Commit Date  
fixed docs + removed dead code
[c641cb] by dockes dockes
2009-01-16 Tree
updated kioslave for small changes in reslistpa...
[ccdfe9] by dockes dockes
2008-12-16 Tree
kio: use right ipath for preview
[58d859] by dockes dockes
2008-12-15 Tree
set name as preview title
[e4bf6f] by dockes dockes
2008-12-08 Tree
[9e7409] by dockes dockes
2008-12-08 Tree
kio_recoll: html/dir switching
[3e3114] by dockes dockes
2008-12-04 Tree
cleaned up virtual tree and url handling. Drag ...
[0b649a] by dockes dockes
2008-12-03 Tree
kio goes to testing
[812250] by dockes dockes
2008-12-02 Tree
small cleanups and comments. Still some weirdness
[dbe29d] by dockes dockes
2008-12-01 Tree
seems to work by re-rerunning search whenever i...
[e10691] by dockes dockes
2008-12-01 Tree
bits of dual mode working
[a494ed] by dockes dockes
2008-11-27 Tree
listdir doesnt work on kde 4.0 because on paren...
[b43337] by dockes dockes
2008-11-26 Tree

Showing 12 results of 12