Parent: [3cda80] (diff)

Child: [9c608e] (diff)

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recoll.conf    59 lines (43 with data), 1.7 kB

loglevel = 6
logfilename = /tmp/logrcltst

daemloglevel = 6
daemlogfilename = /tmp/rclmontrace

systemfilecommand = xdg-mime query filetype

indexStripChars = 1
detectxattronly = 1

topdirs = /home/dockes/projets/fulltext/testrecoll

#thrQSizes = -1 -1 -1

# Adding to skippedNames
skippedNames+ = notinskippednames
# Removing from skippedNames
skippedNames- = recollrc

# Adding to noContentSuffixes
noContentSuffixes+ = .nosuff
# Removing from noContentSuffixes
noContentSuffixes- = .md5

# Comics_12 causes rclppt to loop. We keep it around for general testing
# but it takes too much time when running the test-set
skippedPaths = \
     /home/dockes/projets/fulltext/testrecoll/.hg \
     /home/dockes/projets/fulltext/testrecoll/skipped/real* \
     /home/dockes/projets/fulltext/testrecoll/config \
daemSkippedPaths =  \
     /home/dockes/projets/fulltext/testrecoll/.hg \
    /home/dockes/projets/fulltext/testrecoll/skipped/real* \

unac_except_trans = åå Åå ää Ää öö Öö üü Üü ßss œoe Œoe æae ÆAE fifi flfl

defaultcharset = utf-8
defaultcharset = KOI8-R

localfields = rclaptg=gnuinfo

mhmboxquirks = tbird

localfields= ; keyword = ckjtsthuniique; blabla= "some string"

indexedmimetypes = text/plain

excludedmimetypes = text/plain