#ifndef _RECOLL_H
/* @(#$Id: kio_recoll.h,v 1.15 2008-12-16 17:28:10 dockes Exp $ (C) 2005 J.F.Dockes */
#define _RECOLL_H
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <string>
using std::string;
#include <qglobal.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <kio/global.h>
#include <kio/slavebase.h>
#include <kdeversion.h>
#include "rclconfig.h"
#include "rcldb.h"
#include "reslistpager.h"
#include "docseq.h"
#include "refcntr.h"
class RecollProtocol;
/** Specialize the recoll html pager for the kind of links we use etc. */
class RecollKioPager : public ResListPager {
RecollKioPager() : m_parent(0) {}
void setParent(RecollProtocol *proto) {m_parent = proto;}
virtual bool append(const string& data);
virtual bool append(const string& data, int, const Rcl::Doc&)
{return append(data);}
virtual string detailsLink();
virtual const string &parFormat();
virtual string nextUrl();
virtual string prevUrl();
virtual string pageTop();
RecollProtocol *m_parent;
class QueryDesc {
QueryDesc() : opt("l"), page(0), isDetReq(false) {}
QString query;
QString opt;
int page;
bool isDetReq;
bool sameQuery(const QueryDesc& o) const {
return !opt.compare(o.opt) && !query.compare(o.query);
// Our virtual tree is a bit complicated. We need a class to analyse an URL
// and tell what we should do with it
class UrlIngester {
UrlIngester(RecollProtocol *p, const KUrl& url);
bool isRootEntry(RootEntryType *tp) {
if (m_type != UIMT_ROOTENTRY) return false;
*tp = m_retType;
return true;
bool isQuery(QueryDesc *q) {
if (m_type != UIMT_QUERY) return false;
*q = m_query;
return true;
bool isResult(QueryDesc *q, int *num) {
if (m_type != UIMT_QUERYRESULT) return false;
*q = m_query;
*num = m_resnum;
return true;
bool isPreview(QueryDesc *q, int *num) {
if (m_type != UIMT_PREVIEW) return false;
*q = m_query;
*num = m_resnum;
return true;
bool endSlashQuery() {return m_slashend;}
bool alwaysDir() {return m_alwaysdir;}
RecollProtocol *m_parent;
QueryDesc m_query;
bool m_slashend;
bool m_alwaysdir;
RootEntryType m_retType;
int m_resnum;
MyType m_type;
* A KIO slave to execute and display Recoll searches.
* Things are made a little complicated because KIO slaves can't hope
* that their internal state will remain consistent with their user
* application state: slaves die, are restarted, reused, at random
* between requests.
* In our case, this means that any request has to be processed
* without reference to the last operation performed. Ie, if the
* search parameters are not those from the last request, the search
* must be restarted anew. This happens for example with different
* searches in 2 konqueror screens: typically only one kio_slave will
* be used.
* The fact that we check if the search is the same as the last one,
* to avoid restarting is an optimization, not the base mechanism
* (contrary to what was initially assumed, and may have left a few
* crumbs around).
* We have two modes of operation, one based on html forms and result
* pages, which can potentially be developped to the full Recoll
* functionality, and one based on a directory listing model, which
* will always be more limited, but may be useful in some cases to
* allow easy copying of files etc. Which one is in use is decided by
* the form of the URL.
class RecollProtocol : public KIO::SlaveBase {
RecollProtocol(const QByteArray &pool, const QByteArray &app );
virtual ~RecollProtocol();
virtual void mimetype(const KUrl& url);
virtual void get(const KUrl& url);
// The directory mode is not available with KDE 4.0, I could find
// no way to avoid crashing kdirmodel
#if KDE_IS_VERSION(4,1,0)
virtual void stat(const KUrl & url);
virtual void listDir(const KUrl& url);
static RclConfig *o_rclconfig;
friend class RecollKioPager;
friend class UrlIngester;
bool maybeOpenDb(string& reason);
bool URLToQuery(const KUrl &url, QString& q, QString& opt, int *page=0);
bool doSearch(const QueryDesc& qd);
void searchPage();
void queryDetails();
string makeQueryUrl(int page, bool isdet = false);
bool syncSearch(const QueryDesc& qd);
void htmlDoSearch(const QueryDesc& qd);
void showPreview(const Rcl::Doc& doc);
bool isRecollResult(const KUrl &url, int *num, QString* q);
bool m_initok;
Rcl::Db *m_rcldb;
string m_reason;
bool m_alwaysdir;
// Search state: because of how the KIO slaves are used / reused,
// we can't be sure that the next request will be for the same
// search, and we need to check and restart one if the data
// changes. This is very wasteful but hopefully won't happen too
// much in actual use. One possible workaround for some scenarios
// (one slave several konqueror windows) would be to have a small
// cache of recent searches kept open.
RecollKioPager m_pager;
RefCntr<DocSequence> m_source;
// Note: page here is not used, current page always comes from m_pager.
QueryDesc m_query;
extern "C" {int kdemain(int, char**);}
#endif // _RECOLL_H