--- a
+++ b/website/faqsandhowtos/IndexMozillaCalendari.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+== Indexing Mozilla calendar data
+Mozilla calendar programs (*Sunbird*, *Lightning*) do not store their
+data in +ics+ files natively. They use an *SQLite* database (the
+'storage.sdb' file inside the profile). This means that calendar data
+cannot be indexed directly.
+To get Recoll to index calendar data, you need to export it to an +ics+
+file. This can be done manually, from the application menus, or, by
+installing the
+link:https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/sunbird/addon/3740[Automatic Export
+The extension can be configured to export the data when exiting the
+program, or at regular time intervals. You can even set up a command to be
+executed after the export. If you are not using real time indexing, this
+can usefully be *recollindex*.
+In _Tools->Add Ons->Automatic Export preferences_, in the _Start an
+application after export_ subpanel, set _Path of application_ to
+'/usr/[local/]bin/recollindex' and _Parameters of application_ to
+something like _-i;/home/me/path/to/nameofexportedcal.ics_
+This will ensure that the calendar is indexed every time it is exported
+(this is not necessary though, you can let the next batch indexing pass
+take care of it).
+It may happen that the exported data has some syntax errors which will
+prevent indexing with the *rclics* filter which was distributed up to
+Recoll 1.13.04 (included). You may get an updated filter from the
+link:https://www.recoll.org/download.html[Recoll download page].