/* Copyright (C) 2004 J.F.Dockes
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "autoconfig.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
#include "xapian.h"
#include "rclconfig.h"
#include "debuglog.h"
#include "rcldb.h"
#include "rcldb_p.h"
#include "stemdb.h"
#include "textsplit.h"
#include "transcode.h"
#include "unacpp.h"
#include "conftree.h"
#include "pathut.h"
#include "smallut.h"
#include "utf8iter.h"
#include "searchdata.h"
#include "rclquery.h"
#include "rclquery_p.h"
#include "md5.h"
#include "rclversion.h"
#include "cancelcheck.h"
#include "ptmutex.h"
#include "termproc.h"
#include "expansiondbs.h"
#include "rclinit.h"
// Recoll index format version is stored in user metadata. When this change,
// we can't open the db and will have to reindex.
static const string cstr_RCL_IDX_VERSION_KEY("RCL_IDX_VERSION_KEY");
static const string cstr_RCL_IDX_VERSION("1");
static const string cstr_mbreaks("rclmbreaks");
namespace Rcl {
// Some prefixes that we could get from the fields file, but are not going
// to ever change.
static const string fileext_prefix = "XE";
const string mimetype_prefix = "T";
static const string xapday_prefix = "D";
static const string xapmonth_prefix = "M";
static const string xapyear_prefix = "Y";
const string pathelt_prefix = "XP";
const string udi_prefix("Q");
const string parent_prefix("F");
// Special terms to mark begin/end of field (for anchored searches), and
// page breaks
string start_of_field_term;
string end_of_field_term;
const string page_break_term = "XXPG/";
// Special term to mark documents with children.
const string has_children_term("XXC/");
// Field name for the unsplit file name. Has to exist in the field file
// because of usage in termmatch()
const string unsplitFilenameFieldName = "rclUnsplitFN";
static const string unsplitfilename_prefix = "XSFS";
// Empty string md5s
static const string cstr_md5empty("d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e");
static const int MB = 1024 * 1024;
string version_string(){
return string("Recoll ") + string(rclversionstr) + string(" + Xapian ") +
// Synthetic abstract marker (to discriminate from abstract actually
// found in document)
static const string cstr_syntAbs("?!#@");
// Compute the unique term used to link documents to their origin.
// "Q" + external udi
static inline string make_uniterm(const string& udi)
string uniterm(wrap_prefix(udi_prefix));
return uniterm;
// Compute parent term used to link documents to their parent document (if any)
// "F" + parent external udi
static inline string make_parentterm(const string& udi)
// I prefer to be in possible conflict with omega than with
// user-defined fields (Xxxx) that we also allow. "F" is currently
// not used by omega (2008-07)
string pterm(wrap_prefix(parent_prefix));
return pterm;
Db::Native::Native(Db *db)
: m_rcldb(db), m_isopen(false), m_iswritable(false),
, m_wqueue("DbUpd",
m_totalworkns(0LL), m_havewriteq(false)
#endif // IDX_THREADS
LOGDEB1(("Native::Native: me %p\n", this));
LOGDEB1(("Native::~Native: me %p\n", this));
if (m_havewriteq) {
void *status = m_wqueue.setTerminateAndWait();
LOGDEB2(("Native::~Native: worker status %ld\n", long(status)));
#endif // IDX_THREADS
void *DbUpdWorker(void* vdbp)
Db::Native *ndbp = (Db::Native *)vdbp;
WorkQueue<DbUpdTask*> *tqp = &(ndbp->m_wqueue);
DbUpdTask *tsk = 0;
for (;;) {
size_t qsz = -1;
if (!tqp->take(&tsk, &qsz)) {
return (void*)1;
bool status = false;
switch (tsk->op) {
case DbUpdTask::AddOrUpdate:
LOGDEB(("DbUpdWorker: got add/update task, ql %d\n", int(qsz)));
status = ndbp->addOrUpdateWrite(tsk->udi, tsk->uniterm,
tsk->doc, tsk->txtlen);
case DbUpdTask::Delete:
LOGDEB(("DbUpdWorker: got delete task, ql %d\n", int(qsz)));
status = ndbp->purgeFileWrite(false, tsk->udi, tsk->uniterm);
case DbUpdTask::PurgeOrphans:
LOGDEB(("DbUpdWorker: got orphans purge task, ql %d\n", int(qsz)));
status = ndbp->purgeFileWrite(true, tsk->udi, tsk->uniterm);
LOGERR(("DbUpdWorker: unknown op %d !!\n", tsk->op));
if (!status) {
LOGERR(("DbUpdWorker: xxWrite failed\n"));
delete tsk;
return (void*)0;
delete tsk;
void Db::Native::maybeStartThreads()
m_loglevel = DebugLog::getdbl()->getlevel();
m_havewriteq = false;
const RclConfig *cnf = m_rcldb->m_config;
int writeqlen = cnf->getThrConf(RclConfig::ThrDbWrite).first;
int writethreads = cnf->getThrConf(RclConfig::ThrDbWrite).second;
if (writethreads > 1) {
LOGINFO(("RclDb: write threads count was forced down to 1\n"));
writethreads = 1;
if (writeqlen >= 0 && writethreads > 0) {
if (!m_wqueue.start(writethreads, DbUpdWorker, this)) {
LOGERR(("Db::Db: Worker start failed\n"));
m_havewriteq = true;
LOGDEB(("RclDb:: threads: haveWriteQ %d, wqlen %d wqts %d\n",
m_havewriteq, writeqlen, writethreads));
#endif // IDX_THREADS
/* See comment in class declaration: return all subdocuments of a
* document given by its unique id.
bool Db::Native::subDocs(const string &udi, int idxi,
vector<Xapian::docid>& docids)
LOGDEB2(("subDocs: [%s]\n", uniterm.c_str()));
string pterm = make_parentterm(udi);
vector<Xapian::docid> candidates;
candidates.insert(candidates.begin(), xrdb.postlist_begin(pterm),
xrdb, m_rcldb->m_reason);
if (!m_rcldb->m_reason.empty()) {
LOGERR(("Rcl::Db::subDocs: %s\n", m_rcldb->m_reason.c_str()));
return false;
} else {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < candidates.size(); i++) {
if (whatDbIdx(candidates[i]) == (size_t)idxi) {
LOGDEB0(("Db::Native::subDocs: returning %d ids\n", docids.size()));
return true;
bool Db::Native::xdocToUdi(Xapian::Document& xdoc, string &udi)
Xapian::TermIterator xit;
XAPTRY(xit = xdoc.termlist_begin();
xrdb, m_rcldb->m_reason);
if (!m_rcldb->m_reason.empty()) {
LOGERR(("xdocToUdi: xapian error: %s\n", m_rcldb->m_reason.c_str()));
return false;
if (xit != xdoc.termlist_end()) {
udi = *xit;
if (!udi.empty()) {
udi = udi.substr(wrap_prefix(udi_prefix).size());
return true;
return false;
// Check if doc given by udi is indexed by term
bool Db::Native::hasTerm(const string& udi, int idxi, const string& term)
LOGDEB2(("Native::hasTerm: udi [%s] term [%s]\n",udi.c_str(),term.c_str()));
Xapian::Document xdoc;
if (getDoc(udi, idxi, xdoc)) {
Xapian::TermIterator xit;
XAPTRY(xit = xdoc.termlist_begin();
xrdb, m_rcldb->m_reason);
if (!m_rcldb->m_reason.empty()) {
LOGERR(("Rcl::Native::hasTerm: %s\n", m_rcldb->m_reason.c_str()));
return false;
if (xit != xdoc.termlist_end() && !term.compare(*xit)) {
return true;
return false;
// Retrieve Xapian document, given udi. There may be several identical udis
// if we are using multiple indexes.
Xapian::docid Db::Native::getDoc(const string& udi, int idxi,
Xapian::Document& xdoc)
string uniterm = make_uniterm(udi);
for (int tries = 0; tries < 2; tries++) {
try {
Xapian::PostingIterator docid;
for (docid = xrdb.postlist_begin(uniterm);
docid != xrdb.postlist_end(uniterm); docid++) {
xdoc = xrdb.get_document(*docid);
if (whatDbIdx(*docid) == (size_t)idxi)
return *docid;
// Udi not in Db.
return 0;
} catch (const Xapian::DatabaseModifiedError &e) {
m_rcldb->m_reason = e.get_msg();
} XCATCHERROR(m_rcldb->m_reason);
LOGERR(("Db::Native::getDoc: Xapian error: %s\n",
return 0;
// Turn data record from db into document fields
bool Db::Native::dbDataToRclDoc(Xapian::docid docid, std::string &data,
Doc &doc)
LOGDEB2(("Db::dbDataToRclDoc: data:\n%s\n", data.c_str()));
ConfSimple parms(data);
if (!parms.ok())
return false;
doc.xdocid = docid;
doc.haspages = hasPages(docid);
// Compute what index this comes from, and check for path translations
string dbdir = m_rcldb->m_basedir;
doc.idxi = 0;
if (!m_rcldb->m_extraDbs.empty()) {
unsigned int idxi = whatDbIdx(docid);
// idxi is in [0, extraDbs.size()]. 0 is for the main index,
// idxi-1 indexes into the additional dbs array.
if (idxi) {
dbdir = m_rcldb->m_extraDbs[idxi - 1];
doc.idxi = idxi;
parms.get(Doc::keyurl, doc.idxurl);
doc.url = doc.idxurl;
m_rcldb->m_config->urlrewrite(dbdir, doc.url);
if (!doc.url.compare(doc.idxurl))
// Special cases:
parms.get(Doc::keytp, doc.mimetype);
parms.get(Doc::keyfmt, doc.fmtime);
parms.get(Doc::keydmt, doc.dmtime);
parms.get(Doc::keyoc, doc.origcharset);
parms.get(cstr_caption, doc.meta[Doc::keytt]);
parms.get(Doc::keyabs, doc.meta[Doc::keyabs]);
// Possibly remove synthetic abstract indicator (if it's there, we
// used to index the beginning of the text as abstract).
doc.syntabs = false;
if (doc.meta[Doc::keyabs].find(cstr_syntAbs) == 0) {
doc.meta[Doc::keyabs] =
doc.syntabs = true;
parms.get(Doc::keyipt, doc.ipath);
parms.get(Doc::keypcs, doc.pcbytes);
parms.get(Doc::keyfs, doc.fbytes);
parms.get(Doc::keyds, doc.dbytes);
parms.get(Doc::keysig, doc.sig);
// Normal key/value pairs:
vector<string> keys = parms.getNames(string());
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = keys.begin();
it != keys.end(); it++) {
if (doc.meta.find(*it) == doc.meta.end())
parms.get(*it, doc.meta[*it]);
doc.meta[Doc::keyurl] = doc.url;
doc.meta[Doc::keymt] = doc.dmtime.empty() ? doc.fmtime : doc.dmtime;
return true;
bool Db::Native::hasPages(Xapian::docid docid)
string ermsg;
Xapian::PositionIterator pos;
XAPTRY(pos = xrdb.positionlist_begin(docid, page_break_term);
if (pos != xrdb.positionlist_end(docid, page_break_term)) {
return true;
xrdb, ermsg);
if (!ermsg.empty()) {
LOGERR(("Db::Native::hasPages: xapian error: %s\n", ermsg.c_str()));
return false;
// Return the positions list for the page break term
bool Db::Native::getPagePositions(Xapian::docid docid, vector<int>& vpos)
// Need to retrieve the document record to check for multiple page breaks
// that we store there for lack of better place
map<int, int> mbreaksmap;
try {
Xapian::Document xdoc = xrdb.get_document(docid);
string data = xdoc.get_data();
Doc doc;
string mbreaks;
if (dbDataToRclDoc(docid, data, doc) &&
doc.getmeta(cstr_mbreaks, &mbreaks)) {
vector<string> values;
stringToTokens(mbreaks, values, ",");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < values.size() - 1; i += 2) {
int pos = atoi(values[i].c_str()) + baseTextPosition;
int incr = atoi(values[i+1].c_str());
mbreaksmap[pos] = incr;
} catch (...) {
string qterm = page_break_term;
Xapian::PositionIterator pos;
try {
for (pos = xrdb.positionlist_begin(docid, qterm);
pos != xrdb.positionlist_end(docid, qterm); pos++) {
int ipos = *pos;
if (ipos < int(baseTextPosition)) {
LOGDEB(("getPagePositions: got page position %d not in body\n",
// Not in text body. Strange...
map<int, int>::iterator it = mbreaksmap.find(ipos);
if (it != mbreaksmap.end()) {
LOGDEB1(("getPagePositions: found multibreak at %d incr %d\n",
ipos, it->second));
for (int i = 0 ; i < it->second; i++)
} catch (...) {
// Term does not occur. No problem.
return true;
int Db::Native::getPageNumberForPosition(const vector<int>& pbreaks,
unsigned int pos)
if (pos < baseTextPosition) // Not in text body
return -1;
vector<int>::const_iterator it =
upper_bound(pbreaks.begin(), pbreaks.end(), pos);
return it - pbreaks.begin() + 1;
bool Db::Native::addOrUpdateWrite(const string& udi, const string& uniterm,
Xapian::Document& newdocument, size_t textlen)
Chrono chron;
// In the case where there is a separate (single) db update
// thread, we only need to protect the update map update below
// (against interaction with threads calling needUpdate()). Else,
// all threads from above need to synchronize here
PTMutexLocker lock(m_mutex, m_havewriteq);
// Check file system full every mbyte of indexed text. It's a bit wasteful
// to do this after having prepared the document, but it needs to be in
// the single-threaded section.
if (m_rcldb->m_maxFsOccupPc > 0 &&
(m_rcldb->m_occFirstCheck ||
(m_rcldb->m_curtxtsz - m_rcldb->m_occtxtsz) / MB >= 1)) {
LOGDEB(("Db::add: checking file system usage\n"));
int pc;
m_rcldb->m_occFirstCheck = 0;
if (fsocc(m_rcldb->m_basedir, &pc) && pc >= m_rcldb->m_maxFsOccupPc) {
LOGERR(("Db::add: stop indexing: file system "
"%d%% full > max %d%%\n", pc, m_rcldb->m_maxFsOccupPc));
return false;
m_rcldb->m_occtxtsz = m_rcldb->m_curtxtsz;
const char *fnc = udi.c_str();
string ermsg;
// Add db entry or update existing entry:
try {
Xapian::docid did =
xwdb.replace_document(uniterm, newdocument);
// Need to protect against interaction with the up-to-date checks
// which also update the existence map
PTMutexLocker lock(m_mutex, !m_havewriteq);
if (did < m_rcldb->updated.size()) {
m_rcldb->updated[did] = true;
LOGINFO(("Db::add: docid %d updated [%s]\n", did, fnc));
} else {
LOGINFO(("Db::add: docid %d added [%s]\n", did, fnc));
if (!ermsg.empty()) {
LOGERR(("Db::add: replace_document failed: %s\n", ermsg.c_str()));
// FIXME: is this ever actually needed?
try {
LOGDEB(("Db::add: %s added (failed re-seek for duplicate)\n",
if (!ermsg.empty()) {
LOGERR(("Db::add: add_document failed: %s\n", ermsg.c_str()));
return false;
// Test if we're over the flush threshold (limit memory usage):
bool ret = m_rcldb->maybeflush(textlen);
m_totalworkns += chron.nanos();
return ret;
bool Db::Native::purgeFileWrite(bool orphansOnly, const string& udi,
const string& uniterm)
#if defined(IDX_THREADS)
// We need a mutex even if we have a write queue (so we can only
// be called by a single thread) to protect about multiple acces
// to xrdb from subDocs() which is also called from needupdate()
// (called from outside the write thread !
PTMutexLocker lock(m_mutex);
#endif // IDX_THREADS
string ermsg;
try {
Xapian::PostingIterator docid = xwdb.postlist_begin(uniterm);
if (docid == xwdb.postlist_end(uniterm)) {
return true;
if (m_rcldb->m_flushMb > 0) {
Xapian::termcount trms = xwdb.get_doclength(*docid);
m_rcldb->maybeflush(trms * 5);
string sig;
if (orphansOnly) {
Xapian::Document doc = xwdb.get_document(*docid);
sig = doc.get_value(VALUE_SIG);
if (sig.empty()) {
LOGINFO(("purgeFileWrite: got empty sig\n"));
return false;
} else {
LOGDEB(("purgeFile: delete docid %d\n", *docid));
vector<Xapian::docid> docids;
subDocs(udi, 0, docids);
LOGDEB(("purgeFile: subdocs cnt %d\n", docids.size()));
for (vector<Xapian::docid>::iterator it = docids.begin();
it != docids.end(); it++) {
if (m_rcldb->m_flushMb > 0) {
Xapian::termcount trms = xwdb.get_doclength(*it);
m_rcldb->maybeflush(trms * 5);
string subdocsig;
if (orphansOnly) {
Xapian::Document doc = xwdb.get_document(*it);
subdocsig = doc.get_value(VALUE_SIG);
if (subdocsig.empty()) {
LOGINFO(("purgeFileWrite: got empty sig for subdoc??\n"));
if (!orphansOnly || sig != subdocsig) {
LOGDEB(("Db::purgeFile: delete subdoc %d\n", *it));
return true;
if (!ermsg.empty()) {
LOGERR(("Db::purgeFileWrite: %s\n", ermsg.c_str()));
return false;
/* Rcl::Db methods ///////////////////////////////// */
bool Db::o_inPlaceReset;
Db::Db(const RclConfig *cfp)
: m_ndb(0), m_mode(Db::DbRO), m_curtxtsz(0), m_flushtxtsz(0),
m_occtxtsz(0), m_occFirstCheck(1),
m_idxAbsTruncLen(250), m_synthAbsLen(250), m_synthAbsWordCtxLen(4),
m_flushMb(-1), m_maxFsOccupPc(0)
m_config = new RclConfig(*cfp);
if (start_of_field_term.empty()) {
if (o_index_stripchars) {
start_of_field_term = "XXST";
end_of_field_term = "XXND";
} else {
start_of_field_term = "XXST/";
end_of_field_term = "XXND/";
m_ndb = new Native(this);
if (m_config) {
m_config->getConfParam("maxfsoccuppc", &m_maxFsOccupPc);
m_config->getConfParam("idxflushmb", &m_flushMb);
if (m_ndb == 0)
LOGDEB(("Db::~Db: isopen %d m_iswritable %d\n", m_ndb->m_isopen,
delete m_config;
vector<string> Db::getStemmerNames()
vector<string> res;
stringToStrings(Xapian::Stem::get_available_languages(), res);
return res;
bool Db::open(OpenMode mode, OpenError *error)
if (error)
*error = DbOpenMainDb;
if (m_ndb == 0 || m_config == 0) {
m_reason = "Null configuration or Xapian Db";
return false;
LOGDEB(("Db::open: m_isopen %d m_iswritable %d mode %d\n", m_ndb->m_isopen,
m_ndb->m_iswritable, mode));
if (m_ndb->m_isopen) {
// We used to return an error here but I see no reason to
if (!close())
return false;
if (!m_config->getStopfile().empty())
string dir = m_config->getDbDir();
string ermsg;
try {
switch (mode) {
case DbUpd:
case DbTrunc:
int action = (mode == DbUpd) ? Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OPEN :
m_ndb->xwdb = Xapian::WritableDatabase(dir, action);
// If db is empty, write the data format version at once
// to avoid stupid error messages:
if (m_ndb->xwdb.get_doccount() == 0)
m_ndb->m_iswritable = true;
// We open a readonly object in all cases (possibly in
// addition to the r/w one) because some operations
// are faster when performed through a Database: no
// forced flushes on allterms_begin(), ie, used in
// subDocs()
m_ndb->xrdb = Xapian::Database(dir);
LOGDEB(("Db::open: lastdocid: %d\n",
LOGDEB2(("Db::open: resetting updated\n"));
updated.resize(m_ndb->xwdb.get_lastdocid() + 1);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < updated.size(); i++)
updated[i] = false;
case DbRO:
m_ndb->m_iswritable = false;
m_ndb->xrdb = Xapian::Database(dir);
for (vector<string>::iterator it = m_extraDbs.begin();
it != m_extraDbs.end(); it++) {
if (error)
*error = DbOpenExtraDb;
LOGDEB(("Db::Open: adding query db [%s]\n", it->c_str()));
// An error here used to be non-fatal (1.13 and older)
// but I can't see why
if (error)
*error = DbOpenMainDb;
// Check index format version. Must not try to check a just created or
// truncated db
if (mode != DbTrunc && m_ndb->xrdb.get_doccount() > 0) {
string version = m_ndb->xrdb.get_metadata(cstr_RCL_IDX_VERSION_KEY);
if (version.compare(cstr_RCL_IDX_VERSION)) {
m_ndb->m_noversionwrite = true;
LOGERR(("Rcl::Db::open: file index [%s], software [%s]\n",
version.c_str(), cstr_RCL_IDX_VERSION.c_str()));
throw Xapian::DatabaseError("Recoll index version mismatch",
"", "");
m_mode = mode;
m_ndb->m_isopen = true;
m_basedir = dir;
if (error)
*error = DbOpenNoError;
return true;
m_reason = ermsg;
LOGERR(("Db::open: exception while opening [%s]: %s\n",
dir.c_str(), ermsg.c_str()));
return false;
// Note: xapian has no close call, we delete and recreate the db
bool Db::close()
return i_close(false);
bool Db::i_close(bool final)
if (m_ndb == 0)
return false;
LOGDEB(("Db::i_close(%d): m_isopen %d m_iswritable %d\n", final,
m_ndb->m_isopen, m_ndb->m_iswritable));
if (m_ndb->m_isopen == false && !final)
return true;
string ermsg;
try {
bool w = m_ndb->m_iswritable;
if (w) {
if (!m_ndb->m_noversionwrite)
LOGDEB(("Rcl::Db:close: xapian will close. May take some time\n"));
if (w)
LOGDEB(("Rcl::Db:close() xapian close done.\n"));
if (final) {
return true;
m_ndb = new Native(this);
if (m_ndb) {
return true;
LOGERR(("Rcl::Db::close(): cant recreate db object\n"));
return false;
LOGERR(("Db:close: exception while deleting db: %s\n", ermsg.c_str()));
return false;
// Reopen the db with a changed list of additional dbs
bool Db::adjustdbs()
if (m_mode != DbRO) {
LOGERR(("Db::adjustdbs: mode not RO\n"));
return false;
if (m_ndb && m_ndb->m_isopen) {
if (!close())
return false;
if (!open(m_mode)) {
return false;
return true;
int Db::docCnt()
int res = -1;
if (!m_ndb || !m_ndb->m_isopen)
return -1;
XAPTRY(res = m_ndb->xrdb.get_doccount(), m_ndb->xrdb, m_reason);
if (!m_reason.empty()) {
LOGERR(("Db::docCnt: got error: %s\n", m_reason.c_str()));
return -1;
return res;
int Db::termDocCnt(const string& _term)
int res = -1;
if (!m_ndb || !m_ndb->m_isopen)
return -1;
string term = _term;
if (o_index_stripchars)
if (!unacmaybefold(_term, term, "UTF-8", UNACOP_UNACFOLD)) {
LOGINFO(("Db::termDocCnt: unac failed for [%s]\n", _term.c_str()));
return 0;
if (m_stops.isStop(term)) {
LOGDEB1(("Db::termDocCnt [%s] in stop list\n", term.c_str()));
return 0;
XAPTRY(res = m_ndb->xrdb.get_termfreq(term), m_ndb->xrdb, m_reason);
if (!m_reason.empty()) {
LOGERR(("Db::termDocCnt: got error: %s\n", m_reason.c_str()));
return -1;
return res;
bool Db::addQueryDb(const string &_dir)
string dir = _dir;
LOGDEB0(("Db::addQueryDb: ndb %p iswritable %d db [%s]\n", m_ndb,
(m_ndb)?m_ndb->m_iswritable:0, dir.c_str()));
if (!m_ndb)
return false;
if (m_ndb->m_iswritable)
return false;
dir = path_canon(dir);
if (find(m_extraDbs.begin(), m_extraDbs.end(), dir) == m_extraDbs.end()) {
return adjustdbs();
bool Db::rmQueryDb(const string &dir)
if (!m_ndb)
return false;
if (m_ndb->m_iswritable)
return false;
if (dir.empty()) {
} else {
vector<string>::iterator it = find(m_extraDbs.begin(),
m_extraDbs.end(), dir);
if (it != m_extraDbs.end()) {
return adjustdbs();
// Determining what index a doc result comes from is based on the
// modulo of the docid against the db count. Ref:
// http://trac.xapian.org/wiki/FAQ/MultiDatabaseDocumentID
size_t Db::whatDbIdx(const Doc& doc)
return m_ndb->whatDbIdx(doc.xdocid);
size_t Db::Native::whatDbIdx(Xapian::docid id)
LOGDEB1(("Db::whatDbIdx: xdocid %lu, %u extraDbs\n",
(unsigned long)id, m_extraDbs.size()));
if (id == 0)
return (size_t)-1;
if (m_rcldb->m_extraDbs.size() == 0)
return 0;
return (id - 1) % (m_rcldb->m_extraDbs.size() + 1);
bool Db::testDbDir(const string &dir, bool *stripped_p)
string aerr;
bool mstripped = true;
LOGDEB(("Db::testDbDir: [%s]\n", dir.c_str()));
try {
Xapian::Database db(dir);
// If we have terms with a leading ':' it's an
// unstripped index
Xapian::TermIterator term = db.allterms_begin(":");
if (term == db.allterms_end())
mstripped = true;
mstripped = false;
if (!aerr.empty()) {
LOGERR(("Db::Open: error while trying to open database "
"from [%s]: %s\n", dir.c_str(), aerr.c_str()));
return false;
if (stripped_p)
*stripped_p = mstripped;
return true;
bool Db::isopen()
if (m_ndb == 0)
return false;
return m_ndb->m_isopen;
// Try to translate field specification into field prefix.
bool Db::fieldToTraits(const string& fld, const FieldTraits **ftpp)
if (m_config && m_config->getFieldTraits(fld, ftpp))
return true;
*ftpp = 0;
return false;
// The splitter breaks text into words and adds postings to the Xapian
// document. We use a single object to split all of the document
// fields and position jumps to separate fields
class TextSplitDb : public TextSplitP {
Xapian::Document &doc; // Xapian document
// Base for document section. Gets large increment when we change
// sections, to avoid cross-section proximity matches.
Xapian::termpos basepos;
// Current relative position. This is the remembered value from
// the splitter callback. The term position is reset for each call
// to text_to_words(), so that the last value of curpos is the
// section size (last relative term position), and this is what
// gets added to basepos in addition to the inter-section increment
// to compute the first position of the next section.
Xapian::termpos curpos;
TextSplitDb(Xapian::Document &d, TermProc *prc)
: TextSplitP(prc),
doc(d), basepos(1), curpos(0), wdfinc(1)
// Reimplement text_to_words to insert the begin and end anchor terms.
virtual bool text_to_words(const string &in)
bool ret = false;
string ermsg;
try {
// Index the possibly prefixed start term.
doc.add_posting(prefix + start_of_field_term, basepos, wdfinc);
if (!ermsg.empty()) {
LOGERR(("Db: xapian add_posting error %s\n", ermsg.c_str()));
goto out;
if (!TextSplitP::text_to_words(in)) {
LOGDEB(("TextSplitDb: TextSplit::text_to_words failed\n"));
goto out;
try {
// Index the possibly prefixed end term.
doc.add_posting(prefix + end_of_field_term, basepos + curpos + 1,
if (!ermsg.empty()) {
LOGERR(("Db: xapian add_posting error %s\n", ermsg.c_str()));
goto out;
ret = true;
basepos += curpos + 100;
return true;
void setprefix(const string& pref)
if (pref.empty())
prefix = wrap_prefix(pref);
void setwdfinc(int i)
wdfinc = i;
friend class TermProcIdx;
// If prefix is set, we also add a posting for the prefixed terms
// (ie: for titles, add postings for both "term" and "Sterm")
string prefix;
// Some fields have more weight
int wdfinc;
class TermProcIdx : public TermProc {
TermProcIdx() : TermProc(0), m_ts(0), m_lastpagepos(0), m_pageincr(0) {}
void setTSD(TextSplitDb *ts) {m_ts = ts;}
bool takeword(const std::string &term, int pos, int, int)
// Compute absolute position (pos is relative to current segment),
// and remember relative.
m_ts->curpos = pos;
pos += m_ts->basepos;
// Don't try to add empty term Xapian doesnt like it... Safety check
// this should not happen.
if (term.empty())
return true;
string ermsg;
try {
// Index without prefix, using the field-specific weighting
LOGDEB1(("Emitting term at %d : [%s]\n", pos, term.c_str()));
m_ts->doc.add_posting(term, pos, m_ts->wdfinc);
if (Db::isSpellingCandidate(term)) {
// Index the prefixed term.
if (!m_ts->prefix.empty()) {
m_ts->doc.add_posting(m_ts->prefix + term, pos, m_ts->wdfinc);
return true;
LOGERR(("Db: xapian add_posting error %s\n", ermsg.c_str()));
return false;
void newpage(int pos)
pos += m_ts->basepos;
if (pos < int(baseTextPosition)) {
LOGDEB(("newpage: not in body\n", pos));
m_ts->doc.add_posting(m_ts->prefix + page_break_term, pos);
if (pos == m_lastpagepos) {
LOGDEB2(("newpage: same pos, pageincr %d lastpagepos %d\n",
m_pageincr, m_lastpagepos));
} else {
LOGDEB2(("newpage: pos change, pageincr %d lastpagepos %d\n",
m_pageincr, m_lastpagepos));
if (m_pageincr > 0) {
// Remember the multiple page break at this position
unsigned int relpos = m_lastpagepos - baseTextPosition;
LOGDEB2(("Remembering multiple page break. Relpos %u cnt %d\n",
relpos, m_pageincr));
m_pageincrvec.push_back(pair<int, int>(relpos, m_pageincr));
m_pageincr = 0;
m_lastpagepos = pos;
virtual bool flush()
if (m_pageincr > 0) {
unsigned int relpos = m_lastpagepos - baseTextPosition;
LOGDEB2(("Remembering multiple page break. Position %u cnt %d\n",
relpos, m_pageincr));
m_pageincrvec.push_back(pair<int, int>(relpos, m_pageincr));
m_pageincr = 0;
return TermProc::flush();
TextSplitDb *m_ts;
// Auxiliary page breaks data for positions with multiple page breaks.
int m_lastpagepos;
// increment of page breaks at same pos. Normally 0, 1.. when several
// breaks at the same pos
int m_pageincr;
vector <pair<int, int> > m_pageincrvec;
string Db::getSpellingSuggestion(const string& word)
if (m_ndb == 0)
return string();
string term = word;
if (o_index_stripchars)
if (!unacmaybefold(word, term, "UTF-8", UNACOP_UNACFOLD)) {
LOGINFO(("Db::getSpelling: unac failed for [%s]\n", word.c_str()));
return string();
if (!isSpellingCandidate(term))
return string();
return m_ndb->xrdb.get_spelling_suggestion(term);
// Let our user set the parameters for abstract processing
void Db::setAbstractParams(int idxtrunc, int syntlen, int syntctxlen)
LOGDEB1(("Db::setAbstractParams: trunc %d syntlen %d ctxlen %d\n",
idxtrunc, syntlen, syntctxlen));
if (idxtrunc > 0)
m_idxAbsTruncLen = idxtrunc;
if (syntlen > 0)
m_synthAbsLen = syntlen;
if (syntctxlen > 0)
m_synthAbsWordCtxLen = syntctxlen;
static const string cstr_nc("\n\r\x0c");
#define RECORD_APPEND(R, NM, VAL) {R += NM + "=" + VAL + "\n";}
// Add document in internal form to the database: index the terms in
// the title abstract and body and add special terms for file name,
// date, mime type etc. , create the document data record (more
// metadata), and update database
bool Db::addOrUpdate(const string &udi, const string &parent_udi, Doc &doc)
LOGDEB(("Db::add: udi [%s] parent [%s]\n",
udi.c_str(), parent_udi.c_str()));
if (m_ndb == 0)
return false;
Xapian::Document newdocument;
// The term processing pipeline:
TermProcIdx tpidx;
TermProc *nxt = &tpidx;
TermProcStop tpstop(nxt, m_stops);nxt = &tpstop;
//TermProcCommongrams tpcommon(nxt, m_stops); nxt = &tpcommon;
TermProcPrep tpprep(nxt);
if (o_index_stripchars)
nxt = &tpprep;
TextSplitDb splitter(newdocument, nxt);
// If the ipath is like a path, index the last element. This is
// for compound documents like zip and chm for which the filter
// uses the file path as ipath.
if (!doc.ipath.empty() &&
doc.ipath.find_first_not_of("0123456789") != string::npos) {
string utf8ipathlast;
// There is no way in hell we could have an idea of the
// charset here, so let's hope it's ascii or utf-8. We call
// transcode to strip the bad chars and pray
if (transcode(path_getsimple(doc.ipath), utf8ipathlast,
"UTF-8", "UTF-8")) {
// Split and index the path from the url for path-based filtering
string path = url_gpath(doc.url);
vector<string> vpath;
stringToTokens(path, vpath, "/");
// If vpath is not /, the last elt is the file/dir name, not a
// part of the path.
if (vpath.size())
splitter.curpos = 0;
splitter.basepos + splitter.curpos++);
for (vector<string>::iterator it = vpath.begin();
it != vpath.end(); it++){
if (it->length() > 230) {
// Just truncate it. May still be useful because of wildcards
*it = it->substr(0, 230);
newdocument.add_posting(wrap_prefix(pathelt_prefix) + *it,
splitter.basepos + splitter.curpos++);
// Index textual metadata. These are all indexed as text with
// positions, as we may want to do phrase searches with them (this
// makes no sense for keywords by the way).
// The order has no importance, and we set a position gap of 100
// between fields to avoid false proximity matches.
map<string, string>::iterator meta_it;
for (meta_it = doc.meta.begin(); meta_it != doc.meta.end(); meta_it++) {
if (!meta_it->second.empty()) {
const FieldTraits *ftp;
// We don't test for an empty prefix here. Some fields are part
// of the internal conf with an empty prefix (ie: abstract).
if (!fieldToTraits(meta_it->first, &ftp)) {
LOGDEB0(("Db::add: no prefix for field [%s], no indexing\n",
LOGDEB0(("Db::add: field [%s] pfx [%s] inc %d: [%s]\n",
meta_it->first.c_str(), ftp->pfx.c_str(), ftp->wdfinc,
if (!splitter.text_to_words(meta_it->second))
LOGDEB(("Db::addOrUpdate: split failed for %s\n",
if (splitter.curpos < baseTextPosition)
splitter.basepos = baseTextPosition;
// Split and index body text
LOGDEB2(("Db::add: split body: [%s]\n", doc.text.c_str()));
if (!splitter.text_to_words(doc.text))
LOGDEB(("Db::addOrUpdate: split failed for main text\n"));
// Reject bad data. unrecognized base64 text is characterized by
// high avg word length and high variation (because there are
// word-splitters like +/ inside the data).
TextSplit::Stats::Values v = splitter.getStats();
// v.avglen > 15 && v.sigma > 12
if (v.count > 200 && (v.avglen > 10 && v.sigma / v.avglen > 0.8)) {
LOGINFO(("RclDb::addOrUpdate: rejecting doc for bad stats "
"count %d avglen %.4f sigma %.4f url [%s] ipath [%s] text %s\n",
v.count, v.avglen, v.sigma, doc.url.c_str(),
doc.ipath.c_str(), doc.text.c_str()));
return true;
////// Special terms for other metadata. No positions for these.
// Mime type
newdocument.add_boolean_term(wrap_prefix(mimetype_prefix) + doc.mimetype);
// Simple file name indexed unsplit for specific "file name"
// searches. This is not the same as a filename: clause inside the
// query language.
// We also add a term for the filename extension if any.
string utf8fn;
if (doc.getmeta(Doc::keyfn, &utf8fn) && !utf8fn.empty()) {
string fn;
if (unacmaybefold(utf8fn, fn, "UTF-8", UNACOP_UNACFOLD)) {
// We should truncate after extracting the extension, but this is
// a pathological case anyway
if (fn.size() > 230)
utf8truncate(fn, 230);
string::size_type pos = fn.rfind('.');
if (pos != string::npos && pos != fn.length() - 1) {
newdocument.add_boolean_term(wrap_prefix(fileext_prefix) +
fn.substr(pos + 1));
newdocument.add_term(wrap_prefix(unsplitfilename_prefix) + fn, 0);
// Udi unique term: this is used for file existence/uptodate
// checks, and unique id for the replace_document() call.
string uniterm = make_uniterm(udi);
// Parent term. This is used to find all descendents, mostly to delete them
// when the parent goes away
if (!parent_udi.empty()) {
// Dates etc.
time_t mtime = atoll(doc.dmtime.empty() ? doc.fmtime.c_str() :
struct tm *tm = localtime(&mtime);
char buf[9];
snprintf(buf, 9, "%04d%02d%02d",
tm->tm_year+1900, tm->tm_mon + 1, tm->tm_mday);
// Date (YYYYMMDD)
newdocument.add_boolean_term(wrap_prefix(xapday_prefix) + string(buf));
// Month (YYYYMM)
buf[6] = '\0';
newdocument.add_boolean_term(wrap_prefix(xapmonth_prefix) + string(buf));
// Year (YYYY)
buf[4] = '\0';
newdocument.add_boolean_term(wrap_prefix(xapyear_prefix) + string(buf));
// Document data record. omindex has the following nl separated fields:
// - url
// - sample
// - caption (title limited to 100 chars)
// - mime type
// The title, author, abstract and keywords fields are special,
// they always get stored in the document data
// record. Configurable other fields can be, too.
// We truncate stored fields abstract, title and keywords to
// reasonable lengths and suppress newlines (so that the data
// record can keep a simple syntax)
string record;
RECORD_APPEND(record, Doc::keyurl, doc.url);
RECORD_APPEND(record, Doc::keytp, doc.mimetype);
// We left-zero-pad the times so that they are lexico-sortable
leftzeropad(doc.fmtime, 11);
RECORD_APPEND(record, Doc::keyfmt, doc.fmtime);
if (!doc.dmtime.empty()) {
leftzeropad(doc.dmtime, 11);
RECORD_APPEND(record, Doc::keydmt, doc.dmtime);
RECORD_APPEND(record, Doc::keyoc, doc.origcharset);
if (doc.fbytes.empty())
doc.fbytes = doc.pcbytes;
if (!doc.fbytes.empty()) {
RECORD_APPEND(record, Doc::keyfs, doc.fbytes);
leftzeropad(doc.fbytes, 12);
newdocument.add_value(VALUE_SIZE, doc.fbytes);
if (doc.haschildren) {
if (!doc.pcbytes.empty())
RECORD_APPEND(record, Doc::keypcs, doc.pcbytes);
char sizebuf[30];
sprintf(sizebuf, "%u", (unsigned int)doc.text.length());
RECORD_APPEND(record, Doc::keyds, sizebuf);
// Note that we add the signature both as a value and in the data record
if (!doc.sig.empty()) {
RECORD_APPEND(record, Doc::keysig, doc.sig);
newdocument.add_value(VALUE_SIG, doc.sig);
if (!doc.ipath.empty())
RECORD_APPEND(record, Doc::keyipt, doc.ipath);
doc.meta[Doc::keytt] =
neutchars(truncate_to_word(doc.meta[Doc::keytt], 150), cstr_nc);
if (!doc.meta[Doc::keytt].empty())
RECORD_APPEND(record, cstr_caption, doc.meta[Doc::keytt]);
trimstring(doc.meta[Doc::keykw], " \t\r\n");
doc.meta[Doc::keykw] =
neutchars(truncate_to_word(doc.meta[Doc::keykw], 300), cstr_nc);
// No need to explicitly append the keywords, this will be done by
// the "stored" loop
// If abstract is empty, we make up one with the beginning of the
// document. This is then not indexed, but part of the doc data so
// that we can return it to a query without having to decode the
// original file.
bool syntabs = false;
// Note that the map accesses by operator[] create empty entries if they
// don't exist yet.
trimstring(doc.meta[Doc::keyabs], " \t\r\n");
if (doc.meta[Doc::keyabs].empty()) {
syntabs = true;
if (!doc.text.empty())
doc.meta[Doc::keyabs] = cstr_syntAbs +
neutchars(truncate_to_word(doc.text, m_idxAbsTruncLen), cstr_nc);
} else {
doc.meta[Doc::keyabs] =
neutchars(truncate_to_word(doc.meta[Doc::keyabs], m_idxAbsTruncLen),
const set<string>& stored = m_config->getStoredFields();
for (set<string>::const_iterator it = stored.begin();
it != stored.end(); it++) {
string nm = m_config->fieldCanon(*it);
if (!doc.meta[nm].empty()) {
string value =
neutchars(truncate_to_word(doc.meta[nm], 150), cstr_nc);
RECORD_APPEND(record, nm, value);
// If empty pages (multiple break at same pos) were recorded, save
// them (this is because we have no way to record them in the
// Xapian list
if (!tpidx.m_pageincrvec.empty()) {
ostringstream multibreaks;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tpidx.m_pageincrvec.size(); i++) {
if (i != 0)
multibreaks << ",";
multibreaks << tpidx.m_pageincrvec[i].first << "," <<
RECORD_APPEND(record, string(cstr_mbreaks), multibreaks.str());
// If the file's md5 was computed, add value and term.
// The value is optionally used for query result duplicate elimination,
// and the term to find the duplicates.
// We don't do this for empty docs.
const string *md5;
if (doc.peekmeta(Doc::keymd5, &md5) && !md5->empty() &&
md5->compare(cstr_md5empty)) {
string digest;
MD5HexScan(*md5, digest);
newdocument.add_value(VALUE_MD5, digest);
newdocument.add_boolean_term(wrap_prefix("XM") + *md5);
LOGDEB0(("Rcl::Db::add: new doc record:\n%s\n", record.c_str()));
if (m_ndb->m_havewriteq) {
DbUpdTask *tp = new DbUpdTask(DbUpdTask::AddOrUpdate, udi, uniterm,
newdocument, doc.text.length());
if (!m_ndb->m_wqueue.put(tp)) {
LOGERR(("Db::addOrUpdate:Cant queue task\n"));
return false;
} else {
return true;
return m_ndb->addOrUpdateWrite(udi, uniterm, newdocument,
void Db::waitUpdIdle()
if (m_ndb->m_iswritable && m_ndb->m_havewriteq) {
Chrono chron;
// We flush here just for correct measurement of the thread work time
string ermsg;
try {
if (!ermsg.empty()) {
LOGERR(("Db::waitUpdIdle: flush() failed: %s\n", ermsg.c_str()));
m_ndb->m_totalworkns += chron.nanos();
LOGINFO(("Db::waitUpdIdle: total xapian work %lld mS\n",
// Flush when idxflushmbs is reached
bool Db::maybeflush(off_t moretext)
if (m_flushMb > 0) {
m_curtxtsz += moretext;
if ((m_curtxtsz - m_flushtxtsz) / MB >= m_flushMb) {
LOGDEB(("Db::add/delete: txt size >= %d Mb, flushing\n",
return doFlush();
return true;
bool Db::doFlush()
if (!m_ndb) {
LOGERR(("Db::doFLush: no ndb??\n"));
return false;
string ermsg;
try {
if (!ermsg.empty()) {
LOGERR(("Db::doFlush: flush() failed: %s\n", ermsg.c_str()));
return false;
m_flushtxtsz = m_curtxtsz;
return true;
// Test if doc given by udi has changed since last indexed (test sigs)
bool Db::needUpdate(const string &udi, const string& sig, bool *existed)
if (m_ndb == 0)
return false;
// If we are doing an in place or full reset, no need to
// test. Note that there is no need to update the existence map
// either, it will be done when updating the index
if (o_inPlaceReset || m_mode == DbTrunc) {
// For in place reset, pretend the doc existed, to enable subdoc purge
if (existed)
*existed = o_inPlaceReset;
return true;
string uniterm = make_uniterm(udi);
string ermsg;
// Need to protect against interaction with the doc update/insert
// thread which also updates the existence map, and even multiple
// accesses to the readonly Xapian::Database are not allowed
// anyway
PTMutexLocker lock(m_ndb->m_mutex);
// We look up the document indexed by the uniterm. This is either
// the actual document file, or, for a multi-document file, the
// pseudo-doc we create to stand for the file itself.
// We try twice in case database needs to be reopened.
for (int tries = 0; tries < 2; tries++) {
try {
// Get the doc or pseudo-doc
Xapian::PostingIterator docid = m_ndb->xrdb.postlist_begin(uniterm);
if (docid == m_ndb->xrdb.postlist_end(uniterm)) {
// If no document exist with this path, we do need update
LOGDEB(("Db::needUpdate:yes (new): [%s]\n", uniterm.c_str()));
if (existed)
*existed = false;
return true;
Xapian::Document doc = m_ndb->xrdb.get_document(*docid);
if (existed)
*existed = true;
// Retrieve old file/doc signature from value
string osig = doc.get_value(VALUE_SIG);
LOGDEB2(("Db::needUpdate: oldsig [%s] new [%s]\n",
osig.c_str(), sig.c_str()));
// Compare new/old sig
if (sig != osig) {
LOGDEB(("Db::needUpdate:yes: olsig [%s] new [%s] [%s]\n",
osig.c_str(), sig.c_str(), uniterm.c_str()));
// Db is not up to date. Let's index the file
return true;
LOGDEB(("Db::needUpdate:no: [%s]\n", uniterm.c_str()));
// Up to date.
// Set the uptodate flag for doc / pseudo doc
if (m_mode != DbRO) {
updated[*docid] = true;
// Set the existence flag for all the subdocs (if any)
vector<Xapian::docid> docids;
if (!m_ndb->subDocs(udi, 0, docids)) {
LOGERR(("Rcl::Db::needUpdate: can't get subdocs\n"));
return true;
for (vector<Xapian::docid>::iterator it = docids.begin();
it != docids.end(); it++) {
if (*it < updated.size()) {
LOGDEB2(("Db::needUpdate: docid %d set\n", *it));
updated[*it] = true;
return false;
} catch (const Xapian::DatabaseModifiedError &e) {
LOGDEB(("Db::needUpdate: got modified error. reopen/retry\n"));
m_reason = e.get_msg();
} XCATCHERROR(m_reason);
LOGERR(("Db::needUpdate: error while checking existence: %s\n",
return true;
// Return existing stem db languages
vector<string> Db::getStemLangs()
vector<string> langs;
if (m_ndb == 0 || m_ndb->m_isopen == false)
return langs;
StemDb db(m_ndb->xrdb);
return langs;
* Delete stem db for given language
bool Db::deleteStemDb(const string& lang)
LOGDEB(("Db::deleteStemDb(%s)\n", lang.c_str()));
if (m_ndb == 0 || m_ndb->m_isopen == false || !m_ndb->m_iswritable)
return false;
XapWritableSynFamily db(m_ndb->xwdb, synFamStem);
return db.deleteMember(lang);
* Create database of stem to parents associations for a given language.
* We walk the list of all terms, stem them, and create another Xapian db
* with documents indexed by a single term (the stem), and with the list of
* parent terms in the document data.
bool Db::createStemDbs(const vector<string>& langs)
if (m_ndb == 0 || m_ndb->m_isopen == false || !m_ndb->m_iswritable) {
LOGERR(("createStemDb: db not open or not writable\n"));
return false;
return createExpansionDbs(m_ndb->xwdb, langs);
* This is called at the end of an indexing session, to delete the
* documents for files that are no longer there. This can ONLY be called
* after a full file-system tree walk, else the file existence flags will
* be wrong.
bool Db::purge()
if (m_ndb == 0)
return false;
LOGDEB(("Db::purge: m_isopen %d m_iswritable %d\n", m_ndb->m_isopen,
if (m_ndb->m_isopen == false || m_ndb->m_iswritable == false)
return false;
// If we manage our own write queue, make sure it's drained and closed
if (m_ndb->m_havewriteq)
// else we need to lock out other top level threads. This is just
// a precaution as they should have been waited for by the top
// level actor at this point
PTMutexLocker lock(m_ndb->m_mutex, m_ndb->m_havewriteq);
#endif // IDX_THREADS
// For xapian versions up to 1.0.1, deleting a non-existant
// document would trigger an exception that would discard any
// pending update. This could lose both previous added documents
// or deletions. Adding the flush before the delete pass ensured
// that any added document would go to the index. Kept here
// because it doesn't really hurt.
try {
} catch (...) {
LOGERR(("Db::purge: 1st flush failed\n"));
// Walk the document array and delete any xapian document whose
// flag is not set (we did not see its source during indexing).
int purgecount = 0;
for (Xapian::docid docid = 1; docid < updated.size(); ++docid) {
if (!updated[docid]) {
if ((purgecount+1) % 100 == 0) {
try {
} catch(CancelExcept) {
LOGINFO(("Db::purge: partially cancelled\n"));
try {
if (m_flushMb > 0) {
// We use an average term length of 5 for
// estimating the doc sizes which is probably not
// accurate but gives rough consistency with what
// we do for add/update. I should fetch the doc
// size from the data record, but this would be
// bad for performance.
Xapian::termcount trms = m_ndb->xwdb.get_doclength(docid);
maybeflush(trms * 5);
LOGDEB(("Db::purge: deleted document #%d\n", docid));
} catch (const Xapian::DocNotFoundError &) {
LOGDEB0(("Db::purge: document #%d not found\n", docid));
} catch (const Xapian::Error &e) {
LOGERR(("Db::purge: document #%d: %s\n", docid, e.get_msg().c_str()));
} catch (...) {
LOGERR(("Db::purge: document #%d: unknown error\n", docid));
try {
} catch (...) {
LOGERR(("Db::purge: 2nd flush failed\n"));
return true;
// Test for doc existence.
bool Db::docExists(const string& uniterm)
// Need to protect read db against multiaccess.
PTMutexLocker lock(m_ndb->m_mutex);
string ermsg;
try {
Xapian::PostingIterator docid = m_ndb->xrdb.postlist_begin(uniterm);
if (docid == m_ndb->xrdb.postlist_end(uniterm)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
if (!ermsg.empty()) {
LOGERR(("Db::docExists(%s) %s\n", uniterm.c_str(), ermsg.c_str()));
return false;
/* Delete document(s) for given unique identifier (doc and descendents) */
bool Db::purgeFile(const string &udi, bool *existed)
LOGDEB(("Db:purgeFile: [%s]\n", udi.c_str()));
if (m_ndb == 0 || !m_ndb->m_iswritable)
return false;
string uniterm = make_uniterm(udi);
bool exists = docExists(uniterm);
if (existed)
*existed = exists;
if (!exists)
return true;
if (m_ndb->m_havewriteq) {
DbUpdTask *tp = new DbUpdTask(DbUpdTask::Delete, udi, uniterm,
Xapian::Document(), (size_t)-1);
if (!m_ndb->m_wqueue.put(tp)) {
LOGERR(("Db::purgeFile:Cant queue task\n"));
return false;
} else {
return true;
/* We get there is IDX_THREADS is not defined or there is no queue */
return m_ndb->purgeFileWrite(false, udi, uniterm);
/* Delete subdocs with an out of date sig. We do this to purge
obsolete subdocs during a partial update where no general purge
will be done */
bool Db::purgeOrphans(const string &udi)
LOGDEB(("Db:purgeOrphans: [%s]\n", udi.c_str()));
if (m_ndb == 0 || !m_ndb->m_iswritable)
return false;
string uniterm = make_uniterm(udi);
if (m_ndb->m_havewriteq) {
DbUpdTask *tp = new DbUpdTask(DbUpdTask::PurgeOrphans, udi, uniterm,
Xapian::Document(), (size_t)-1);
if (!m_ndb->m_wqueue.put(tp)) {
LOGERR(("Db::purgeFile:Cant queue task\n"));
return false;
} else {
return true;
/* We get there is IDX_THREADS is not defined or there is no queue */
return m_ndb->purgeFileWrite(true, udi, uniterm);
bool Db::dbStats(DbStats& res)
if (!m_ndb || !m_ndb->m_isopen)
return false;
Xapian::Database xdb = m_ndb->xrdb;
XAPTRY(res.dbdoccount = xdb.get_doccount();
res.dbavgdoclen = xdb.get_avlength();
res.mindoclen = xdb.get_doclength_lower_bound();
res.maxdoclen = xdb.get_doclength_upper_bound();
, xdb, m_reason);
if (!m_reason.empty())
return false;
return true;
// Retrieve document defined by Unique doc identifier. This is used
// by the GUI history feature and by open parent/getenclosing
// ! The return value is always true except for fatal errors. Document
// existence should be tested by looking at doc.pc
bool Db::getDoc(const string &udi, const Doc& idxdoc, Doc &doc)
LOGDEB(("Db:getDoc: [%s]\n", udi.c_str()));
if (m_ndb == 0)
return false;
// Initialize what we can in any case. If this is history, caller
// will make partial display in case of error
doc.meta[Rcl::Doc::keyrr] = "100%";
doc.pc = 100;
Xapian::Document xdoc;
Xapian::docid docid;
int idxi = idxdoc.idxi;
if ((docid = m_ndb->getDoc(udi, idxi, xdoc))) {
string data = xdoc.get_data();
doc.meta[Rcl::Doc::keyudi] = udi;
return m_ndb->dbDataToRclDoc(docid, data, doc);
} else {
// Document found in history no longer in the
// database. We return true (because their might be
// other ok docs further) but indicate the error with
// pc = -1
doc.pc = -1;
LOGINFO(("Db:getDoc: no such doc in index: [%s]\n", udi.c_str()));
return true;
bool Db::hasSubDocs(const Doc &idoc)
if (m_ndb == 0)
return false;
string inudi;
if (!idoc.getmeta(Doc::keyudi, &inudi) || inudi.empty()) {
LOGERR(("Db::hasSubDocs: no input udi or empty\n"));
return false;
vector<Xapian::docid> docids;
if (!m_ndb->subDocs(inudi, idoc.idxi, docids)) {
LOGDEB(("Db:getSubDocs: lower level subdocs failed\n"));
return false;
if (!docids.empty())
return true;
// Check if doc has an has_children term
if (m_ndb->hasTerm(inudi, idoc.idxi, has_children_term))
return true;
return false;
// Retrieve all subdocuments of a given one, which may not be a file-level
// one (in which case, we have to retrieve this first, then filter the ipaths)
bool Db::getSubDocs(const Doc &idoc, vector<Doc>& subdocs)
if (m_ndb == 0)
return false;
string inudi;
if (!idoc.getmeta(Doc::keyudi, &inudi) || inudi.empty()) {
LOGERR(("Db::getSubDocs: no input udi or empty\n"));
return false;
string rootudi;
string ipath = idoc.ipath;
if (ipath.empty()) {
// File-level doc. Use it as root
rootudi = inudi;
} else {
// See if we have a parent term
Xapian::Document xdoc;
if (!m_ndb->getDoc(inudi, idoc.idxi, xdoc)) {
LOGERR(("Db::getSubDocs: can't get Xapian document\n"));
return false;
Xapian::TermIterator xit;
XAPTRY(xit = xdoc.termlist_begin();
m_ndb->xrdb, m_reason);
if (!m_reason.empty()) {
LOGERR(("Db::getSubDocs: xapian error: %s\n", m_reason.c_str()));
return false;
if (xit == xdoc.termlist_end()) {
LOGERR(("Db::getSubDocs: parent term not found\n"));
return false;
rootudi = strip_prefix(*xit);
LOGDEB(("Db::getSubDocs: root: [%s]\n", rootudi.c_str()));
// Retrieve all subdoc xapian ids for the root
vector<Xapian::docid> docids;
if (!m_ndb->subDocs(rootudi, idoc.idxi, docids)) {
LOGDEB(("Db:getSubDocs: lower level subdocs failed\n"));
return false;
// Retrieve doc, filter, and build output list
for (int tries = 0; tries < 2; tries++) {
try {
for (vector<Xapian::docid>::const_iterator it = docids.begin();
it != docids.end(); it++) {
Xapian::Document xdoc = m_ndb->xrdb.get_document(*it);
string data = xdoc.get_data();
string docudi;
m_ndb->xdocToUdi(xdoc, docudi);
Doc doc;
doc.meta[Doc::keyudi] = docudi;
doc.meta[Doc::keyrr] = "100%";
doc.pc = 100;
if (!m_ndb->dbDataToRclDoc(*it, data, doc)) {
LOGERR(("Db::getSubDocs: doc conversion error\n"));
return false;
if (ipath.empty() || doc.ipath.find(ipath) == 0)
return true;
} catch (const Xapian::DatabaseModifiedError &e) {
m_reason = e.get_msg();
} XCATCHERROR(m_reason);
LOGERR(("Db::getSubDocs: Xapian error: %s\n", m_reason.c_str()));
return false;
} // End namespace Rcl