Commit Date  
menu entry to reset document history
[9d4264] by dockes dockes
2007-06-20 Tree
fix sort state restoration which didnt work
[66b4dd] by dockes dockes
2007-06-19 Tree
somewhat fixed qt4 selection problems
[492c34] by dockes dockes
2007-06-12 Tree
*** empty log message ***
[c77ff2] by dockes dockes
2007-06-12 Tree
set busy cursor while search runs
[4294f1] by dockes dockes
2007-06-11 Tree
reopen db for each search during query
[e565fd] by dockes dockes
2007-05-21 Tree
add user pref to use xdg-open for all document ...
[e58dee] by dockes dockes
2007-02-14 Tree
try to limit the places which use Rcl:: stuff
[ddb1bd] by dockes dockes
2007-01-19 Tree
cleanup docseq, arrange things so that we can p...
[b05230] by dockes dockes
2007-01-19 Tree
improved external index dialog with listview
[83b84f] by dockes dockes
2007-01-13 Tree
fix the previous icon fix
[be4714] by dockes dockes
2007-01-08 Tree
reslist menu openParent opens containing folder...
[4bcc29] by dockes dockes
2007-01-08 Tree
get rid of messages about missing d_xxx images
[df02f3] by dockes dockes
2007-01-08 Tree
get all icons out of .ui files to avoid qt4 sta...
[9d9348] by dockes dockes
2006-12-22 Tree
reslist: added menu entry to see parent doc of ...
[38604c] by dockes dockes
2006-12-20 Tree
dblclick to edit in viewAction
[0e531b] by dockes dockes
2006-12-18 Tree
mail attachments sort of ok
[8f1f2c] by dockes dockes
2006-12-16 Tree
created mimeview and the viewer conf edit dialog
[d7f056] by dockes dockes
2006-12-14 Tree
fix pb with executing viewer for files with sin...
[b9b6a8] by dockes dockes
2006-12-07 Tree
avoid generating abstracts before theyre needed...
[9a7d46] by dockes dockes
2006-12-05 Tree
qt4 compiles and sort of works
[5c8d9b] by dockes dockes
2006-12-04 Tree
qt4 ckpt
[f8a066] by dockes dockes
2006-12-04 Tree
get shift+clicklink to open new preview window ...
[350a7c] by dockes dockes
2006-11-17 Tree
Remember searchData and use it in plaintorich f...
[a96303] by dockes dockes
2006-11-17 Tree
added dynamic clauses to adv search. Still need...
[7cc20a] by dockes dockes
2006-11-14 Tree
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Showing results of 81