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 A more complete version of this document can be found at http://www.recoll.org
+     * Home
+     * Screenshots
+     * Credits
+     * Downloads
+     * Installation
+     * User manual
+  Credits
+   Recoll borrows (steals?) heavily from the following projects. I tried to
+   include the relevant copyright attributions with the code. Any omission is
+   unintentional and will be fixed as soon as notified.
+     * Xapian: The database module (core) is used unmodified, and quite a lot
+       of code has been borrowed from Omega, the web-based search application
+       (ie: the html parser, plus miscellaneous bits and ideas).
+     * Estraier: Miscellaneous pieces of code and ideas, especially for
+       charset handling, and code from external filters.
+     * Unac: for accent removal. This is a relatively small package, not that
+       easy to find, it has been integrated almost unmodified in the Recoll
+       package.
+     * Iconv, for character set conversion.
+     * Binc IMAP for MIME parsing code.
+     * I fear the rest of the bugs to be mostly mine:
+       jean-francois.dockes@wanadoo.fr
+     * Home
+     * Screenshots
+     * Credits
+     * Downloads
+     * Installation
+     * User manual
+Using Recoll
+  Indexation
+   By default, Recoll will index your home directory. If you want to change
+   this, you need to edit the configuration file ($HOME/.recoll/recoll.conf).
+   Follow the comments in the file to adjust the parameters.
+   Indexing is performed either by starting the recollindex program, or by
+   the indexing thread inside the recoll program (use the File menu).
+  Simple search
+   Enter search term(s) in the text field at the top left. Clicking the
+   Search button or hitting the Enter key will start a search. By default,
+   this will look for documents with any of the terms (the ones with more
+   terms will get better scores). Use the Advanced search dialog for other
+   kinds of searches
+   A list of results will be displayed in the main list window. Clicking on
+   an entry will open an internal preview window for the document.
+   Double-clicking will attempt to start an external viewer (have a look at
+   the ~/.recoll/mimeconf file to see how these are configured).
+  Search tips, shortcuts
+   Entering a capitalized word in any search field will prevent stem
+   expansion (example: Recoll will not look for gardening if you enter Garden
+   instead of garden).
+   A phrase can be looked for by enclosing it in double quotes. Example:
+   "user manual" will look only for occurrences of user immediately followed
+   by manual.
+   Entering ^Q almost anywhere will close the application.
+   Entering ^W in a preview tab will close it (and, for the last tab, close
+   the preview window).
+  Complex/advanced search
+   The advanced search dialog has fields that will allow a more refined
+   search, looking for documents with all given words, a given exact phrase,
+   or none of the given words (all fields may be combined by a default AND
+   clause).
+   It will let you search for documents of specific mime types (ie: only
+   text/plain, or text/html or application/pdf etc...)
+   It will let you restrict the search results to a subtree of the indexed
+   area.
+   In other respects, it works as the simple search.