Commit Date  
improved word extraction a bit (unicode punctua...
[d42db8] by dockes dockes
2005-02-11 Tree
*** empty log message ***
[40a590] by dockes dockes
2005-02-10 Tree
added support for openoffice and word + optimiz...
[152d47] by dockes dockes
2005-02-09 Tree
uncompression+linux port
[74434a] by dockes dockes
2005-02-04 Tree
added external filters and pdf handling
[d0aaf9] by dockes dockes
2005-02-01 Tree
*** empty log message ***
[cc512e] by dockes dockes
2005-02-01 Tree
first incarnation of indexing thread
[a93e61] by dockes dockes
2005-01-31 Tree
external viewer+ deleted doc purging
[a9200d] by dockes dockes
2005-01-29 Tree
[0b1827] by dockes dockes
2005-01-26 Tree
gui connected to rcldb (init)
[15855b] by dockes dockes
2005-01-25 Tree
*** empty log message ***
[521013] by dockes dockes
2005-01-24 Tree
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Showing results of 36