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More documentation can be found in the doc/ directory or at

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                               Recoll user manual
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                            Chapter 4. Installation

   Table of Contents

   4.1. Building from source

   4.2. Installing a prebuilt copy

   4.3. Configuration overview

                           4.1. Building from source

4.1.1. Prerequisites

   At the very least, you will need to download and install the xapian core
   package (Recoll currently uses version 0.9.2), and the qt runtime and
   development packages (Recoll currently uses version 3.3.3).

   You will most probably be able to find a binary package for qt for your
   system. You may have to compile Xapian, but this is not difficult (if you
   are using FreeBSD, there is a port).

   You may also need libiconv. Recoll currently uses version 1.9 (this should
   not be critical). On Linux systems, the iconv interface is part of libc
   and you should not need to do anything special.

   External file types. Recoll uses external applications to index some file
   types. You need to install them for the file types that you wish to have

     * MS Word: antiword.

     * PDF: pdftotext is part of the Xpdf package.

     * Postscript: pstotext.

     * RTF: unrtf

4.1.2. Building

   Recoll has been built on Linux (redhat7.3, mandriva 2005), FreeBSD and
   Solaris 8. If you build on another system, I would very much welcome

   Normal procedure:

         cd recoll-xxx
         (practises usual hardship-repelling invocations)

   There little autoconfiguration. The configure script will mainly link one
   of the system-specific files in the mk directory to mk/sysconf. If your
   system is not known yet, it will tell you as much, and you may want to
   manually copy and modify one of the existing files (the new file name
   should be the output of uname -s).

4.1.3. Installation

   Either type make install or execute recollinstall targetdir, in the root
   of the source tree. This will copy the commands to $targetdir/bin and the
   sample configuration files, scripts and other shared data to


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   Customising the search interface                Installing a prebuilt copy