Commit Date  
merged 1.6 maint branch modifs up to MERGED_TO_...
[72fd14] by dockes dockes
2006-11-30 Tree
added stem expansion mode to term explorer
[eec85a] by dockes dockes
2006-11-21 Tree
wrote manual for term explorer and fixed a few ...
[b4a4eb] by dockes dockes
2006-11-06 Tree
fix aspell version of term explorer
[0cf3b3] by dockes dockes
2006-11-04 Tree
Turn spell tool into multimode spell/wild/regexp
[1ab0a3] by dockes dockes
2006-10-30 Tree
dbl click in spell win to add to ssearch
[cca706] by dockes dockes
2006-10-15 Tree
1st full version of aspell support
[99372e] by dockes dockes
2006-10-11 Tree

Showing 7 results of 7