Commit | Date | |
fixed typo that would prevent stopfile use
[7cb106] by dockes |
2009-01-21 | Tree |
removed unused variable
[5b879e] by dockes |
2009-01-15 | Tree |
minor visibility cleanup
[98dcf8] by dockes |
2009-01-13 | Tree |
compute md5 checksums for all docs and optional...
[f57d4a] by dockes |
2009-01-09 | Tree |
got rid of pathhash in rcldb, not used since 11.0
[b6f3c9] by dockes |
2009-01-09 | Tree |
getMainConfig not actually needed and possibly ...
[d9b9b4] by dockes |
2008-12-19 | Tree |
dont unaccent japanese + fix bug in unac/split ...
[0821f0] by dockes |
2008-12-19 | Tree |
fix to previous abstract fix
[a4dda8] by dockes |
2008-12-17 | Tree |
fix abstract generation when the match term is ...
[4eebdf] by dockes |
2008-12-17 | Tree |
[5463ea] by dockes |
2008-12-17 | Tree |
simplified db open by getting rid of the illusi...
[b9cc5f] by dockes |
2008-12-17 | Tree |
make gcc happy
[c0689d] by dockes |
2008-12-15 | Tree |
reorganize code + add boost to phrase element t...
[5d2791] by dockes |
2008-12-15 | Tree |
dont insert space in cjk abstracts
[64ef8d] by dockes |
2008-12-12 | Tree |
message level
[d318f5] by dockes |
2008-12-12 | Tree |
take care of splitting user string with respect...
[341496] by dockes |
2008-12-05 | Tree |
kio_recoll: html/dir switching
[3e3114] by dockes |
2008-12-04 | Tree |
highlighting would not work with cat filt activ...
[b6936d] by dockes |
2008-10-14 | Tree |
let rclconfig take care of field name lowercasing
[b93226] by dockes |
2008-10-07 | Tree |
added index format version checking
[722094] by dockes |
2008-09-30 | Tree |
move stemlang from RclQuery to SearchData. Allo...
[f0538b] by dockes |
2008-09-29 | Tree |
doc.pc now only place where relevancy is stored
[828dff] by dockes |
2008-09-29 | Tree |
move sort params from searchdata to rclquery
[6d48df] by dockes |
2008-09-29 | Tree |
general field name handling cleanup + sort faci...
[7d3048] by dockes |
2008-09-16 | Tree |
debug messages
[29c04d] by dockes |
2008-09-09 | Tree |