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--- a/website/CHANGES.html
+++ b/website/CHANGES.html
@@ -31,7 +31,13 @@
       <h1>Recoll journal of user-visible changes </h1>
-      <h2><a name="1.13.0">Development version</a></h2>
+      <h2><a name="1.13.02">1.13.02</a></h2>
+      <p>This version has a single fix to work around a problem in the
+         Qt 4.6.1 uic utility. If you are not using Qt 4.6.1 and are
+        currently running Recoll 1.13.01, you do not need to
+        upgrade.</p>
+      <h2><a name="1.13.01">1.13.01</a></h2>
        <li>Recoll has a new class of persistent external filters