Commit Date  
general field name handling cleanup + sort faci...
[7d3048] by dockes dockes
2008-09-16 Tree
foundation work for configurable stored/indexed...
[89c3df] by dockes dockes
2008-09-08 Tree
[a4498c] by dockes dockes
2008-08-26 Tree
[269efc] by dockes dockes
2008-07-29 Tree
use explicit parent udi term instead of Qterm s...
[24ac62] by dockes dockes
2008-07-29 Tree
replaced path|ipath with unique doc id in rcldb...
[3109a3] by dockes dockes
2008-07-28 Tree
begin i/f cleanup: opacify doc uptodate sig (si...
[ca4a4e] by dockes dockes
2008-07-28 Tree
added open-ended field name handling
[0c74bd] by dockes dockes
2007-06-19 Tree
added field/prefixes for author and title + com...
[1d683a] by dockes dockes
2007-01-17 Tree
split rcldb.h -> rcldoc.h
[1973c0] by dockes dockes
2006-12-14 Tree

Showing 10 results of 10