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recoll_uk.qm    36 lines (36 with data), 29.6 kB

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AdvSearchBase> :0B53>@VOE
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AdvSearchBase@81@0B8 ?>;5
Delete clause
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AdvSearchBase3=>@>20=VIgnored file types
AdvSearchBase(1<568B8 B8?8 D09;V2Restrict file types
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=45:AC20B8 B0:>6 =0728 D09;V2, 2<VAB O:8E =5 <>65 1CB8 2?V7=0=> G8 >1@>1;5=> (=52V4><89 01> =5?V4B@8<C20=89 B8? MIME).  "8?>2> "B0:"}Index the names of files for which the contents cannot be identified or processed (no or unsupported mime type). Default trueQObject"VAF52V ?0@0<5B@8Local parametersQObject 0@0<5B@8 ?>HC:CSearch parametersQObject @>?CA:0B8 =0728
Skipped namesQObjectÄ!?8A>: B5: C V=45:A>20=V9 VT@0@EVW,<br>4;O O:8E 45O:V ?0@0<5B@8 ?>B@V1=> 7<V=8B8.  "8?>2>: ?CAB89.sThe list of subdirectories in the indexed hierarchy <br>where some parameters need to be redefined. Default: empty.QObjectj(01;>=8 =072 D09;V2 01> B5:, O:V =5 1C45 V=45:A>20=>.LThese are patterns for file or directory  names which should not be indexed.QObject&5@53;O=CB8&PreviewQWidget,>?VN20B8 &=072C D09;0Copy &File NameQWidget>?VN20B8 &URL	Copy &URLQWidget.=09B8 &AE>6V 4>:C<5=B8Find &similar documentsQWidget>?5@5465==OWarningRTIToolW(2AV <>28)(all languages)RclMain(157 A;>2>D>@<)
(no stemming)RclMain@> RecollAbout RecollRclMain2AVAllRclMain@5 <>6C AB2>@8B8 2V:=> ?5@53;O4CCan't create preview windowRclMainl5<>6;82> 74>1CB8 4>:C<5=B G8 AB2>@8B8 B8<G0A>289 D09;0Cannot extract document or create temporary fileRclMainJ5 <>6C 74>1CB8 4>:C<5=B 7 1078 40=8E+Cannot retrieve document info from databaseRclMain0:@820NClosingRclMain$AB>@VO 4>:C<5=BV2Document historyRclMain8:>=CN: [Executing: [RclMain0=V VAB>@VWHistory dataRclMain=45:ACTBLAO: Indexing in progress: RclMain,=45:AC20==O ?5@5@20=>Indexing interruptedRclMain6V4ACB=V 4>40B:>2V ?@>3@0<8Missing helper programsRclMain:AV 4>40B:>2V ?@>3@0<8 =0O2=VNo helpers found missingRclMainG8AB8B8PurgeRclMain" 57C;LB0B8 70?8BC
Query resultsRclMain070 :>@5=V2StemdbRclMain.5&@5@20B8 V=45:AC20==OStop &IndexingRclMain0&59 ?>HC: 265 =50:B82=89"This search is not active any moreRclMain52V4><>UnknownRclMain >=>28B8 &V=45:A
Update &IndexRclMain>?5@5465==OWarningRclMain:?><8;:0 74>1C20==O A?8A:C <>2#error retrieving stemming languagesRclMainDV;LB@>20=5filteredRclMain
<54V0mediaRclMain?>2V4><;5==OmessageRclMainV=H5otherRclMain?@575=B0FVWpresentationRclMainA>@B>20=5sortedRclMainB01;8FVspreadsheetRclMain
B5:ABtextRclMain@> &Recoll
&About RecollRclMainBase&!:;04=89 ?>HC:&Advanced SearchRclMainBase8&G8AB8B8 VAB>@VN 4>:C<5=BV2&Erase document historyRclMainBase
&$09;&FileRclMainBase&>2V4:0&HelpRclMainBase&0;0HBC20==O&PreferencesRclMainBase"V4ACB=V ?@>3@0<8&Show missing helpersRclMainBase*&0@0<5B@8 A>@BC20==O&Sort parametersRclMainBase&=AB@C<5=B8&ToolsRclMainBase*&>2V4=8: :>@8ABC20G0&User manualRclMainBase8!:;04=89 (?>3;81;5=89) ?>HC:Advanced/complex  SearchRclMainBaseCtrl+QCtrl+QRclMainBase$AB>@VO 4>:C<5=BV2Document  HistoryRclMainBase&&AB>@VO 4>:C<5=BV2Document &HistoryRclMainBase&8EV4E&xitRclMainBase4V0;>3 7>2=VH=L>3> V=45:ACExternal index dialogRclMainBase5@H0 AB>@V=:0
First pageRclMainBaseL5@59B8 4> ?5@H>W AB>@V=:8 @57C;LB0BV2Go to first page of resultsRclMainBase"0ABC?=0 AB>@V=:0	Next pageRclMainBase:0ABC?=0 AB>@V=:0 @57C;LB0BV2Next page of resultsRclMainBase$>?5@54=O AB>@V=:0
Previous pageRclMainBase<>?5@54=O AB>@V=:0 @57C;LB0BV2Previous page of resultsRclMainBaseRecollRecollRclMainBase(0@0<5B@8 A>@BC20==OSort parametersRclMainBase&&02V‘0B>@ B5@<V=V2Term &explorerRclMainBase@=AB@C<5=B 4;O 282G0==O B5@<V=V2Term explorer toolRclMainBase &>=>28B8 V=45:A
Update &indexRclMainBase0B0DateRecollModel<'O D09;C	File nameRecollModel (?>:070B8 70?8B)(show query)ResList2<p><b>5 7=0945=></b><br><p><b>No results found</b><br>ResList$AB>@VO 4>:C<5=BV2Document historyResList>:C<5=B8	DocumentsResList0ABC?=0NextResListV4:@8B8OpenResList5@53;O4PreviewResList>?5@54=OPreviousResList5B0;V 70?8BC
Query detailsResList$!?8A>: @57C;LB0BV2Result listResList&>:C<5=B =54>AO6=89Unavailable documentResList?>forResList7 ?@8=09<=Vout of at leastResList#AV A;>20	All termsSSearchC4L-O:5 A;>2>Any termSSearch*52V@=89 @O4>: 70?8BCBad query stringSSearch’254VBL ?>HC:>2V A;>20.  >6=0 28:>@8AB>2C20B8 Esc-?@>1V; 4;O 4>?>2=5==O.FEnter search terms here. Type ESC SPC for completions of current term.SSearch<'O D09;C	File nameSSearch&54>AB0B=L> ?0<'OBV
Out of memorySSearch>20 70?8BCQuery languageSSearch&15@VBL B8? ?>HC:C.Choose search type.SSearchBase!B5@B8ClearSSearchBaseCtrl+SCtrl+SSSearchBase’254VBL ?>HC:>2V A;>20.  >6=0 28:>@8AB>2C20B8 Esc-?@>1V; 4;O 4>?>2=5==O.FEnter search terms here. Type ESC SPC for completions of current term.SSearchBase2!B5@B8 2<VAB @O4:0 70?8B0Erase search entrySSearchBaseSSearchBaseSSearchBaseSSearchBase=09B8SearchSSearchBase>G0B8 70?8BStart querySSearchBase2AVAll
SearchClauseW<'O D09;C	File name
SearchClauseWlV;L:VABL 4>40B:>28E A;V2, I> <>6CBL 1CB8 <V6 >1@0=8<8HNumber of additional words that may be interspersed with the chosen ones
SearchClauseWj815@VBL B8? 70?8BC, O:89 1C45 7@>1;5=> ?> F8E A;>20E>Select the type of query that will be performed with the words
SearchClauseW0ABC?=0NextSnippets=09B8Search	SnippetsW&0:@8B8&Close	SpellBase& >7:@8B8 &Expand 	SpellBase
Alt+CAlt+C	SpellBase$02V‘0B>@ B5@<V=V2
Term Explorer	SpellBase4><8;:0 @>7:@8BBO aspell. Aspell expansion error. SpellWn5 240;>AO 70?CAB8B8 aspell.  >=> 27030;V 2AB0=>2;5=5?)Aspell init failed. Aspell not installed?SpellW* >7:@8BBO =5 7=0945=5No expansion foundSpellW 5328@07RegexpSpellW0?8A/72CG0==OSpelling/PhoneticSpellW& >7:@8BBO A;>2>D>@<Stem expansionSpellW
!;>2>TermSpellW(01;>=8	WildcardsSpellW:?><8;:0 74>1C20==O A?8A:C <>2#error retrieving stemming languagesSpellW5@53;O4Choose
UIPrefsDialogJ1@0=0 B5:0 =5 AE>60 =0 V=45:A Xapian;The selected directory does not appear to be a Xapian index
UIPrefsDialogB1@0=0 B5:0 265 C A?8A:C V=45:AV23The selected directory is already in the index list
UIPrefsDialog:&5 >A=>2=89/;>:0;L=89 V=45:A!This is the main/local index!
UIPrefsDialog:?><8;:0 74>1C20==O A?8A:C <>2#error retrieving stemming languages
UIPrefsDialog0:@8B8CloseViewActionBase" V4=V ?5@53;O40GVNative ViewersViewActionBaseH5<>6;82> 70?8A0B8 D09; :>=DV‘C@0FVWCan't write configuration fileconfgui::ConfIndexW5@53;O4Chooseconfgui::ConfParamFNW++confgui::ConfParamSLW--confgui::ConfParamSLW;>10;L=VGlobalconfgui::ConfSubPanelWD560 @>7<V@C AB8A=5=8E D09;V2 (KB)Max. compressed file size (KB)confgui::ConfSubPanelW
&5 7=0G5==O 2AB0=>2;NT ?>@V3 @>7<V@C AB8A=5=8E D09;V2, 1V;LHV 70 =L>3> =5 1C45 >?@0FL>20=>.  -1 28<8:0T ;V<VB, 0 28<8:0T 45:><?@5AVN.‡This value sets a threshold beyond which compressedfiles will not be processed. Set to -1 for no limit, to 0 for no decompression ever.confgui::ConfSubPanelW>20 aspellAspell languageconfgui::ConfTopPanelW"5:0 1078 40=8EDatabase directory nameconfgui::ConfTopPanelW8<8:0T 28:>@8AB0==O aspell 4;O 35=5@0FVW =01;865=L C =0?8A0==O 2 =02V‘0B>@V B5@<V=V2.<br>>@8A=5, :>;8 aspell 2V4ACB=V9 01> 7;0<0=89. †Disables use of aspell to generate spelling approximation in the term explorer tool.<br> Useful if aspell is absent or does not work. confgui::ConfTopPanelW<=B5@20; A:840==O V=45:AC (1)Index flush megabytes intervalconfgui::ConfTopPanelW$09; 6C@=0;C
Log file nameconfgui::ConfTopPanelW&>:;04=VABL 6C@=0;CLog verbosity levelconfgui::ConfTopPanelWD0:A8<0;L=5 28:>@8AB0==O 48A:C (%)Max disk occupation (%)confgui::ConfTopPanelW25 28:>@8AB>2C20B8 aspellNo aspell usageconfgui::ConfTopPanelW @>?CA:0B8 H;OE8
Skipped pathsconfgui::ConfTopPanelW(>28 7V A;>2>D>@<0<8Stemming languagesconfgui::ConfTopPanelWr$09;, :C48 ?V4CBL ?>2V4><;5==O.<br>'stderr' 4;O B5@<V=0;CPThe file where the messages will be written.<br>Use 'stderr' for terminal outputconfgui::ConfTopPanelW~>28, 4;O O:8E 1C45 ?>1C4>20=><br>A;>2=8:8 @>7:@8BBO A;>2>D>@<.IThe languages for which stemming expansion<br>dictionaries will be built.confgui::ConfTopPanelWš!?8A>: B5:, 7 O:8E ?>G8=0TBLAO @5:C@A82=5 V=45:AC20==O. "8?>2>: 4><0H=O B5:0.LThe list of directories where recursive indexing starts. Default: your home.confgui::ConfTopPanelW&5 =0728 B5:, C O:V V=45:AC20==O =5 ?>B@0?8BL.<br> >65 <VAB8B8 H01;>=8.  0T A?V2?040B8 V7 H;OE0<8, I> 10G8BL V=45:A0B>@ (=0?@8:;04, O:I> topdirs <VAB8BL  '/home/me' B0 '/home' T ?>A8;0==O< =0 '/usr/home', B> 2V@=89 70?8A 1C45 '/home/me/tmp*', 0 =5 '/usr/home/me/tmp*')#These are names of directories which indexing will not enter.<br> May contain wildcards. Must match the paths seen by the indexer (ie: if topdirs includes '/home/me' and '/home' is actually a link to '/usr/home', a correct skippedPath entry would be '/home/me/tmp*', not '/usr/home/me/tmp*')confgui::ConfTopPanelWV4A>B>: 709=OB>3> 48A:C, :>;8 V=45:AC20==O 1C45 7C?8=5=> (I>1 C=8:=CB8 70?>2=5==O 4>ABC?=>3> ?@>AB>@C).<br>"8?>2>: 0 (157 ;V<VBC).—This is the percentage of disk occupation where indexing will fail and stop (to avoid filling up your disk).<br>0 means no limit (this is the default).confgui::ConfTopPanelW!:V;L:8 40=8E 1C45 ?@>V=45:A>20=> <V6 A:840==O<8 V=45:AC =0 48A:.<br>>?><030T :>=B@>;N20B8 28:>@8AB0==O ?0<'OBV V=45:A0B>@><. "8?>2>: 101 ŒThis value adjust the amount of data which is indexed between flushes to disk.<br>This helps control the indexer memory usage. Default 10MB confgui::ConfTopPanelW„AB0=>28B8 >1AO3 ?>2V4><;5=L,<br>2V4 ?><8;>: 4> 40=8E 7=520465==O.ZThis value adjusts the amount of messages,<br>from only errors to a lot of debugging data.confgui::ConfTopPanelW5@E=V B5:8Top directoriesconfgui::ConfTopPanelW&V4<V=0&CanceluiPrefsDialogBase&OK&OKuiPrefsDialogBase˜>HC: [rolling stones] (2 A;>20) 1C45 7<V=5=> =0 [rolling or stones or (rolling phrase 2 stones)]. 
&5 <>65 ?V4=OB8 @57C;LB0B8, 2 O:8E ?>HC:>2V A;>20 7CAB@VG0NBLAO A0<5 2 B0:V9 ?>A;V4>2=>ABV, O: 2 70?8BV.ŃA search for [rolling stones] (2 terms) will be changed to [rolling or stones or (rolling phrase 2 stones)]. 
This should give higher precedence to the results where the search terms appear exactly as entered.uiPrefsDialogBase:;NG8B8 2A5Activate AlluiPrefsDialogBase>40B8 V=45:A	Add indexuiPrefsDialogBase"0AB>AC20B8 7<V=8
Apply changesuiPrefsDialogBaseX>G8=0B8 ?@>AB89 ?>HC: ?@8 22545==V ?@>1V;C.-Auto-start simple search on whitespace entry.uiPrefsDialogBaseZ2B><0B8G=> 4>4020B8 D@07C 4> ?@>AB8E ?>HC:V2+Automatically add phrase to simple searchesuiPrefsDialogBase5@53;O4ChooseuiPrefsDialogBase"15@VBL @540:B>@8Choose editor applicationsuiPrefsDialogBase8:;NG8B8 2A5Deactivate AlluiPrefsDialogBaseV4<V=8B8 7<V=8Discard changesuiPrefsDialogBase~'8 @>18B8 =>289 :>=A?5:B, =02VBL O:I> O:89AL 265 T 2 4>:C<5=BV?EDo we synthetize an abstract even if the document seemed to have one?uiPrefsDialogBase '8 =0<030B8AO 1C4C20B8 :>=A?5:B8 4;O @57C;LB0BV2 ?>HC:C, 28:>@8AB>2CNGV :>=B5:AB 7=0945=8E A;V2?
>65 ?@0FN20B8 ?>2V;L=> 4;O 25;8:8E 4>:C<5=BV2.zDo we try to build abstracts for result list entries by using the context of query terms ? 
May be slow for big documents.uiPrefsDialogBase88=0<VG=> 1C4C20B8 :>=A?5:B8Dynamically build abstractsuiPrefsDialogBase >2=VH=V V=45:A8External IndexesuiPrefsDialogBaseHelvetica-10Helvetica-10uiPrefsDialogBase %>20B8 4C1;V:0B8Hide duplicate results.uiPrefsDialogBase:>;V@ 284V;5==O :;NG>28E A;V2Highlight color for query termsuiPrefsDialogBaseĐ/:I> C2V<:=5=5, @57C;LB0B8 A B0:8< A0<8< 7<VAB>< B0 @V7=8<8 =0720<8 1C45 ?>:070=> =5 1V;LH5 >4=>3> @07C.XIf checked, results with the same content under different names will only be shown once.uiPrefsDialogBaseb0:A8<0;L=89 @>7<V@ B5:ABC V7 ?V4A2VGC20==O< (1)5Maximum text size highlighted for preview (megabytes)uiPrefsDialogBaseBV;L:VABL @57C;LB0BV2 =0 AB>@V=:C"Number of entries in a result pageuiPrefsDialogBasebV4:@820T 4V0;>3 281>@C H@8DBC A?8A:C @57C;LB0BV2-Opens a dialog to select the result list fontuiPrefsDialogBasedV44020B8 ?5@5203C HTML =04 B5:AB>< 4;O ?5@53;O4C.&Prefer Html to plain text for preview.uiPrefsDialogBase80?0<'OB0B8 AB0= A>@BC20==O.Remember sort activation state.uiPrefsDialogBasef840;8B8 7V A?8A:C.  5 2?;820T =0 48A:>289 V=45:A.7Remove from list. This has no effect on the disk index.uiPrefsDialogBase 840;8B8 281@0=5Remove selecteduiPrefsDialogBaseL0<V=OB8 =0O2=V C 4>:C<5=B0E :>=A?5:B8 Replace abstracts from documentsuiPrefsDialogBase!:8=CB8ResetuiPrefsDialogBaseD>25@B0T H@8DB C B8?>289 A8AB5<=891Resets the result list font to the system defaultuiPrefsDialogBase0(@8DB A?8A:C @57C;LB0BV2Result list fontuiPrefsDialogBase 0@0<5B@8 ?>HC:CSearch parametersuiPrefsDialogBase\V4:@820B8 4V0;>3 A:;04=>3> ?>HC:C ?@8 AB0@BV.'Start with advanced search dialog open.uiPrefsDialogBase>20 A;>2>D>@<Stemming languageuiPrefsDialogBase8>=B5:AB=8E A;V2 C :>=A?5:BV Synthetic abstract context wordsuiPrefsDialogBaseT >7<V@ A8=B5B8G=>3> :>=A?5:BC (C A8<2>;0E)$Synthetic abstract size (characters)uiPrefsDialogBaseŔ"5:AB8 V7 @>7<V@><, 1V;LH8< 70 2:070=89, =5 1C45 ?V4A2VG5=> C ?>?5@54=L><C ?5@53;O4V (?>2V;L=>).CTexts over this size will not be highlighted in preview (too slow).uiPrefsDialogBase&5@5:;NG8B8 281@0=5Toggle selecteduiPrefsDialogBase=B5@D59AUser interfaceuiPrefsDialogBase?>4>10==OUser preferencesuiPrefsDialogBase