/* @(#$Id: rclconfig.h,v 1.1 2004-12-14 17:50:28 dockes Exp $ (C) 2004 J.F.Dockes */
#include "conftree.h"
class RclConfig {
int m_ok;
string confdir; // Directory where the files are stored
ConfTree *conf; // Parsed main configuration
string keydir; // Current directory used for parameter fetches.
string defcharset; // These are stored locally to avoid a config lookup
string deflang; // each time.
// Note: this will have to change if/when we support per directory maps
ConfTree *mimemap;
ConfTree *mimeconf;
~RclConfig() {delete conf;delete mimemap;delete mimeconf;}
bool ok() {return m_ok;}
ConfTree *getConfig() {return m_ok ? conf : 0;}
ConfTree *getMimeMap() {return m_ok ? mimemap : 0;}
ConfTree *getMimeConf() {return m_ok ? mimeconf : 0;}
bool getConfParam(const string &name, string &value)
if (conf == 0)
return false;
return conf->get(name, value, keydir);
const string &getDefCharset() {
return defcharset;
const string &getDefLang() {
return deflang;
void setKeyDir(const string &dir)
keydir = dir;
conf->get("defaultcharset", defcharset, keydir);
conf->get("defaultlanguage", deflang, keydir);