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-    <title>Recoll 1.19 series release notes</title>
+  <title>Recoll 1.19 series release notes</title>
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+<h1>Release notes for Recoll 1.19.x</h1>
-      <h1>Release notes for Recoll 1.19.x</h1>
+<p><em>Installing over an older version</em>: 1.19 </p>
-      <h2>Caveats</h2>
+<p>Case/diacritics sensitivity is still off by default for this release. It can
+be turned on <em>only</em> by editing recoll.conf (<a
+href="usermanual/usermanual.html#RCL.INDEXING.CONFIG.SENS">see the manual</a>).
+If you do so, you must then reset the index.</p>
-      <p><em>Installing over an older version</em>: 1.19 
-        </p>
+<p>Always reset the index if you do not know by which version it was created
+(you're not sure it's 1.18). The simplest way to do this is to quit all Recoll
+programs and just delete the index directory (<span
+class="literal">rm��-rf��~/.recoll/xapiandb</span>), then start
+<code>recoll</code> or <code>recollindex</code>. <br>
+<span class="literal">recollindex��-z</span> ��will do the same in most, but
+not all, cases. It's better to use the <tt>rm</tt> method, which will also
+ensure that no debris from older releases remain (e.g.: old stemming files
+which are not used any more).</p>
-      <p>Case/diacritics sensitivity is still off by default for this
-        release. It can be turned on <em>only</em> by editing recoll.conf
-        (<a href="usermanual/usermanual.html#RCL.INDEXING.CONFIG.SENS">
-          see the manual</a>). If you do so, you must then reset the index.</p>
+<p>Installing 1.19 over an 1.18 index will force a lot of reindexing anyway
+because Recoll switched to using <i>st_ctime</i> instead of <i>st_mtime</i> to
+detect file modifications, meaning that all files which were modified since
+created will be updated.</p>
-      <p>Always reset the index if you do not know by which version it
-        was created (you're not sure it's 1.18). The simplest way to
-        do this is to quit all recoll programs and just delete the
-        index directory
-        (<span class="literal">rm&nbsp;-rf&nbsp;~/.recoll/xapiandb</span>),
-        then start recoll or recollindex. <br/>
-        <span class="literal">recollindex&nbsp;-z</span> &nbsp;will do
-        the same in most, but not all, cases. It's better to use
-        the <tt>rm</tt> method, which will also ensure that no debris
-        from older releases remain (e.g.: old stemming files which are
-        not used any more).</p>
+<p><span class="important">Viewer exceptions</span>: as in 1.18 (but we kept
+this section for 1.17 users), there is a list of mime types that should be
+opened with the locally configured application even when <em>Use Desktop
+Preferences</em> is checked. This allows making use of new functions (direct
+access to page), which could not be available through the desktop's
+<tt>xdg-open</tt>. The default list contains PDF, Postscript and DVI, which
+should be opened with the <em>evince</em> (or <em>atril</em> for Mint/MATE
+users) viewer for the page access functions to work. If you want to keep the
+previous behaviour (losing the page number functionality), you need to prune
+the list after installation . This can be done from the <em>Preferences-&gt;Gui
+Configuration</em> menu.</p>
-      <p>Installing 1.19 over an 1.18 index will force a lot of
-        reindexing anyway because Recoll switched from using st_ctime
-        instead of st_mtime to detect file modifications, meaning that
-        all files which were modified since created will be
-        updated.</p>
-      <p><span class="important">Viewer exceptions</span>: as in 1.18
-        (but we kept this section for 1.17 users), 
-        there is a list of mime types that should be opened with
-        the locally configured application even when <em>Use
-          Desktop Preferences</em> is checked. This allows making
-        use of new functions (direct access to page), which could not
-        be available through the desktop's <tt>xdg-open</tt>.  The
-        default list contains PDF, Postscript and DVI, which should be
-        opened with the <em>evince</em> (or <em>atril</em> for
-        Mint/MATE users) viewer for the page access functions to
-        work. If you want to keep the previous behaviour (losing the
-        page number functionality), you need to prune the list after
-        installation . This can be done from the <em>Preferences->Gui
-        Configuration</em> menu.</p>
-      <h2>Changes in Recoll 1.19.0</h2>
-      <ul>
-        <li>Indexing can use multiple threads. This can be a
-          major performance boost for people with multiprocessor
-          machines and big indexes. The threads setup is
-          roughly auto-configured when recollindex starts, based on
-          the number of processors, but it is also possible to taylor
-          it in the configuration. Here are some
-          <a href="http://www.recoll.org/idxthreads/threadingRecoll.html">
-            notes about the transformation and the performance
-            improvements</a>. There is also a 
-          <a href="http://www.recoll.org/usermanual/usermanual.html#RCL.INSTALL.CONFIG.RECOLLCONF.IDXTHREADS">
-            section in the manual</a> to describe the configuration.
-        </li> 
-        <li>There is a new result list/table popup menu option to
-          display all the sub-documents for a given one. This is
-          mostly useful to display the attachments to an email. The
-          resulting screen can be used to save a multiple selection of
-          the entries to files.</li>
-        <li>It is now possible to use OR with "dir:" clauses, and
-          wildcards have been enabled.</li>
-        <li>When the option to follow symbolic links is not set
-          -which is the default- symbolic links are now indexed as
-          such (name and content).</li>
-        <li>There are new GUI configuration options to run in "search
-          as you type" mode (which I don't find useful at all...), and
-          to disable the Qt auto-completion inside the simple search
-          string. The completion was often more confusing and ennoying than
-          useful, especially because it is case-insensitive when case
-          sometimes matter for Recoll searches (capitalization to
-          disable stemming).</li>
-        <li>When the option to collapse identical results is used,
-          documents which do have duplicates are shown with a
-          link to list the clones. This function needs new data from
-          the index, so it will only completely work after a full 1.19
-          reindex.</li>
-        <li>Recoll should now behave reasonably on video files: index
-          the name and propose an Open button in the result list to
-          start the configured player.</li>
-        <li>Thanks to Recoll
-          user <a href="https://github.com/koniu">Koniu</a>, you can now
-          access your Recoll indexes through a Web 
-          browser interface. The server side is based on
-          the <a href="http://bottlepy.org/docs/dev/">Bottle Python
-            Web framework</a> and the Recoll Python module, and can run
-            self-contained (no necessity to run apache or another web
-            server), so it's quite simple to set up. See:
-          See the <a href="https://github.com/koniu/recoll-webui/">
-            Recoll WebUI project</a> on GitHub. </li>
-        <li>Thanks to Recoll user David, there is now a filter to
-          index and retrieve <b>Lotus Notes</b> messages. See the
-          software 
-          <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/rcollnotesfiltr/">
-            site on sourceforge</a> and some 
-<a href="http://richardappleby.wordpress.com/2013/04/11/you-dont-have-to-know-the-answer-to-everything-just-how-to-find-it/">
-             notes</a> from a user with a slightly different
-             configuration.</li> 
-        <li>There is a new path translation facility, with a GUI
-          interface, to make it easier to share an index from a network
-          share on clients on which the mount points might be
-          different. This could also probably be put to use to design
-          a "portable index" feature (for removable media).</li>
-        <li>The first indexing run after Recoll installation (for a new
-          user) will run in a fashion which will put data likely to be
-          useful into the index faster, so that an impatient user can
-          more quickly try searches.</li>
-        <li>Implemented cache for last file uncompressed. This will
-          much improve usage, e.g. for people fetching successive
-          messages from a compressed mail folder.</li>
-        <li>Recollindex will now change its current directory to a
-          temporary one (e.g. /tmp) to mitigate the problems of some
-          filters creating temporary files and not cleaning them.</li>
-        <li>There is a new recursive reindex option to command line
-          indexer.</li>
-        <li>The default result list paragraph format has been slightly
-          tweaked (removed the relevance percentage and small ordering
-          and formatting changes).</li>
-        <li>Mime type wildcard expansion is now performed against the
-          index, not the configuration. This fixes many problems when
-          searching for, e.g., media files indexed only by name.</li>
-        <li>The choice for case/diacritics sensitivity is now fully
-          processed during wildcard expansion (for case-sensitive
-          indexes).</li> 
-        <li>The Snippets popup (list of pages and excerpts typically
-          produced for PDF documents) can now use an external
-          CSS stylesheet. This is useful because the Qt Webkit
-          objects do not fully inherit the Qt configuration so that,
-          for example, a style sheet is needed for using
-          a different background color. The style sheet is chosen
-          from the <tt>Preferences->GUI configuration->Result
-          list</tt> panel.</li> 
-        <li>Improved handling of filters during indexing resulting in
-          less subprocesses.</li>
-        <li>Added function to import tags from external application
-          (e.g. Tmsu).</li>
-        <li>Changed format for rclaptg field. Was colon-separated,
-          now uses normal value/attributes syntax with an empty value
-          like:
-          <pre>
-            localfields = ; attr1 = val1 ; attr2 = val2
-          </pre>
-        </li>
-        <li>Extended file attributes are now indexed by default. As a
-          side effect, recoll now uses st_ctime, not st_mtime to detect
-          file changes. This means that installing 1.19 will reindex
-          many files (all those that were modified since created).
-          Recoll now processes the <tt>charset</tt>
-          and <tt>mime_type</tt> standardized extended attributes.</li>
-        <li>The Python module has been expanded to include the
-          interface for extracting data. This means that you could now
-          write most of the Recoll GUI in Python if you wished. There
-          is
-          a <a href="https://bitbucket.org/medoc/recoll/src/5b4bd9ef26a1/src/python/samples/recollgui/qrecoll.py?at=default">bit
-          of sample code</a> in the source package doing just this. A
-          few incompatible changes had to be made to the Python
-          module. Especially the "Query.next" field is gone and the
-          module structure has been changed (different import
-          statement needed). Adapting your code is trivial, have a
-          look at the changes in
-          the <a href="https://bitbucket.org/medoc/recoll/src/5b4bd9ef26a10912bf8bd833fe6c084bd5a7bdbd/src/desktop/unity-lens-recoll/recollscope/rclsearch.py?at=default">Unity
-          Lens module</a> for an example. The new module is compatible
-          with
-          the <a href="http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0249/">Python
-          Database API Specification v2.0</a> for the parts that make
-          sense for a non-relational DB.</li>
-        <li>Recoll now uses a dynamic library for the code shared by
-          the query interface, the indexer and the Python
-          module. This should have no visible impact but was rendered
-          necessary by the Python module evolutions.</li>
-        <li>And quite a few <a href="BUGS.html#b_1_18_2">Fixed bugs</a></li>
-      </ul>
-    </div>
-  </body>
+<h2>Changes in Recoll 1.19.0</h2>
+  <li>Indexing can use multiple threads. This can be a major performance boost
+    for people with multiprocessor machines and big indexes. The threads setup
+    is roughly auto-configured when recollindex starts, based on the number of
+    processors, but it is also possible to taylor it in the configuration.There
+    is a <a
+    href="http://www.recoll.org/usermanual/usermanual.html#RCL.INSTALL.CONFIG.RECOLLCONF.IDXTHREADS">section
+    in the manual</a> to describe the configuration, and also some <a
+    href="http://www.recoll.org/idxthreads/threadingRecoll.html">notes about
+    the transformation and the performance improvements</a>. </li>
+  <li>There is a new result list/table popup menu option to display all the
+    sub-documents for a given one. This is mostly useful to display the
+    attachments to an email. The resulting screen can be used to select
+    multiple entries and save them to files.</li>
+  <li>It is now possible to use OR with "dir:" clauses, and wildcards have been
+    enabled.</li>
+  <li>When the option to follow symbolic links is not set -which is the
+    default- symbolic links are now indexed as such (name and content).</li>
+  <li>There are new GUI configuration options to run in "search as you type"
+    mode (which I don't find useful at all...), and to disable the Qt
+    auto-completion inside the simple search string. The completion was often
+    more confusing and ennoying than useful, especially because it is
+    case-insensitive when case sometimes matter for Recoll searches
+    (capitalization to disable stemming).</li>
+  <li>When the option to collapse identical results is used, documents which do
+    have duplicates are shown with a link to list the clones. This function
+    needs new data from the index, so it will only completely work after a full
+    1.19 reindex.</li>
+  <li>Recoll should now behave reasonably on video files: index the name and
+    propose an Open button in the result list to start the configured
+  player.</li>
+  <li>Thanks to Recoll user <a href="https://github.com/koniu">Koniu</a>, you
+    can now access your Recoll indexes through a Web browser interface. The
+    server side is based on the <a href="http://bottlepy.org/docs/dev/">Bottle
+    Python Web framework</a> and the Recoll Python module, and can run
+    self-contained (no necessity to run apache or another web server), so it's
+    quite simple to set up. See: See the <a
+    href="https://github.com/koniu/recoll-webui/">Recoll WebUI project</a> on
+    GitHub. </li>
+  <li>Thanks to Recoll user David, there is now a filter to index and retrieve
+    <b>Lotus Notes</b> messages. See the software <a
+    href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/rcollnotesfiltr/">site on
+    sourceforge</a> and some <a
+    href="http://richardappleby.wordpress.com/2013/04/11/you-dont-have-to-know-the-answer-to-everything-just-how-to-find-it/">notes</a>
+    from a user with a slightly different configuration.</li>
+  <li>There is a new path translation facility, with a GUI interface, to make
+    it easier to share an index from a network share on clients on which the
+    mount points might be different. This could also probably be put to use to
+    design a "portable index" feature (for removable media).</li>
+  <li>The first indexing run after Recoll installation (for a new user) will
+    run in a fashion which will put data likely to be useful into the index
+    faster, so that an impatient user can more quickly try searches.</li>
+  <li>Implemented cache for last file uncompressed. This will much improve
+    usage, e.g. for people fetching successive messages from a compressed mail
+    folder.</li>
+  <li>Recollindex will now change its current directory to a temporary one
+    (e.g. /tmp) to mitigate the problems of some filters creating temporary
+    files and not cleaning them.</li>
+  <li>There is a new recursive explicit reindex option to the command line
+    indexer.</li>
+  <li>The default result list paragraph format has been slightly tweaked
+    (removed the relevance percentage and small ordering and formatting
+    changes).</li>
+  <li>Mime type wildcard expansion is now performed against the index, not the
+    configuration. This fixes many problems when searching for, e.g., media
+    files indexed only by name.</li>
+  <li>The choice for case/diacritics sensitivity is now fully processed during
+    wildcard expansion (for case-sensitive indexes).</li>
+  <li>The Snippets popup (list of pages and excerpts typically produced for PDF
+    documents) can now use an external CSS stylesheet. This is useful because
+    the Qt Webkit objects do not fully inherit the Qt configuration so that,
+    for example, a style sheet is needed for using a different background
+    color. The style sheet is chosen from the <tt>Preferences-&gt;GUI
+    configuration-&gt;Result list</tt> panel.</li>
+  <li>Improved handling of filters during indexing resulting in less
+    subprocesses.</li>
+  <li>Added function to import tags from external application (e.g. Tmsu).</li>
+  <li>Changed format for rclaptg field. Was colon-separated, now uses normal
+    value/attributes syntax with an empty value like: 
+    <pre>            localfields = ; attr1 = val1 ; attr2 = val2
+    </pre>
+  </li>
+  <li>Extended file attributes are now indexed by default. As a side effect,
+    recoll now uses st_ctime, not st_mtime to detect file changes. This means
+    that installing 1.19 will reindex many files (all those that were modified
+    since created). Recoll also now processes the <tt>charset</tt> and
+    <tt>mime_type</tt> standardized extended attributes.</li>
+  <li>The Python module has been expanded to include the interface for
+    extracting data. This means that you could now write most of the Recoll GUI
+    in Python if you wished. There is a <a
+    href="https://bitbucket.org/medoc/recoll/src/5b4bd9ef26a1/src/python/samples/recollgui/qrecoll.py?at=default">bit
+    of sample code</a> in the source package doing just this. A few
+    incompatible changes had to be made to the Python module. Especially the
+    "Query.next" field is gone and the module structure has been changed
+    (different import statement needed). Adapting your code is trivial, have a
+    look at the changes in the <a
+    href="https://bitbucket.org/medoc/recoll/src/5b4bd9ef26a10912bf8bd833fe6c084bd5a7bdbd/src/desktop/unity-lens-recoll/recollscope/rclsearch.py?at=default">Unity
+    Lens module</a> for an example. The new module is compatible with the <a
+    href="http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0249/">Python Database API
+    Specification v2.0</a> for the parts that make sense for a non-relational
+    DB.</li>
+  <li>Recoll now uses a dynamic library for the code shared by the query
+    interface, the indexer and the Python module. This should have no visible
+    impact but was rendered necessary by the Python module evolutions.</li>
+  <li>And quite a few <a href="BUGS.html#b_1_18_2">Fixed bugs</a></li>