Commit | Date | |
volatile conf
[1205b1] by dockes |
2006-11-08 | Tree |
[f0876d] by dockes |
2006-11-08 | Tree |
1.5.9: fix bad tz correction in email dates + d...
[ff78e9] by dockes |
2006-11-07 | Tree |
[7814e0] by dockes |
2006-11-07 | Tree |
use both size and mtime changes as updateneedin...
[86cff7] by dockes |
2006-11-07 | Tree |
improved autophrase tooltip
[624a6a] by dockes |
2006-11-07 | Tree |
Cancel did not reset uiprefs dialog to stored s...
[ba8585] by dockes |
2006-11-07 | Tree |
Cancel did not reset uiprefs dialog to stored s...
[28034d] by dockes |
2006-11-07 | Tree |
record/show mtime instead of ctime
[2bf6bd] by dockes |
2006-11-07 | Tree |
wrote manual for term explorer and fixed a few ...
[b4a4eb] by dockes |
2006-11-06 | Tree |
fix binc imap infinite loop on multipart with n...
[138427] by dockes |
2006-11-05 | Tree |
included bincimap 1.3.3 to 1.3.4 diffs (mostly ...
[9cedfb] by dockes |
2006-11-05 | Tree |
fix aspell version of term explorer
[0cf3b3] by dockes |
2006-11-04 | Tree |
change ctrl-tab to esc-spc
[1440af] by dockes |
2006-11-04 | Tree |
Turn spell tool into multimode spell/wild/regexp
[1ab0a3] by dockes |
2006-10-30 | Tree |
make tmpdir only once
[72aca2] by dockes |
2006-10-25 | Tree |
added some debugging msgs (too much)
[74205c] by dockes |
2006-10-25 | Tree |
*** empty log message ***
[db132a] by dockes |
2006-10-24 | Tree |
create stemming db on queue timeout if needed
[f43b0e] by dockes |
2006-10-24 | Tree |
*** empty log message ***
[d01c08] by dockes |
2006-10-24 | Tree |
setup lockfile for monitor
[16472b] by dockes |
2006-10-24 | Tree |
*** empty log message ***
[b905d1] by dockes |
2006-10-24 | Tree |
explain error for C-TAB too many expansions
[6b3914] by dockes |
2006-10-24 | Tree |
fix slowness in needUpdate by using Database in...
[c808c9] by dockes |
2006-10-24 | Tree |
centralize skippedNames computation to add dbdi...
[d8f8dd] by dockes |
2006-10-24 | Tree |