Commit Date  
include assert.h when needed
[ea7d3c] by dockes dockes
2007-09-22 Tree
initial cjk support
[069d71] by dockes dockes
2007-09-20 Tree
cleaned and speeded up utf8iter
[a573fb] by dockes dockes
2006-11-20 Tree
removed not strictly needed error checking code
[df286f] by dockes dockes
2006-11-17 Tree
*** empty log message ***
[3872f8] by dockes dockes
2006-01-30 Tree
more textsplit tweaking
[8c9eb8] by dockes dockes
2006-01-28 Tree
freebsd 4 port
[ae6ce2] by dockes dockes
2005-12-07 Tree
checkpoint after long pause
[6f66d9] by dockes dockes
2005-03-17 Tree
improved word extraction a bit (unicode punctua...
[d42db8] by dockes dockes
2005-02-11 Tree
*** empty log message ***
[40a590] by dockes dockes
2005-02-10 Tree

Showing 10 results of 10