* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "autoconfig.h"
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qmenu.h>
#include <qclipboard.h>
#include "debuglog.h"
#include "smallut.h"
#include "recoll.h"
#include "docseq.h"
#include "respopup.h"
namespace ResultPopup {
QMenu *create(QWidget *me, int opts, RefCntr<DocSequence> source, Rcl::Doc& doc)
QMenu *popup = new QMenu(me);
LOGDEB(("ResultPopup::create: opts %x haspages %d %s %s\n", opts,
doc.haspages, source.isNull() ?
"Source is Null" : "Source not null",
source.isNull() ? "" : source->snippetsCapable() ?
"snippetsCapable" : "not snippetsCapable"));
string apptag;
doc.getmeta(Rcl::Doc::keyapptg, &apptag);
popup->addAction(me->tr("&Preview"), me, SLOT(menuPreview()));
if (!theconfig->getMimeViewerDef(doc.mimetype, apptag, 0).empty()) {
popup->addAction(me->tr("&Open"), me, SLOT(menuEdit()));
popup->addAction(me->tr("Copy &File Name"), me, SLOT(menuCopyFN()));
popup->addAction(me->tr("Copy &URL"), me, SLOT(menuCopyURL()));
if ((opts&showSaveOne) && !doc.ipath.empty())
popup->addAction(me->tr("&Write to File"), me, SLOT(menuSaveToFile()));
if ((opts&showSaveSel))
popup->addAction(me->tr("Save selection to files"),
me, SLOT(menuSaveSelection()));
Rcl::Doc pdoc;
if (source.isNotNull() && source->getEnclosing(doc, pdoc)) {
popup->addAction(me->tr("Preview P&arent document/folder"),
me, SLOT(menuPreviewParent()));
// Open parent is useful even if there is no parent because we open
// the enclosing folder.
popup->addAction(me->tr("&Open Parent document/folder"),
me, SLOT(menuOpenParent()));
if (opts & showExpand)
popup->addAction(me->tr("Find &similar documents"),
me, SLOT(menuExpand()));
if (doc.haspages && source.isNotNull() && source->snippetsCapable())
popup->addAction(me->tr("Open &Snippets window"),
me, SLOT(menuShowSnippets()));
if ((opts & showSubs) && rcldb && rcldb->hasSubDocs(doc))
popup->addAction(me->tr("Show subdocuments / attachments"),
me, SLOT(menuShowSubDocs()));
return popup;
Rcl::Doc getParent(RefCntr<DocSequence> source, Rcl::Doc& doc)
Rcl::Doc pdoc;
if (source.isNull() || !source->getEnclosing(doc, pdoc)) {
// No parent doc: show enclosing folder with app configured for
// directories
pdoc.url = path_getfather(doc.url);
pdoc.meta[Rcl::Doc::keychildurl] = doc.url;
pdoc.meta[Rcl::Doc::keyapptg] = "parentopen";
pdoc.mimetype = "inode/directory";
return pdoc;
void copyFN(const Rcl::Doc &doc)
// Our urls currently always begin with "file://"
// Problem: setText expects a QString. Passing a (const char*)
// as we used to do causes an implicit conversion from
// latin1. File are binary and the right approach would be no
// conversion, but it's probably better (less worse...) to
// make a "best effort" tentative and try to convert from the
// locale's charset than accept the default conversion.
QString qfn = QString::fromLocal8Bit(doc.url.c_str()+7);
QApplication::clipboard()->setText(qfn, QClipboard::Selection);
QApplication::clipboard()->setText(qfn, QClipboard::Clipboard);
void copyURL(const Rcl::Doc &doc)
string url = url_encode(doc.url, 7);