#ifndef _beaglequeuecache_h_included_
#define _beaglequeuecache_h_included_
/* @(#$Id: $ (C) 2009 J.F.Dockes */
#include <string>
using std::string;
class RclConfig;
namespace Rcl {
class Db;
class Doc;
class CirCache;
* Manage the CirCache for the Beagle Queue indexer. Separated from the main
* indexer code because it's also used for querying (getting the data for a
* preview
class BeagleQueueCache {
BeagleQueueCache(RclConfig *config);
bool getFromCache(const string& udi, Rcl::Doc &doc, string& data,
string *hittype = 0);
// We could write proxies for all the circache ops, but why bother?
CirCache *cc() {return m_cache;}
CirCache *m_cache;
#endif /* _beaglequeuecache_h_included_ */