.\" $Id: recollq.1,v 1.1 2007-11-13 10:07:35 dockes Exp $ (C) 2005 J.F.Dockes\$
.TH RECOLLQ 1 "13 November 2007"
recollq \- command line / standard output Recoll query command.
.B recollq
.B \-c
.B \-o
.B \-f
.B \-a
.B \-b
.B \-d
.B \-A
.B \-m
.B \-n
.B \-s
<stemming language>
.B \-S
.B \-D
.B \-i
<additional index directory>
<query string>
.B recollq \-P
.B recollq
command will execute the Recoll query specified on the command line and
print the results to the standard output.
.B \-c
option specifies the configuration directory name, overriding the
default or $RECOLL_CONFDIR.
The query string will be interpreted by default as a query language string.
.B \-a
is specified, the query string will be interpreted as an
.I all words
simple search query. If
.B \-o
is specified, the query string will be interpreted as an
.I any word
simple search query. If
.B \-f
is specified, the query string will be interpreted as a
.I file name
simple search query.
.B \-b
(basic) can be specified to only print the result urls in the output
.B \-d
is set, the text for the result files contents will be dumped to stdout.
.B \-m
is set, the whole metadata array will be dumped for each document.
.B \-A
is set, the document abstracts will be printed.
.B \-S
sorts the results according to the specified field. Use
.B \-D
for descending order.
.B \-n
can be used to set the maximum number of results that should be printed.
.B \-s
selects the word stemming language. The value should match an existing
stemming database (as set in the configuration or added with recollindex \-s).
.B \-i
<extra dbdir>
adds the specified Xapian index to the set used for the query. Can be
specified multiple times.
.B recollq \-P
(Period) will print the minimum and maximum modification years for
documents in the index.
recollindex(1) recollq(1) recoll.conf(5)