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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    <title>RECOLL: a personal text search system for Unix/Linux</title>
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    <meta name="Author" content="Jean-Francois Dockes">
    <meta name="Description" content="Recoll is a personal desktop full text search application for Unix, Linux and Mac OS X, based on the Xapian search engine library.">
    <meta name="Keywords" content="full text search,fulltext,full text,search,desktop search,unix,linux,open source,free">
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	<li><a href="">Home</a></li>
	<li><a href="pics/index.html">Screenshots</a></li>
	<li><a href="download.html">Downloads</a></li>
	<li><a href="doc.html">Documentation</a></li>
	<li><a href="devel.html">Helping out</a></li>
	<li><a href="">En Français</a></li>
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    <div class="content">

      <h1><a href="">Recoll</a> is
	a personal full text search tool for Unix/Linux.</h1>

      <p>It is based on the very strong <a href=
	  "">Xapian</a> search engine library, for
	  which it provides a powerful text extraction layer and a
	  complete, yet easy to use, Qt graphical interface.</p>

      <p><span class="application">Recoll</span> is free, open source,
	and licensed under the GPL. The current version is
	<a href="download.html">1.17.2</a> 
	(<a href="release-1.17.html">Release notes</a>).</p>

      <p class="remark">Recoll will index an <b>MS-Word</b> document stored as
	  an <b>attachment</b> to an <b>e-mail message</b> inside
	  a <b>Thunderbird folder</b> archived in a <b>Zip file</b>
	  (and more...). It will also help you search for it with a
	  friendly and powerful interface, and let you open a copy of the file
	  without much fuss. There is little that will remain hidden on 
	  your disk. 
        <a class="important" href="features.html">More details &hellip;</a></p>

      <p>If you have problems with
        Recoll, <a href="doc.html">documentation</a>
        and <a href="support.html">support</a> are available.</p> 

      <p><b><i>Recoll user ?</i></b> Maybe there are still a few useful
      	  search tricks that you don't know about. A quick look at
	the <a href="usermanual/">search
	tips</a> might prove useful ! Also the 
        <a href="">
          Faqs and Howtos</a> on, and some contributed
          <a href="custom.html">result list formats</a>.</p>

      <div class="news">
        <li>2012-05-16: Release 1.17.2 fixes a few minor bugs in
          1.17. See the <a href="release-1.17.html">Release
            notes</a>. </li>

        <li>2012-04-07: we now have a Chinese user manual: Recoll现在有中文手册咯:
        <a href="">

        <li>2012-03-27: Recoll gets a Ubuntu Unity Lens. If you are running
          an Ubuntu release where this makes sense, you can install
          the recoll-lens package from the 
          <a href="">
            Recoll PPA</a>. The Lens uses the Recoll GUI as a proxy to
          extract and display embedded documents, which native utilities
          can't reach directly. And of course you still need to run
          the GUI (or the command line recollindex) to get the indexing
          going !</li>

        <li>2012-03-24: Release 1.17 is out, see
          the <a href="release-1.17.html">Release notes</a>. </li>

        <li>2011-11-26: the result list glitch: ennoying and easily
          worked-around: it will sometimes happen (for a yet
          undetermined reason) that the result list paragraph format
          stored in the Qt preferences file will get garbled,
          causing result lists with no displayed paragraphs (the
          counts and pages are ok, the results can be seen in table
          mode, but not in list mode). The workaround is to go to
           Preferences->Query configuration->User interface
          </blockquote> and erase the result paragraph format string
          (^A DEL in the text area), this will reset the string to the
          default value.</li>

      <p>Recoll borrows a lot of code
	from other packages, and welcomes code and ideas from
	contributors, see some of the 
	<a class="important" href="credits.html">Credits</a>.</p>

      <h2>On the side</h2>

      <div class="news">
      <p>It doesn't appear likely that I'm going to become rich with
        Recoll any time soon (what with giving it away for free and
        all), so I've decided to use the home page to link to a few
        things that marginally kind of earn some money:</p>
        <p>We rent <a href="">
	    a big country house</a> in the Aude area, in the south of
	  France (<a href="">see
	    map on the site</a>). If you are
	  looking for a wonderful country place with a pool to
	  spend holidays with a big bunch of family and/or
          friends in a nice historical but very quiet area, this may be it.</p>
        <p>And we also
          sell <a href="">
            du <em>bois de chauffage</em></a> there too...</p> 
