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pkg-descr    27 lines (23 with data), 1.3 kB

Recoll is a personal full text search tool for Linux, FreeBSD and other Unix

Recoll is based on a very strong backend (Xapian), for which it provides an
easy to use, feature-rich, zero-administration interface.

Recoll is free and copyrighted under the GPL license, see COPYING inside
the distribution. A lot of the code is imported from other packages, see
the Credits.  Features:

    * Document types: text, html, pdf (with pdftotext), postscript (with
      ghostscript's pstotext), msword (with antiword), openoffice files,
      maildir and mailbox mail folders (Mozilla and thunderbird mail
      ok). Deals with compressed versions of same. 
    * Relatively powerful query facilities, with boolean searches, phrases,
      filter on file types and directory tree. 
    * Support for multiple charsets. Internal processing and storage uses
      Unicode UTF-8. 
    * Stemming performed at query time (can switch stemming language after
    * Easy installation. No database daemon, web server or exotic language
      necessary. The idea is that everybody should index their files
      because it makes life easier. 
    * GUI based on qt, written with qt Designer.
    * An indexer which runs either as a thread inside the GUI or as an
      external, cron'able program.