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--- a/src/README
+++ b/src/README
@@ -197,15 +197,17 @@
 1.1. Giving it a try
-   If you do not like reading manuals (who does?) and would like to give
-   Recoll a try, just install the application and start the recoll graphical
-   user interface (GUI), which will ask to index your home directory by
+   If you do not like reading manuals (who does?) but wish to give Recoll a
+   try, just install the application and start the recoll graphical user
+   interface (GUI), which will ask permission to index your home directory by
    default, allowing you to search immediately after indexing completes.
    Do not do this if your home directory contains a huge number of documents
    and you do not want to wait or are very short on disk space. In this case,
    you may first want to customize the configuration to restrict the indexed
-   area.
+   area (for the very impatient with a completed package install, from the
+   recoll GUI: Preferences -> Indexing configuration, then adjust the Top
+   directories section).
    Also be aware that you may need to install the appropriate supporting
    applications for document types that need them (for example antiword for
@@ -213,49 +215,58 @@
 1.2. Full text search
-   Recoll is a full text search application. Full text search applications
-   let you find your data by content rather than by external attributes (like
-   a file name). More specifically, they will let you specify words (terms)
-   that should or should not appear in the text you are looking for, and
-   return a list of matching documents, ordered so that the most relevant
-   documents will appear first.
+   Recoll is a full text search application. Full text search finds your data
+   by content rather than by external attributes (like a file name). You
+   specify words (terms) which should or should not appear in the text you
+   are looking for, and receive in return a list of matching documents,
+   ordered so that the most relevant documents will appear first.
    You do not need to remember in what file or email message you stored a
    given piece of information. You just ask for related terms, and the tool
    will return a list of documents where these terms are prominent, in a
    similar way to Internet search engines.
-   A search application tries to determine which documents are most relevant
-   to the search terms you provide. Computer algorithms for determining
-   relevance can be very complex, and in general are inferior to the power of
-   the human mind to rapidly determine relevance. The quality of relevance
-   guessing is probably the most important aspect when evaluating a search
-   application.
-   In many cases, you are looking for all the forms of a word, not for a
-   specific form or spelling. These different forms may include plurals,
-   different tenses for a verb, or terms derived from the same root or stem
-   (example: floor, floors, floored, flooring...). Search applications
-   usually expand queries to all such related terms (words that reduce to the
-   same stem) and also provide a way to disable this expansion if you are
-   actually searching for a specific form.
+   Full text search applications try to determine which documents are most
+   relevant to the search terms you provide. Computer algorithms for
+   determining relevance can be very complex, and in general are inferior to
+   the power of the human mind to rapidly determine relevance. The quality of
+   relevance guessing is probably the most important aspect when evaluating a
+   search application.
+   In many cases, you are looking for all the forms of a word, including
+   plurals, different tenses for a verb, or terms derived from the same root
+   or stem (example: floor, floors, floored, flooring...). Queries are
+   usually automatically expanded to all such related terms (words that
+   reduce to the same stem). This can be prevented for searching for a
+   specific form.
    Stemming, by itself, does not accommodate for misspellings or phonetic
-   searches. Recoll supports these features through a specific tool (the term
-   explorer) which will let you explore the set of index terms along
-   different modes.
+   searches. A full text search application may also support this form of
+   approximation. For example, a search for aliterattion returning no result
+   may propose, depending on index contents, alliteration alteration
+   alterations altercation as possible replacement terms.
 1.3. Recoll overview
    Recoll uses the Xapian information retrieval library as its storage and
    retrieval engine. Xapian is a very mature package using a sophisticated
-   probabilistic ranking model. Recoll provides the mechanisms and interface
-   to get data into and out of the system.
-   In practice, Xapian works by remembering where terms appear in your
-   document files. The acquisition process is called indexing.
-   The resulting index can be big (roughly the size of the original document
+   probabilistic ranking model.
+   The Xapian library manages an index database which describes where terms
+   appear in your document files. It efficiently processes the complex
+   queries which are produced by the Recoll query expansion mechanism, and is
+   in charge of the all-important relevance computation task.
+   Recoll provides the mechanisms and interface to get data into and out of
+   the index. This includes translating the many possible document formats
+   into pure text, handling term variations (using Xapian stemmers), and
+   spelling approximations (using the aspell speller), interpreting user
+   queries and presenting results.
+   In a shorter way, Recoll does the dirty footwork, Xapian deals with the
+   intelligent parts of the process.
+   The Xapian index can be big (roughly the size of the original document
    set), but it is not a document archive. Recoll can only display documents
    that still exist at the place from which they were indexed. (Actually,
    there is a way to reconstruct a document from the information in the
@@ -263,8 +274,10 @@
    capitalization are lost).
    Recoll stores all internal data in Unicode UTF-8 format, and it can index
-   files with different character sets, encodings, and languages into the
-   same index. It has can process many document types.
+   files of many types with different character sets, encodings, and
+   languages into the same index. It can process documents embedded inside
+   other documents (for example a pdf document stored inside a Zip archive
+   sent as an email attachment...), down to an arbitrary depth.
    Stemming is the process by which Recoll reduces words to their radicals so
    that searching does not depend, for example, on a word being singular or
@@ -318,13 +331,15 @@
    The indexing process is started automatically the first time you execute
    the recoll GUI. Indexing can also be performed by executing the
-   recollindex command.
+   recollindex command. Recoll indexing is multithreaded by default when
+   appropriate hardware resources are available, and can perform in parallel
+   multiple tasks among text extraction, segmentation and index updates.
    Searches are usually performed inside the recoll GUI, which has many
    options to help you find what you are looking for. However, there are
    other ways to perform Recoll searches: mostly a command line interface, a
-   Python programming interface, a KDE KIO slave module, and a Ubuntu Unity
-   Lens module.
+   Python programming interface, a KDE KIO slave module, and Ubuntu Unity
+   Lens (for older versions) or Scope (for current versions) modules.
 Chapter 2. Indexing
@@ -332,10 +347,10 @@
    Indexing is the process by which the set of documents is analyzed and the
    data entered into the database. Recoll indexing is normally incremental:
-   documents will only be processed if they have been modified. On the first
-   execution, all documents will need processing. A full index build can be
-   forced later by specifying an option to the indexing command (recollindex
-   -z or -Z).
+   documents will only be processed if they have been modified since the last
+   run. On the first execution, all documents will need processing. A full
+   index build can be forced later by specifying an option to the indexing
+   command (recollindex -z or -Z).
    The following sections give an overview of different aspects of the
    indexing processes and configuration, with links to detailed sections.
@@ -1462,6 +1477,11 @@
    derivatives (ie: plural/singular, verb inflections). But there are other
    cases where the exact search term is not known. For example, you may not
    remember the exact spelling, or only know the beginning of the name.
+   The search will only propose replacement terms with spelling variations
+   when no matching document were found. In some cases, both proper spellings
+   and mispellings are present in the index, and it may be interesting to
+   look for them explicitely.
    The term explorer tool (started from the toolbar icon or from the Term
    explorer entry of the Tools menu) can be used to search the full index
@@ -3302,8 +3322,8 @@
      o Openoffice files need unzip and xsltproc.
-     o PDF files need pdftotext which is part of the Xpdf or Poppler
-       packages.
+     o PDF files need pdftotext which is part of Poppler (usually comes with
+       the poppler-utils package). Avoid the original one from Xpdf.
      o Postscript files need pstotext. The original version has an issue with
        shell character in file names, which is corrected in recent packages.
@@ -3320,9 +3340,10 @@
      o Wordperfect files need wpd2html from the libwpd (or libwpd-tools on
        Ubuntu) package.
-     o RTF files need unrtf, which, in its standard version, has much trouble
-       with non-western character sets. Check
-       http://www.recoll.org/features.html.
+     o RTF files need unrtf, which, in its older versions, has much trouble
+       with non-western character sets. Many Linux distributions carry
+       outdated unrtf versions. Check http://www.recoll.org/features.html for
+       details.
      o TeX files need untex or detex. Check
        http://www.recoll.org/features.html for sources if it's not packaged