <p>To make a long story short, here follows a script to
+      create a <span class="application">Recoll</span>
+      configuration and index under a given directory (given as
+      single parameter). The resulting data set (files + recoll
+      directory) can later to be moved to a CDROM or thumb drive.
+      Longer explanations come after the script.</p>
+      <pre class="programlisting">#!/bin/sh
+    echo $*;exit 1
+    fatal "Usage: init-recoll-volume.sh &lt;top-directory&gt;"
+test $# = 1 || usage
+test -d "$topdir" || fatal $topdir should be a directory
+test ! -d "$confdir" || fatal $confdir should not exist
+mkdir "$confdir"
+cd "$topdir"
+cd "$confdir"
+(echo topdirs = '"'$topdir'"'; \
+ echo orgidxconfdir = $topdir/recoll-config) &gt; "$confdir/recoll.conf"
+recollindex -c "$confdir"
       <p>The examples below will assume that you have a dataset
       under <code class="filename">/home/me/mydata/</code>, with
       the index configuration and data stored inside <code class=