.\" $Id: recoll.conf.5,v 1.4 2006-11-20 18:07:02 dockes Exp $ (C) 2005 J.F.Dockes\$
.TH RECOLL.CONF 5 "8 January 2006"
recoll.conf \- main personal configuration file for Recoll
This file defines the indexation configuration for the full-text search
system Recoll.
The system-wide configuration file is normally located inside
/usr/[local]/share/recoll/examples. Any parameter set in the common file
may be overriden by setting it in the personal configuration file, by default:
.IR $HOME/.recoll/recoll.conf
A short extract of the file might look as follows:
# Space-separated list of directories to index.
topdirs = ~/docs /usr/share/doc
defaultcharset = utf-8
There are three kinds of lines:
.IP \(bu
Comment or empty
.IP \(bu
Parameter affectation
.IP \(bu
Section definition
Empty lines or lines beginning with # are ignored.
Affectation lines are in the form 'name = value'.
Section lines allow redefining a parameter for a directory subtree. Some of
the parameters used for indexaction are looked up hierarchically from the
more to the less specific. Not all parameters can be meaningfully
redefined, this is specified for each in the next section.
The tilde character (~) is expanded in file names to the name of the user's
home directory.
Where values are lists, white space is used for separation, and elements with
embedded spaces can be quoted with double-quotes.
.BI "topdirs = " directories
Specifies the list of directories to index (recursively).
.BI "skippedNames = " patterns
A space-separated list of patterns for names of files or directories that
should be completely ignored. The list defined in the default file is:
*~ #* bin CVS Cache caughtspam tmp
The list can be redefined for subdirectories, but is only actually changed
for the top level ones in
.I topdirs
.BI "loglevel = " value
Verbosity level for recoll and recollindex. A value of 4 lists quite a lot of
debug/information messages. 3 lists only errors.
.B daemloglevel
can be used to specify a different value for the real-time indexing daemon.
.BI "logfilename = " file
Where should the messages go. 'stderr' can be used as a special value.
.B daemlogfilename
can be used to specify a different value for the real-time indexing daemon.
.BI "filtersdir = " directory
A directory to search for the external filter scripts used to index some
types of files. The value should not be changed, except if you want to
modify one of the default scripts. The value can be redefined for any
.BI "indexstemminglanguages = " languages
A list of languages for which the stem expansion databases will be
built. See recollindex(1) for possible values.
.BI "iconsdir = " directory
The name of the directory where
.B recoll
result list icons are stored. You can change this if you want different
.BI "dbdir = " directory
The name of the Xapian database directory. It will be created if needed
when the database is initialized. If this is not an absolute pathname, it
will be taken relative to the configuration directory.
.BI "defaultcharset = " charset
The name of the character set used for files that do not contain a
character set definition (ie: plain text files). This can be redefined for
any subdirectory.
.BI "guesscharset = " boolean
Try to guess the character set of files if no internal value is available
(ie: for plain text files). This does not work well in general, and should
probably not be used.
.BI "indexallfilenames = " boolean
Recoll indexes file names into a special section of the database to allow
specific file names searches using wild cards. This parameter decides if
file name indexing is performed only for files with mime types that would
qualify them for full text indexation, or for all files inside
the selected subtrees, independant of mime type.
.BI "usesystemfilecommand = " boolean
Decide if we use the
.B "file -i"
system command as a final step for determining the mime type for a file
(the main procedure uses suffix associations as defined in the
.B mimemap
file). This can be useful for files with suffixless names, but it will
also cause the indexation of many bogus "text" files.
recollindex(1) recoll(1)