Commit | Date | |
[08e4f8] by dockes |
2009-02-06 | Tree |
1st execcmd cleanup
[43a896] by dockes |
2009-02-05 | Tree |
small pbs with reslist translations
[396618] by dockes |
2009-01-30 | Tree |
[d2fa1b] by dockes |
2009-01-30 | Tree |
1.12 manual
[0787c7] by dockes |
2009-01-30 | Tree |
updated message files, translated french
[1a0b49] by dockes |
2009-01-30 | Tree |
simplified rcltext. No need for awk and no assu...
[8d43ef] by dockes |
2009-01-29 | Tree |
[85f155] by dockes |
2009-01-29 | Tree |
1.12.0 une
[c2c008] by dockes |
2009-01-29 | Tree |
have ssearch install the lang help section when...
[bbf565] by dockes |
2009-01-29 | Tree |
erase history would crash with empty reslist do...
[713eb8] by dockes |
2009-01-28 | Tree |
fixed status bar messages (were cleared by peri...
[a029ca] by dockes |
2009-01-28 | Tree |
F1 context-enhanced help
[39ceaa] by dockes |
2009-01-28 | Tree |
F1 context-enhanced help
[9f2d0e] by dockes |
2009-01-28 | Tree |
F1 context-enhanced help
[e800ca] by dockes |
2009-01-28 | Tree |
dont encode urls used for starting help browser
[b52708] by dockes |
2009-01-28 | Tree |
add xapian version to version string
[9e9066] by dockes |
2009-01-28 | Tree |
avoid setting 0 sizes
[db021b] by dockes |
2009-01-28 | Tree |
allow setting QMAKE in the environment
[efa269] by dockes |
2009-01-28 | Tree |
[bf9b47] by dockes |
2009-01-27 | Tree |
Emit a_b intermediary span when splitting a_b.c
[6169fd] by dockes |
2009-01-27 | Tree |
modified the time at which we unaccent so that ...
[7dcc7c] by dockes |
2009-01-26 | Tree |
add overloaded neutchars with different parameters
[dc7c31] by dockes |
2009-01-26 | Tree |
tested and decided against cacheing iconv_open
[79c1f8] by dockes |
2009-01-26 | Tree |
temp ckpt: need to test on real unix
[4c82cd] by dockes |
2009-01-23 | Tree |