== Indexing Web history with the Firefox extension ==
Note: this document is valid for Recoll versions from 1.18.
The link:http://sourceforge.net/projects/recollfirefox/[Recoll Firefox
works together with Recoll to index the Web pages that you visit. The
extension is based on an older one which was initially written for the
Beagle indexer.
The extension works by copying the data for the visited pages to a queue
directory ('~/.recollweb/ToIndex' by default), from which they are
indexed and removed by Recoll, and then stored in a local cache.
The extension is now hosted on the Mozilla add-ons site, so you can install
it very simply in Firefox: link:https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/recoll-indexer-1/[Recoll Firefox add-on page].
This feature can be enabled in the Recoll GUI index configuration panel
(Web history section), or by editing the configuration file (set
+processwebqueue+ to 1).
Please remember that Recoll only stores a limited amount of cached web data
(adjustable from the GUI Index Configuration section), and that old pages
will be purged from the index. Pages that you want to archive permanently
need to be saved elsewhere, as they will otherwise eventually disappear
from the Recoll results.
Recoll will index +.maff+ files, which may be a better choice for archival