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# The system-wide configuration files for recoll are located in:
#   /usr/local/share/recoll/examples
# The default configuration files are commented, you should take a look
# at them for an explanation of what can be set (you could also take a look
# at the manual instead).
# Values set in this file will override the system-wide values for the file
# with the same name in the central directory. The syntax for setting
# values is identical.

.xml = application/x-okular-notes

.0p = text/x-man
.1 = text/x-man
.1m = text/x-man
.1p = text/x-man
.1ssl = text/x-man
.1x = text/x-man
.2 = text/x-man
.3 = text/x-man
.3curses = text/x-man
.3form = text/x-man
.3gl = text/x-man
.3menu = text/x-man
.3ncurses = text/x-man
.3p = text/x-man
.3pm = text/x-man
.3ssl = text/x-man
.3tiff = text/x-man
.3x = text/x-man
.4 = text/x-man
.5 = text/x-man
.5ssl = text/x-man
.6 = text/x-man
.6x = text/x-man
.7 = text/x-man
.7ssl = text/x-man
.8 = text/x-man
.9 = text/x-man
.n = text/x-man

.txt = text/x-purple-log