Commit Date  
add option -s to select stemming language
[54ec94] by dockes dockes
2009-12-08 Tree
added explicit flag parameter to Internfile con...
[7df2fe] by dockes dockes
2009-11-10 Tree
simplified db open by getting rid of the illusi...
[b9cc5f] by dockes dockes
2008-12-17 Tree
take care of splitting user string with respect...
[341496] by dockes dockes
2008-12-05 Tree
dont change recollq output, used for tests!
[34cd82] by dockes dockes
2008-10-13 Tree
move stemlang from RclQuery to SearchData. Allo...
[f0538b] by dockes dockes
2008-09-29 Tree
doc.pc now only place where relevancy is stored
[828dff] by dockes dockes
2008-09-29 Tree
move sort params from searchdata to rclquery
[6d48df] by dockes dockes
2008-09-29 Tree
command line args must be processed as local 8 bit
[304460] by dockes dockes
2008-09-24 Tree
general field name handling cleanup + sort faci...
[7d3048] by dockes dockes
2008-09-16 Tree
foundation work for configurable stored/indexed...
[89c3df] by dockes dockes
2008-09-08 Tree
separated rcldb and rclquery
[0e7a78] by dockes dockes
2008-06-13 Tree
gcc 4 compat, thanks to Kartik Mistry
[46a7f0] by dockes dockes
2007-12-13 Tree
keep format constant
[b8f33c] by dockes dockes
2007-11-13 Tree
allow recoll to be used as a recollq driver
[29b38f] by dockes dockes
2007-11-08 Tree
add -b option to only output url list
[7df32c] by dockes dockes
2007-11-08 Tree
added option to query language for filtering on...
[84a55d] by dockes dockes
2007-10-25 Tree
[2c9838] by dockes dockes
2007-06-19 Tree
[eaff4a] by dockes dockes
2007-06-12 Tree
added stopfile parameter
[907630] by dockes dockes
2007-06-08 Tree
adjust format to help the test set scripts
[e3cffd] by dockes dockes
2007-02-14 Tree
clarify temp dir usage in internfile
[e9de63] by dockes dockes
2007-02-08 Tree
*** empty log message ***
[d1772c] by dockes dockes
2007-02-07 Tree
[7f2ea2] by dockes dockes
2007-02-07 Tree

Showing 24 results of 24