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--- a/website/BUGS.html
+++ b/website/BUGS.html
@@ -35,8 +35,13 @@
           supposedly fixed in later versions. Bugs listed in the
           topmost section may also exist in older versions.</i></p>
-      <h2><a name="b_latest">recoll 1.14.4 + xapian 1.2+ + qt 4.4.1+</a></h2> 
-      <ul>
+      <h2><a name="b_latest">recoll 1.15</a></h2> 
+      <ul>
+        <li>After an upgrade, the recoll GUI sometimes crashes on
+          startup. This is fixed by removing (back it up just in case)
+          ~/.config/Recoll.org/recoll.conf, the QSettings storage for
+          recoll.</li> 
 	<li>The new mutagen-based audio tags filter (rclaudio) only
 	  works with very recent mutagen
 	  versions. See <a href="filters/filters.html">here</a> for a