Commit Date  
simplify initial memory allocs by using realloc...
[a2c9d2] by Jean-Francois Dockes Jean-Francois Dockes
2011-10-10 Tree
threading cleanup: add mutex protection around ...
[424e41] by Jean-Francois Dockes Jean-Francois Dockes
2011-09-28 Tree
perform some iconv_open caching
[773ab5] by "Jean-Francois Dockes ext:(%22) "Jean-Francois Dockes ext:(%22)
2011-08-21 Tree
new unac approach for japanese: dont decompose ...
[0fc81d] by dockes dockes
2009-01-06 Tree
no going out of the basic plane!
[36919a] by dockes dockes
2008-12-18 Tree
added recoll memory allocation checks
[caf54d] by dockes dockes
2008-12-18 Tree
use unicode 5.1.0 + dont unaccent katakana/hira...
[869d75] by dockes dockes
2008-12-18 Tree
implemented additional case-folding
[00b954] by dockes dockes
2006-01-06 Tree
initial import
[b396d2] by dockes dockes
2006-01-06 Tree

Showing 9 results of 9