Commit | Date | |
added code to remember search terms and term gr...
[48bb4a] by dockes |
2006-11-17 | Tree |
distributed files from common/ into rcld, inter...
[e0c878] by dockes |
2006-11-15 | Tree |
added dynamic clauses to adv search. Still need...
[7cc20a] by dockes |
2006-11-14 | Tree |
make searchdata a more flexible struct
[cdbf02] by dockes |
2006-11-13 | Tree |
turn-off abst. build for fname search (no terms...
[57cdec] by dockes |
2006-04-22 | Tree |
compacted res list + completions in ssearch + a...
[48f415] by dockes |
2006-04-19 | Tree |