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-   Back to top
+   English spoken here
+   Je m'appelle Jean-Franc,ois Dockes et je suis ingenieur informaticien.
-     * Screenshots
-     * Downloads
-     * Credits
-     * User guide
-     * Installation
-   [IMG]
+   Je travaille principalement en independant, sur des projets de
+   developpement au forfait.
+   Comme vous pouvez le constater, je ne suis pas concepteur de pages
+   HTML..., mais j'ai d'autres talents, principalement autour du systeme
+   UNIX.
-  Introduction
+   Curriculum vitae: ici en Franc,ais or here in English.
-   This is Recoll, a personal full text indexing system.
+   Vous pouvez me joindre par messagerie: jean-francois.dockes@wanadoo.fr
-   Recoll is free and copyrighted under the GPL license, see COPYING inside
-   the distribution. A lot of the code is imported from other packages, see
-   the Credits.
+   Si vous faites partie d'une association qui a plus de besoins
+   informatiques que de moyens, vous pouvez aussi me contacter (que ce soit
+   pour un site web ou d'autres besoins internes).
-   Recoll is still in infancy, but it is based on a very strong backend
-   (Xapian), and it can actually be useful right now, which is why I release
-   it so early. You might be interested in using Recoll to index your home
-   directory instead of xapian's Omega, for example, if you do not want to
-   run a web server, or your data is not iso-8859-1. But the query features
-   are very, very, much weaker.
+   Il m'arrive aussi de faire de l'informatique pour m'amuser:
-   See INSTALL inside the distribution for compiling and installing, very
-   much by hand for now, I hope it will become better in the near future.
-  Features:
-     * Easy installation. No database daemon, web server or exotic language
-       necessary. The idea is that EVERYBODY should index their files because
-       it makes life easier.
-     * Indexes text, html, pdf (with xpdf's pdftotext),postscript (with
-       ghostscript's pstotext), msword (with antiword), and openoffice files.
-       Deals with compressed versions of same.
-     * Support for multiple charsets. Internal processing and storage uses
-       Unicode UTF-8.
-     * Stemming performed at query time (can switch stemming language after
-       indexing)
-     * An ugly GUI, qt-based, written with qt Designer.
-     * An indexer which runs either as a thread inside the GUI or as an
-       external, cron'able program.
-  Things lacking, coming in the not too far future:
-     * Mail folder indexing. It would be quite easy to add for single message
-       folders right now, more complicated for concatenated ones. This is
-       first priority.
-     * A more sophisticated query interface: the current one has no boolean
-       capabilities.
-     * A pretty GUI (see above)
-     * An interactive configuration tool. You need to edit files by hand for
-       now.
-     * Packages, rpm or other. It's all tar files currently.
-     * A build system, autoconf et al.
-     * Documentation and help.
-     * A few more filters for less common file types.
-  Using recoll
-     * Use File->Index to build/rebuild the database (what to index is
-       defined in the configuration file, see the install doc).
-     * Enter search terms in the upper left text field. There is no query
-       language right now, the search only understand probabilistic terms
-       (just words...), and double-quote enclosed phrases. Click Search or
-       type CR
-     * A result list should appear in the left pane. You can use the
-       Next/Prev buttons to paginate.
-     * Clicking on an entry in the list will display a preview in the right
-       pane -- This can take some time for big postscript or pdf files, as
-       the file is converted on the fly for preview --
-     * Double-clicking on an entry should launch an external viewer, as
-       specified in the mimeconf file (see INSTALL). This doesn't work for
-       compressed files for now.
-   I very much welcome suggestions or (gasp) code
-   In hope that this can be useful to somebody, it already is for me.
-  Downloads
-   Current version: 0.6 (tar.gz)
-   Older: 0.5
-  Installation
-   See the INSTALL file.
-  Credits
-   Recoll is mainly a little glue code, and most of the intelligent work uses
-   code from external projects (xapian, estraier, unac, iconv).
-   Recoll borrows (steals?) heavily from the following projects. I tried to
-   include the relevant copyright attributions with the code. Any omission is
-   unintentional and will be fixed as soon as notified.
-     * Xapian: The database module (core) is used unmodified, and quite a lot
-       of code has been borrowed from Omega, the web-based search application
-       (ie: the html parser, plus miscellaneous bits and ideas).
-     * Estraier: Miscellaneous bits of codes and ideas, especially for
-       charset handling, and code from external filters.
-     * Unac: for accent removal. This is a relatively small package, not that
-       easy to find, it has been integrated almost unmodified in the Recoll
-       package.
-     * Iconv, for character set conversion.
-    jean-francois.dockes@wanadoo.fr
+     * Recoll est un systeme de recherche textuelle personnel (desktop
+       search) pour Unix et Linux
+     * Sqlscreens est un generateur d'ecrans pour bases de donnees ecrit en
+       TCL/TK, gratuit et d'usage libre.
+     * Writemime est un module C++ qui facilite l'envoi de message MIME (avec
+       par exemple des fichiers attaches) `a partir d'un programme
+     * lesbonscomptes vous aide `a faire vos comptes quand vous partez en
+       vacances avec des amis
+     * psxtcl peut vous interesser si vous etes bricoleur et que vous aimez
+       bien interfacer des elements du vrai monde avec votre PC
+     * J'ai porte l'agenda TCL/TK ical de Sanjay Ghemawat sous WINDOWS. Cel`a
+       peut vous interesser si vous avez, comme moi, une famille multi-OS, et
+       que vous souhaitez tout de meme partager votre planning avec votre
+       moitie.
+     * Quand j'ai compris quelque chose (c'est rare), j'aime bien
+       rentabiliser l'evenement en faisant gagner du temps `a d'autres. Il
+       m'arrive d'ecrire un peu de documentation (pages en anglais):
+          * FreeBSD diskless operation.
+          * FreeBSD kernel sound subsystem.
+     * J'ai aussi mis en place le site de l'association Nautique Sevres
+       (activites nautiques et construction/restauration de bateaux `a Sevres
+       (92)). L`a c'est encore plus evident que j'aurais besoin de l'aide
+       d'un bon graphiste. Des volontaires ? Mais en fait, mon activite
+       principale `a Nautique Sevres, c'est de construire un bateau.