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--- a
+++ b/website/pics/recoll-HTML_search_results.html
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+  <head>
+    <title>Photo</title>
+  </head>
+  <body>
+    <p><a href="recoll_chinese.html">Prev</a> <a href=".">Up</a> 
+          <a href="recoll0.html">Next</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+	  <a href="recoll-HTML_search_results.png">Raw Image</a></p>
+    <p>A customized result list, thanks to Michael Croes. The html code follows, 
+it should be pasted into the
+<i>Preferences->Query&nbsp;Configuration->Result&nbsp;paragraph&nbsp;format&nbsp;string</i> entry.
+&lt;table border="1" bgcolor="lightyellow">
+    &lt;tr>
+        &lt;td rowspan="4" width="40px" align="center"
+                valign="center">
+            &lt;img src="%I" width="32" height="32">
+            &lt;p>&lt;b>%R&lt;/b>&lt;/p>
+            &lt;p>&lt;a href="P%N">Aperçu&lt;/a>&lt;/p>
+        &lt;/td>
+        &lt;th colspan="3" bgcolor="lightgrey">%T&lt;/th>
+    &lt;/tr>
+    &lt;tr>
+        &lt;td align="center">%M&lt;/td>
+        &lt;td align="center">%D&lt;/td>
+        &lt;td align="center">%S&lt;/td>
+    &lt;/tr>
+    &lt;tr>
+        &lt;td colspan="3">&lt;a href="E%N">%U&lt;/a>&lt;/td>
+    &lt;/tr>
+    &lt;tr>
+        &lt;td colspan="3">%A&lt;/td>
+    &lt;/tr>
+    <p><img height="90%" src=recoll-HTML_search_results.png></p>
+  </body>