/* This file was copied/updated from xapian-omega-1.0.1 to 1.2.6 and modified */
/* htmlparse.cc: simple HTML parser for omega indexer
* Copyright 1999,2000,2001 BrightStation PLC
* Copyright 2001 Ananova Ltd
* Copyright 2002,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011 Olly Betts
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
#include <algorithm>
using std::find;
using std::find_if;
#include "htmlparse.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <cstring>
inline void
lowercase_string(string &str)
for (string::iterator i = str.begin(); i != str.end(); ++i) {
*i = tolower(static_cast<unsigned char>(*i));
map<string, unsigned int> HtmlParser::named_ents;
inline static bool
p_notdigit(char c)
return !isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(c));
inline static bool
p_notxdigit(char c)
return !isxdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(c));
inline static bool
p_notalnum(char c)
return !isalnum(static_cast<unsigned char>(c));
inline static bool
p_notwhitespace(char c)
return !isspace(static_cast<unsigned char>(c));
inline static bool
p_nottag(char c)
return !isalnum(static_cast<unsigned char>(c)) &&
c != '.' && c != '-' && c != ':'; // ':' for XML namespaces.
inline static bool
p_whitespacegt(char c)
return isspace(static_cast<unsigned char>(c)) || c == '>';
inline static bool
p_whitespaceeqgt(char c)
return isspace(static_cast<unsigned char>(c)) || c == '=' || c == '>';
HtmlParser::get_parameter(const string & param, string & value) const
map<string, string>::const_iterator i = parameters.find(param);
if (i == parameters.end()) return false;
value = i->second;
return true;
// RECOLL: no need to initialize these entities, we use those from
// myhtmlparse
#if 0
static const struct ent { const char *n; unsigned int v; } ents[] = {
#include "namedentities.h"
{ NULL, 0 }
if (named_ents.empty()) {
const struct ent *i = ents;
while (i->n) {
named_ents[string(i->n)] = i->v;
HtmlParser::decode_entities(string &s)
// Not used for recoll. Kept here to minimize the amount of diffs
#if 0
// We need a const_iterator version of s.end() - otherwise the
// find() and find_if() templates don't work...
string::const_iterator amp = s.begin(), s_end = s.end();
while ((amp = find(amp, s_end, '&')) != s_end) {
unsigned int val = 0;
string::const_iterator end, p = amp + 1;
if (p != s_end && *p == '#') {
if (p != s_end && (*p == 'x' || *p == 'X')) {
// hex
end = find_if(p, s_end, p_notxdigit);
sscanf(s.substr(p - s.begin(), end - p).c_str(), "%x", &val);
} else {
// number
end = find_if(p, s_end, p_notdigit);
val = atoi(s.substr(p - s.begin(), end - p).c_str());
} else {
end = find_if(p, s_end, p_notalnum);
string code = s.substr(p - s.begin(), end - p);
map<string, unsigned int>::const_iterator i;
i = named_ents.find(code);
if (i != named_ents.end()) val = i->second;
if (end < s_end && *end == ';') end++;
if (val) {
string::size_type amp_pos = amp - s.begin();
if (val < 0x80) {
s.replace(amp_pos, end - amp, 1u, char(val));
} else {
// Convert unicode value val to UTF-8.
char seq[4];
unsigned len = Xapian::Unicode::nonascii_to_utf8(val, seq);
s.replace(amp_pos, end - amp, seq, len);
s_end = s.end();
// We've modified the string, so the iterators are no longer
// valid...
amp = s.begin() + amp_pos + 1;
} else {
amp = end;
HtmlParser::parse_html(const string &body)
in_script = false;
string::const_iterator start = body.begin();
while (true) {
// Skip through until we find an HTML tag, a comment, or the end of
// document. Ignore isolated occurrences of `<' which don't start
// a tag or comment.
string::const_iterator p = start;
while (true) {
p = find(p, body.end(), '<');
if (p == body.end()) break;
unsigned char ch = *(p + 1);
// Tag, closing tag, or comment (or SGML declaration).
if ((!in_script && isalpha(ch)) || ch == '/' || ch == '!') break;
if (ch == '?') {
// PHP code or XML declaration.
// XML declaration is only valid at the start of the first line.
// FIXME: need to deal with BOMs...
if (p != body.begin() || body.size() < 20) break;
// XML declaration looks something like this:
// <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
if (p[2] != 'x' || p[3] != 'm' || p[4] != 'l') break;
if (strchr(" \t\r\n", p[5]) == NULL) break;
string::const_iterator decl_end = find(p + 6, body.end(), '?');
if (decl_end == body.end()) break;
// Default charset for XML is UTF-8.
charset = "utf-8";
string decl(p + 6, decl_end);
size_t enc = decl.find("encoding");
if (enc == string::npos) break;
enc = decl.find_first_not_of(" \t\r\n", enc + 8);
if (enc == string::npos || enc == decl.size()) break;
if (decl[enc] != '=') break;
enc = decl.find_first_not_of(" \t\r\n", enc + 1);
if (enc == string::npos || enc == decl.size()) break;
if (decl[enc] != '"' && decl[enc] != '\'') break;
char quote = decl[enc++];
size_t enc_end = decl.find(quote, enc);
if (enc != string::npos)
charset = decl.substr(enc, enc_end - enc);
// Process text up to start of tag.
if (p > start || p == body.end()) {
string text = body.substr(start - body.begin(), p - start);
if (p == body.end()) {
start = p + 1;
if (start == body.end()) break;
if (*start == '!') {
if (++start == body.end()) break;
if (++start == body.end()) break;
// comment or SGML declaration
if (*(start - 1) == '-' && *start == '-') {
string::const_iterator close = find(start, body.end(), '>');
// An unterminated comment swallows rest of document
// (like Netscape, but unlike MSIE IIRC)
if (close == body.end()) break;
p = close;
// look for -->
while (p != body.end() && (*(p - 1) != '-' || *(p - 2) != '-'))
p = find(p + 1, body.end(), '>');
if (p != body.end()) {
// Check for htdig's "ignore this bit" comments.
if (p - start == 15 && string(start, p - 2) == "htdig_noindex") {
string::size_type i;
i = body.find("<!--/htdig_noindex-->", p + 1 - body.begin());
if (i == string::npos) break;
start = body.begin() + i + 21;
// If we found --> skip to there.
start = p;
} else {
// Otherwise skip to the first > we found (as Netscape does).
start = close;
} else {
// just an SGML declaration, perhaps giving the DTD - ignore it
start = find(start - 1, body.end(), '>');
if (start == body.end()) break;
} else if (*start == '?') {
if (++start == body.end()) break;
// PHP - swallow until ?> or EOF
start = find(start + 1, body.end(), '>');
// look for ?>
while (start != body.end() && *(start - 1) != '?')
start = find(start + 1, body.end(), '>');
// unterminated PHP swallows rest of document (rather arbitrarily
// but it avoids polluting the database when things go wrong)
if (start != body.end()) ++start;
} else {
// opening or closing tag
int closing = 0;
if (*start == '/') {
closing = 1;
start = find_if(start + 1, body.end(), p_notwhitespace);
p = start;
start = find_if(start, body.end(), p_nottag);
string tag = body.substr(p - body.begin(), start - p);
// convert tagname to lowercase
if (closing) {
if (!closing_tag(tag))
if (in_script && tag == "script") in_script = false;
/* ignore any bogus parameters on closing tags */
p = find(start, body.end(), '>');
if (p == body.end()) break;
start = p + 1;
} else {
bool empty_element = false;
// FIXME: parse parameters lazily.
while (start < body.end() && *start != '>') {
string name, value;
p = find_if(start, body.end(), p_whitespaceeqgt);
size_t name_len = p - start;
if (name_len == 1) {
if (*start == '/' && p < body.end() && *p == '>') {
// E.g. <tag foo="bar" />
start = p;
empty_element = true;
name.assign(body, start - body.begin(), name_len);
p = find_if(p, body.end(), p_notwhitespace);
start = p;
if (start != body.end() && *start == '=') {
start = find_if(start + 1, body.end(), p_notwhitespace);
p = body.end();
int quote = *start;
if (quote == '"' || quote == '\'') {
p = find(start, body.end(), quote);
if (p == body.end()) {
// unquoted or no closing quote
p = find_if(start, body.end(), p_whitespacegt);
value.assign(body, start - body.begin(), p - start);
start = find_if(p, body.end(), p_notwhitespace);
if (!name.empty()) {
// convert parameter name to lowercase
// in case of multiple entries, use the first
// (as Netscape does)
parameters.insert(make_pair(name, value));
#if 0
cout << "<" << tag;
map<string, string>::const_iterator x;
for (x = parameters.begin(); x != parameters.end(); x++) {
cout << " " << x->first << "=\"" << x->second << "\"";
cout << ">\n";
if (!opening_tag(tag))
if (empty_element) {
if (!closing_tag(tag))
// In <script> tags we ignore opening tags to avoid problems
// with "a<b".
if (tag == "script") in_script = true;
if (start != body.end() && *start == '>') ++start;