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--- a/website/doc.html
+++ b/website/doc.html
@@ -45,13 +45,12 @@
-      <h1>Howtos on the Recoll Wiki</h1>
+      <h1>Faqs and Howtos</h1>
       <p>You will find a number of useful tips for common
         issues and extensions on the 
-	  <a href="http://bitbucket.org/medoc/recoll/wiki/">
-	    Recoll Wiki</a> on 
-	  <a href="http://bitbucket.org/medoc/recoll">bitbucket.org</a>.</p>
+	  <a href="faqsandhowtos/index.html">
+	    Faqs and Howtos section</a>.
       <h1>Other documentation</h1>
@@ -65,11 +64,6 @@
       <li><a href="custom.html">Result list format samples.</a></li>
       <li><a href="idxthreads/threadingRecoll.html">Lessons learned
           while modifying Recoll indexing to be multithreaded</a>.</li>
-      <li><a href="http://bitbucket.org/medoc/recoll/wiki/FaqsAndHowTos">
-          Faqs and Howtos</a> are now kept in the 
-	  <a href="http://bitbucket.org/medoc/recoll/wiki/">
-	    Recoll Wiki</a> on 
-	  <a href="http://bitbucket.org/medoc/recoll">bitbucket.org</a>.</li>