#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] = "@(#$Id: ssearch_w.cpp,v 1.26 2008-12-05 11:09:31 dockes Exp $ (C) 2006 J.F.Dockes";
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qinputdialog.h>
#include <qvariant.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qcombobox.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qtooltip.h>
#include <qwhatsthis.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <qevent.h>
#include "debuglog.h"
#include "guiutils.h"
#include "searchdata.h"
#include "ssearch_w.h"
#include "refcntr.h"
#include "textsplit.h"
#include "wasatorcl.h"
#include "rclhelp.h"
void SSearch::init()
// See enum above and keep in order !
searchTypCMB->insertItem(tr("Any term"));
searchTypCMB->insertItem(tr("All terms"));
searchTypCMB->insertItem(tr("File name"));
searchTypCMB->insertItem(tr("Query language"));
connect(queryText->lineEdit(), SIGNAL(returnPressed()),
this, SLOT(startSimpleSearch()));
connect(queryText->lineEdit(), SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)),
this, SLOT(searchTextChanged(const QString&)));
connect(clearqPB, SIGNAL(clicked()),
queryText->lineEdit(), SLOT(clear()));
connect(searchPB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(startSimpleSearch()));
connect(searchTypCMB, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(searchTypeChanged(int)));
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040000
m_escape = false;
void SSearch::searchTextChanged(const QString& text)
if (text.isEmpty()) {
emit clearSearch();
} else {
void SSearch::searchTypeChanged(int typ)
LOGDEB(("Search type now %d\n", typ));
if (typ == SST_LANG)
HelpClient::installMap(this->name(), "RCL.SEARCH.LANG");
HelpClient::installMap(this->name(), "RCL.SEARCH.SIMPLE");
void SSearch::startSimpleSearch()
if (queryText->currentText().length() == 0)
string u8 = (const char *)queryText->currentText().utf8();
LOGDEB(("SSearch::startSimpleSearch: [%s]\n", u8.c_str()));
if (u8.length() == 0)
SSearchType tp = (SSearchType)searchTypCMB->currentItem();
Rcl::SearchData *sdata = 0;
if (tp == SST_LANG) {
string reason;
sdata = wasaStringToRcl(u8, reason);
if (sdata == 0) {
QMessageBox::warning(0, "Recoll", tr("Bad query string") +
} else {
sdata = new Rcl::SearchData(Rcl::SCLT_OR);
if (sdata == 0) {
QMessageBox::warning(0, "Recoll", tr("Out of memory"));
// If there is no white space inside the query, then the user
// certainly means it as a phrase.
bool isreallyaphrase = false;
if (!TextSplit::hasVisibleWhite(u8))
isreallyaphrase = true;
// Maybe add automatic phrase ? For ALL and ANY, and not if
// there is already a phrase or wildcard terms.
if (!isreallyaphrase &&
prefs.ssearchAutoPhrase && (tp == SST_ANY || tp == SST_ALL) &&
u8.find_first_of("\"*[]?") == string::npos &&
TextSplit::countWords(u8) > 1) {
sdata->addClause(new Rcl::SearchDataClauseDist(Rcl::SCLT_PHRASE,
u8, 0));
Rcl::SearchDataClause *clp = 0;
switch (tp) {
case SST_ANY:
clp = isreallyaphrase ?
new Rcl::SearchDataClauseDist(Rcl::SCLT_PHRASE, u8, 0) :
new Rcl::SearchDataClauseSimple(Rcl::SCLT_OR, u8);
case SST_ALL:
clp = isreallyaphrase ?
new Rcl::SearchDataClauseDist(Rcl::SCLT_PHRASE, u8, 0) :
new Rcl::SearchDataClauseSimple(Rcl::SCLT_AND, u8);
case SST_FNM:
clp = new Rcl::SearchDataClauseFilename(u8);
// Search terms history
// Need to remove any previous occurence of the search entry from
// the listbox list, The qt listbox doesn't do lru correctly (if
// already in the list the new entry would remain at it's place,
// not jump at the top as it should
LOGDEB3(("Querytext list count %d\n", queryText->count()));
// Have to save current text, this will change while we clean up the list
QString txt = queryText->currentText();
bool changed;
do {
changed = false;
for (int index = 0; index < queryText->count(); index++) {
LOGDEB3(("Querytext[%d] = [%s]\n", index,
(const char *)(queryText->text(index).utf8())));
if (queryText->text(index).length() == 0 ||
QString::compare(queryText->text(index), txt) == 0) {
LOGDEB3(("Querytext removing at %d [%s] [%s]\n", index,
(const char *)(queryText->text(index).utf8()),
(const char *)(txt.utf8())));
changed = true;
} while (changed);
// The combobox is set for no insertion, insert here:
queryText->insertItem(txt, 0);
// Save the current state of the listbox list to the prefs (will
// go to disk)
for (int index = 0; index < queryText->count(); index++) {
RefCntr<Rcl::SearchData> rsdata(sdata);
emit startSearch(rsdata);
void SSearch::setSearchString(const QString& txt)
bool SSearch::hasSearchString()
return !queryText->lineEdit()->text().isEmpty();
void SSearch::setAnyTermMode()
// Complete last word in input by querying db for all possible terms.
void SSearch::completion()
if (!rcldb)
if (searchTypCMB->currentItem() == SST_FNM) {
// Filename: no completion
// Extract last word in text
string txt = (const char *)queryText->currentText().utf8();
string::size_type cs = txt.find_last_of(" ");
if (cs == string::npos)
cs = 0;
if (txt.size() == 0 || cs == txt.size()) {
string s = txt.substr(cs) + "*";
LOGDEB(("Completing: [%s]\n", s.c_str()));
// Query database
const int max = 100;
Rcl::TermMatchResult tmres;
string stemLang = (const char *)prefs.queryStemLang.ascii();
if (stemLang == "ALL") {
rclconfig->getConfParam("indexstemminglanguages", stemLang);
if (!rcldb->termMatch(Rcl::Db::ET_WILD, stemLang, s, tmres, max) ||
tmres.entries.size() == 0) {
if (tmres.entries.size() == (unsigned int)max) {
QMessageBox::warning(0, "Recoll", tr("Too many completions"));
// If list from db is single word, insert it, else ask user to select
QString res;
bool ok = false;
if (tmres.entries.size() == 1) {
res = QString::fromUtf8(tmres.entries.begin()->term.c_str());
ok = true;
} else {
QStringList lst;
for (list<Rcl::TermMatchEntry>::iterator it = tmres.entries.begin();
it != tmres.entries.end(); it++) {
res = QInputDialog::getItem(tr("Completions"),
tr("Select an item:"), lst, 0,
FALSE, &ok, this);
// Insert result
if (ok) {
} else {
#if defined(SHOWEVENTS)
#if QT_VERSION < 0x040000
static const char *eventTypeToStr(int tp)
switch (tp) {
case 0: return "None";
case 1: return "Timer";
case 2: return "MouseButtonPress";
case 3: return "MouseButtonRelease";
case 4: return "MouseButtonDblClick";
case 5: return "MouseMove";
case 6: return "KeyPress";
case 7: return "KeyRelease";
case 8: return "FocusIn";
case 9: return "FocusOut";
case 10: return "Enter";
case 11: return "Leave";
case 12: return "Paint";
case 13: return "Move";
case 14: return "Resize";
case 15: return "Create";
case 16: return "Destroy";
case 17: return "Show";
case 18: return "Hide";
case 19: return "Close";
case 20: return "Quit";
case 21: return "Reparent";
case 22: return "ShowMinimized";
case 23: return "ShowNormal";
case 24: return "WindowActivate";
case 25: return "WindowDeactivate";
case 26: return "ShowToParent";
case 27: return "HideToParent";
case 28: return "ShowMaximized";
case 29: return "ShowFullScreen";
case 30: return "Accel";
case 31: return "Wheel";
case 32: return "AccelAvailable";
case 33: return "CaptionChange";
case 34: return "IconChange";
case 35: return "ParentFontChange";
case 36: return "ApplicationFontChange";
case 37: return "ParentPaletteChange";
case 38: return "ApplicationPaletteChange";
case 39: return "PaletteChange";
case 40: return "Clipboard";
case 42: return "Speech";
case 50: return "SockAct";
case 51: return "AccelOverride";
case 52: return "DeferredDelete";
case 60: return "DragEnter";
case 61: return "DragMove";
case 62: return "DragLeave";
case 63: return "Drop";
case 64: return "DragResponse";
case 70: return "ChildInserted";
case 71: return "ChildRemoved";
case 72: return "LayoutHint";
case 73: return "ShowWindowRequest";
case 74: return "WindowBlocked";
case 75: return "WindowUnblocked";
case 80: return "ActivateControl";
case 81: return "DeactivateControl";
case 82: return "ContextMenu";
case 83: return "IMStart";
case 84: return "IMCompose";
case 85: return "IMEnd";
case 86: return "Accessibility";
case 87: return "TabletMove";
case 88: return "LocaleChange";
case 89: return "LanguageChange";
case 90: return "LayoutDirectionChange";
case 91: return "Style";
case 92: return "TabletPress";
case 93: return "TabletRelease";
case 94: return "OkRequest";
case 95: return "HelpRequest";
case 96: return "WindowStateChange";
case 97: return "IconDrag";
case 1000: return "User";
case 65535: return "MaxUser";
default: return "Unknown";
static const char *eventTypeToStr(int tp)
switch (tp) {
case 0: return "None";
case 1: return "Timer";
case 2: return "MouseButtonPress";
case 3: return "MouseButtonRelease";
case 4: return "MouseButtonDblClick";
case 5: return "MouseMove";
case 6: return "KeyPress";
case 7: return "KeyRelease";
case 8: return "FocusIn";
case 9: return "FocusOut";
case 10: return "Enter";
case 11: return "Leave";
case 12: return "Paint";
case 13: return "Move";
case 14: return "Resize";
case 15: return "Create";
case 16: return "Destroy";
case 17: return "Show";
case 18: return "Hide";
case 19: return "Close";
case 20: return "Quit";
case 21: return "ParentChange";
case 131: return "ParentAboutToChange";
case 22: return "ThreadChange";
case 24: return "WindowActivate";
case 25: return "WindowDeactivate";
case 26: return "ShowToParent";
case 27: return "HideToParent";
case 31: return "Wheel";
case 33: return "WindowTitleChange";
case 34: return "WindowIconChange";
case 35: return "ApplicationWindowIconChange";
case 36: return "ApplicationFontChange";
case 37: return "ApplicationLayoutDirectionChange";
case 38: return "ApplicationPaletteChange";
case 39: return "PaletteChange";
case 40: return "Clipboard";
case 42: return "Speech";
case 43: return "MetaCall";
case 50: return "SockAct";
case 132: return "WinEventAct";
case 52: return "DeferredDelete";
case 60: return "DragEnter";
case 61: return "DragMove";
case 62: return "DragLeave";
case 63: return "Drop";
case 64: return "DragResponse";
case 68: return "ChildAdded";
case 69: return "ChildPolished";
case 70: return "ChildInserted";
case 72: return "LayoutHint";
case 71: return "ChildRemoved";
case 73: return "ShowWindowRequest";
case 74: return "PolishRequest";
case 75: return "Polish";
case 76: return "LayoutRequest";
case 77: return "UpdateRequest";
case 78: return "UpdateLater";
case 79: return "EmbeddingControl";
case 80: return "ActivateControl";
case 81: return "DeactivateControl";
case 82: return "ContextMenu";
case 83: return "InputMethod";
case 86: return "AccessibilityPrepare";
case 87: return "TabletMove";
case 88: return "LocaleChange";
case 89: return "LanguageChange";
case 90: return "LayoutDirectionChange";
case 91: return "Style";
case 92: return "TabletPress";
case 93: return "TabletRelease";
case 94: return "OkRequest";
case 95: return "HelpRequest";
case 96: return "IconDrag";
case 97: return "FontChange";
case 98: return "EnabledChange";
case 99: return "ActivationChange";
case 100: return "StyleChange";
case 101: return "IconTextChange";
case 102: return "ModifiedChange";
case 109: return "MouseTrackingChange";
case 103: return "WindowBlocked";
case 104: return "WindowUnblocked";
case 105: return "WindowStateChange";
case 110: return "ToolTip";
case 111: return "WhatsThis";
case 112: return "StatusTip";
case 113: return "ActionChanged";
case 114: return "ActionAdded";
case 115: return "ActionRemoved";
case 116: return "FileOpen";
case 117: return "Shortcut";
case 51: return "ShortcutOverride";
case 30: return "Accel";
case 32: return "AccelAvailable";
case 118: return "WhatsThisClicked";
case 120: return "ToolBarChange";
case 121: return "ApplicationActivated";
case 122: return "ApplicationDeactivated";
case 123: return "QueryWhatsThis";
case 124: return "EnterWhatsThisMode";
case 125: return "LeaveWhatsThisMode";
case 126: return "ZOrderChange";
case 127: return "HoverEnter";
case 128: return "HoverLeave";
case 129: return "HoverMove";
case 119: return "AccessibilityHelp";
case 130: return "AccessibilityDescription";
case 150: return "EnterEditFocus";
case 151: return "LeaveEditFocus";
case 152: return "AcceptDropsChange";
case 153: return "MenubarUpdated";
case 154: return "ZeroTimerEvent";
case 155: return "GraphicsSceneMouseMove";
case 156: return "GraphicsSceneMousePress";
case 157: return "GraphicsSceneMouseRelease";
case 158: return "GraphicsSceneMouseDoubleClick";
case 159: return "GraphicsSceneContextMenu";
case 160: return "GraphicsSceneHoverEnter";
case 161: return "GraphicsSceneHoverMove";
case 162: return "GraphicsSceneHoverLeave";
case 163: return "GraphicsSceneHelp";
case 164: return "GraphicsSceneDragEnter";
case 165: return "GraphicsSceneDragMove";
case 166: return "GraphicsSceneDragLeave";
case 167: return "GraphicsSceneDrop";
case 168: return "GraphicsSceneWheel";
case 169: return "KeyboardLayoutChange";
case 170: return "DynamicPropertyChange";
case 171: return "TabletEnterProximity";
case 172: return "TabletLeaveProximity";
default: return "UnknownEvent";
bool SSearch::eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *event)
#if defined(SHOWEVENTS)
if (event->type() == QEvent::Timer ||
event->type() == QEvent::UpdateRequest ||
event->type() == QEvent::Paint)
return false;
LOGDEB2(("SSearch::eventFilter: target %p (%p) type %s\n",
target, queryText->lineEdit(),
if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) {
QKeyEvent *ke = (QKeyEvent *)event;
LOGDEB1(("SSearch::eventFilter: keyPress (m_escape %d) key %d\n",
m_escape, ke->key()));
if (ke->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) {
m_escape = true;
return true;
} else if (m_escape && ke->key() == Qt::Key_Space) {
LOGDEB(("Escape space\n"));
m_escape = false;
return true;
} else if (ke->key() == Qt::Key_Space) {
if (prefs.autoSearchOnWS)
m_escape = false;
return false;