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INSTALL    105 lines (76 with data), 3.9 kB

Installation instructions:

Recoll is a very young package, and installation will probably more painful
than necessary, please excuse me for this until I have time to work on
it. I should probably not release this at all, except that I would like

If you have problems, please don't renounce, ask me instead

Building from source

To build from source, you need the following packages. Except if you're
using a really strange system, you can probably easily find, or already
have, a precompiled version of iconv, and maybe qt.

    - qt and qt-devel ( Currently using 3.3.3
    - xapian-core  ( Currently using 0.8.5
    - libiconv ( Currently using
      1.9, on Linux it's part of the libc, you should have nothing special
      to do.
The main trouble you'll have will probably be resolving the dependencies
dependancies for qt, but, hopefully, your package manager will take care of
the matter.


I have only built on Linux (redhat7.3) and FreeBSD for now, if you build on
another system, I would very much welcome comments and patches
There is no autoconf for now. You need to chose a file in the mk directory,
and link it into a file named 'sysconf' there. If your system is not
supported by the supplied files, it should be easy enough to build a new
one from the examples (then send it to me please).

You also need to adjust the file inside the qtgui directory to
fix the "-L/usr/local/lib -lxapian -liconv" piece, depending on where your
libs are installed. Then run 'qmake' in there.

Then cd to the top directory, type make, and practise your usual
hardship-repelling invocations. 

 - Copy all files from sampleconf/* to ~/.recoll
 - Copy all files from filters/* to ~/.recoll.
 - Copy qtgui/recoll to a place in your PATH (if you want. You can also
   execute it from its build directory).


Recoll uses a text configuration file. There will be dialogs to build it
from the GUI in the future, but you'll have to edit it by hand for now.

By default, the configuration file should be named ~/.recoll/recoll.conf

There is a sample in the 'sampleconf' src/ subdirectory, you copied it to
~/.recoll at the step before, take a look and possibly edit it.

Then start 'recoll', and select the "file->start indexing" menu
entry. When it's done, you can play with the search

The very simple Gui should be easy enough to use. Clicking on a search
result entry in the left column will display it in the left
part. Double-clicking will start an external viewer (look at the
~/.recoll/mimeconf file to see how these are configured).

Future from here on, there are currently no binary packages ...
Installing a binary package:

There are no rpm or other managed packages for now.

 - Unpack the tar file. Will create a recoll-x.y directory
 - Arrange to have the recoll-x.y/bin directory in your PATH, or copy/link the
   'recoll' executable where it will be found.

 - Copy the files from the sampleconf directory somewhere. The default
   location is $HOME/.recoll/ If you choose another location, you will have
   to set the RECOLL_CONFDIR environment variable.

 - Possibly adjust the recoll.conf file. The default should be fine for
   trying in most cases.
 - Possibly adjust the mimeconf file, especially the external viewer
   section, depending on what you are using (ie acrobat vs xpdf, etc...)

 - Start the 'recoll' program. After displaying a dialog, it will normally
   begin to index the directories specified in recoll.conf.