* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
/* @(#$Id: rclconfig.h,v 1.43 2008-11-24 15:47:40 dockes Exp $ (C) 2004 J.F.Dockes */
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <map>
#include <set>
using std::list;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using std::pair;
using std::set;
using std::map;
using std::set;
#include "conftree.h"
#include "smallut.h"
class RclConfig {
// Constructor: we normally look for a configuration file, except
// if this was specified on the command line and passed through
// argcnf
RclConfig(const string *argcnf = 0);
// Main programs must implement this, it avoids having to carry
// the configuration parameter everywhere. Places where several
// RclConfig instances might be needed will take care of
// themselves.
static RclConfig* getMainConfig();
// Return a writable clone of the main config. This belongs to the
// caller (must delete it when done)
ConfNull *cloneMainConfig();
/** (re)Read recoll.conf */
bool updateMainConfig();
bool ok() {return m_ok;}
const string &getReason() {return m_reason;}
/** Return the directory where this configuration is stored */
string getConfDir() {return m_confdir;}
/** Get the local value for /usr/local/share/recoll/ */
const string& getDatadir() {return m_datadir;}
/** Set current directory reference, and fetch automatic parameters. */
void setKeyDir(const string &dir);
string getKeyDir() const {return m_keydir;}
/** Get generic configuration parameter according to current keydir */
bool getConfParam(const string &name, string &value)
if (m_conf == 0)
return false;
return m_conf->get(name, value, m_keydir);
/** Variant with autoconversion to int */
bool getConfParam(const std::string &name, int *value);
/** Variant with autoconversion to bool */
bool getConfParam(const std::string &name, bool *value);
/** Get default charset for current keydir (was set during setKeydir)
* filenames are handled differently */
const string &getDefCharset(bool filename = false);
/** Get guessCharset for current keydir (was set during setKeydir) */
bool getGuessCharset() {return guesscharset;}
/** Get list of top directories. This is needed from a number of places
* and needs some cleaning-up code. An empty list is always an error, no
* need for other status */
list<string> getTopdirs();
/** Get database directory */
string getDbDir();
/** Get stoplist file name */
string getStopfile();
/** Get list of skipped file names for current keydir */
list<string> getSkippedNames();
/** Get list of skipped paths patterns. Doesn't depend on the keydir */
list<string> getSkippedPaths();
/** Get list of skipped paths patterns, daemon version (may add some)
Doesn't depend on the keydir */
list<string> getDaemSkippedPaths();
* Check if file name should be ignored because of suffix
* The list of ignored suffixes is initialized on first call, and
* not changed for subsequent setKeydirs.
bool inStopSuffixes(const string& fn);
* Check in mimeconf if input mime type is a compressed one, and
* return command to uncompress if it is.
* The returned command has substitutable places for input file name
* and temp dir name, and will return output name
bool getUncompressor(const string &mtpe, list<string>& cmd);
/** mimemap: compute mimetype */
string getMimeTypeFromSuffix(const string &suffix);
/** mimemap: get a list of all indexable mime types defined */
list<string> getAllMimeTypes();
/** mimemap: Get appropriate suffix for mime type. This is inefficient */
string getSuffixFromMimeType(const string &mt);
/** mimeconf: get input filter for mimetype */
string getMimeHandlerDef(const string &mimetype, bool filtertypes=false);
/** mimeconf: get icon name for mimetype */
string getMimeIconName(const string &mtype, string *path = 0);
/** mimeconf: get list of file categories */
bool getMimeCategories(list<string>&);
/** mimeconf: is parameter one of the categories ? */
bool isMimeCategory(string&);
/** mimeconf: get list of mime types for category */
bool getMimeCatTypes(const string& cat, list<string>&);
/** fields: get field prefix from field name */
bool getFieldPrefix(const string& fldname, string &pfx);
/** Get implied meanings for field name (ie: author->[author, from]) */
bool getFieldSpecialisations(const string& fld,
list<string>& childrens, bool top = true);
/** Get prefixes for specialisations of field name */
bool getFieldSpecialisationPrefixes(const string& fld,
list<string>& pfxes);
const set<string>& getStoredFields() {return m_storedFields;}
/** Get canonic name for possible alias */
string fieldCanon(const string& fld);
/** Get xattr name to field names translations */
const map<string, string>& getXattrToField() {return m_xattrtofld;}
/** mimeview: get/set external viewer exec string(s) for mimetype(s) */
string getMimeViewerDef(const string &mimetype);
bool getMimeViewerDefs(vector<pair<string, string> >&);
bool setMimeViewerDef(const string& mimetype, const string& cmd);
/** Store/retrieve missing helpers description string */
string getMissingHelperDesc();
void storeMissingHelperDesc(const string &s);
/** Find exec file for external filter. cmd is the command name from the
* command string returned by getMimeHandlerDef */
string findFilter(const string& cmd);
~RclConfig() {
RclConfig(const RclConfig &r) {
RclConfig& operator=(const RclConfig &r) {
if (this != &r) {
return *this;
list<string> getConfNames(const string &sk) {
return m_conf->getNames(sk);
int m_ok;
string m_reason; // Explanation for bad state
string m_confdir; // User directory where the customized files are stored
string m_datadir; // Example: /usr/local/share/recoll
string m_keydir; // Current directory used for parameter fetches.
list<string> m_cdirs; // directory stack for the confstacks
ConfStack<ConfTree> *m_conf; // Parsed configuration files
ConfStack<ConfTree> *mimemap; // The files don't change with keydir,
ConfStack<ConfSimple> *mimeconf; // but their content may depend on it.
ConfStack<ConfSimple> *mimeview; //
ConfStack<ConfSimple> *m_fields;
map<string, string> m_fldtopfx;
map<string, string> m_aliastocanon;
set<string> m_storedFields;
map<string, string> m_xattrtofld;
void *m_stopsuffixes;
unsigned int m_maxsufflen;
// Parameters auto-fetched on setkeydir
string defcharset; // These are stored locally to avoid
bool guesscharset; // They are fetched initially or on setKeydir()
// Limiting set of mime types to be processed. Normally empty.
string m_rmtstr;
set<string> m_restrictMTypes;
/** Create initial user configuration */
bool initUserConfig();
/** Copy from other */
void initFrom(const RclConfig& r);
/** Init pointers to 0 */
void zeroMe() {
m_ok = false;
m_conf = 0;
mimemap = 0;
mimeconf = 0;
mimeview = 0;
m_fields = 0;
m_stopsuffixes = 0;
m_maxsufflen = 0;
/** Free data then zero pointers */
void freeAll();
bool readFieldsConfig(const string& errloc);