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--- a/website/download.html
+++ b/website/download.html
@@ -225,6 +225,13 @@
        <a  href="https://launchpad.net/~recoll-backports/+archive/recoll-1.15-on">
        Recoll, kio-recoll and recoll-lens</a>. These were built from the
        latest versions, for a set of Ubuntu series.</p>
+      <p><i><b>Note about the Unity Lens:</b></i> for now, the Lens will only
+       return results which are file documents, not documents embedded
+      inside another file. This means no mbox mail messages (ie: no thunderbird,
+      but MH mail ok), no attachments, no archive members, etc. The reason
+      is that there is no way to open the corresponding URLs. Working
+      on it Real Soon Now.</p>
       <p>Ubuntu 10.04 (lucid) and later versions just need the Recoll
         PPA. Older versions also needed a backport for Xapian