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--- a/src/rcldb/rcldoc.cpp
+++ b/src/rcldb/rcldoc.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2007 J.F.Dockes
+/* Copyright (C) 2007-2018 J.F.Dockes
  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
@@ -23,109 +23,104 @@
 using namespace std;
 namespace Rcl {
-    const string Doc::keyabs("abstract");
-    const string Doc::keyapptg("rclaptg");
-    const string Doc::keyau("author");
-    const string Doc::keybcknd("rclbes");
-    const string Doc::keybght("beagleHitType");
-    const string Doc::keycc("collapsecount");
-    const string Doc::keychildurl("childurl");
-    const string Doc::keydmt("dmtime");
-    const string Doc::keyds("dbytes");
-    const string Doc::keyfmt("fmtime");
-    const string Doc::keyfn("filename");
-    const string Doc::keytcfn("containerfilename");
-    const string Doc::keyfs("fbytes");
-    const string Doc::keyipt("ipath");
-    const string Doc::keykw("keywords");
-    const string Doc::keymd5("md5");
-    const string Doc::keymt("mtime");
-    const string Doc::keyoc("origcharset");
-    const string Doc::keypcs("pcbytes");
-    const string Doc::keyrr("relevancyrating");
-    const string Doc::keysig("sig");
-    const string Doc::keysz("size");
-    const string Doc::keytp("mtype");
-    const string Doc::keytt("title");
-    const string Doc::keyudi("rcludi");
-    const string Doc::keyurl("url");
+const string Doc::keyabs("abstract");
+const string Doc::keyapptg("rclaptg");
+const string Doc::keyau("author");
+const string Doc::keybcknd("rclbes");
+const string Doc::keybght("beagleHitType");
+const string Doc::keycc("collapsecount");
+const string Doc::keychildurl("childurl");
+const string Doc::keydmt("dmtime");
+const string Doc::keyds("dbytes");
+const string Doc::keyfmt("fmtime");
+const string Doc::keyfn("filename");
+const string Doc::keytcfn("containerfilename");
+const string Doc::keyfs("fbytes");
+const string Doc::keyipt("ipath");
+const string Doc::keykw("keywords");
+const string Doc::keymd5("md5");
+const string Doc::keymt("mtime");
+const string Doc::keyoc("origcharset");
+const string Doc::keypcs("pcbytes");
+const string Doc::keyrr("relevancyrating");
+const string Doc::keysig("sig");
+const string Doc::keysz("size");
+const string Doc::keytp("mtype");
+const string Doc::keytt("title");
+const string Doc::keyudi("rcludi");
+const string Doc::keyurl("url");
-    void Doc::dump(bool dotext) const
-    {
-        LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: url: ["  << (url) << "]\n" );
-        LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: idxurl: ["  << (idxurl) << "]\n" );
-        LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: ipath: ["  << (ipath) << "]\n" );
-        LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: mimetype: ["  << (mimetype) << "]\n" );
-        LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: fmtime: ["  << (fmtime) << "]\n" );
-        LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: dmtime: ["  << (dmtime) << "]\n" );
-        LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: origcharset: ["  << (origcharset) << "]\n" );
-        LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: syntabs: ["  << (syntabs) << "]\n" );
-        LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: pcbytes: ["  << (pcbytes) << "]\n" );
-        LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: fbytes: ["  << (fbytes) << "]\n" );
-        LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: dbytes: ["  << (dbytes) << "]\n" );
-        LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: sig: ["  << (sig) << "]\n" );
-        LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: pc: ["  << (pc) << "]\n" );
-        LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: xdocid: ["  << ((unsigned long)xdocid) << "]\n" );
-        for (map<string, string>::const_iterator it = meta.begin();
-             it != meta.end(); it++) {
-            LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: meta["  << ((*it).first) << "]: ["  << ((*it).second) << "]\n" );
-        }
-        if (dotext)
-            LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: text: \n["  << (text) << "]\n" );
+void Doc::dump(bool dotext) const
+    LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: url: [" << url << "]\n");
+    LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: idxurl: [" << idxurl << "]\n");
+    LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: ipath: [" << ipath << "]\n");
+    LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: mimetype: [" << mimetype << "]\n");
+    LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: fmtime: [" << fmtime << "]\n");
+    LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: dmtime: [" << dmtime << "]\n");
+    LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: origcharset: [" << origcharset << "]\n");
+    LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: syntabs: [" << syntabs << "]\n");
+    LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: pcbytes: [" << pcbytes << "]\n");
+    LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: fbytes: [" << fbytes << "]\n");
+    LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: dbytes: [" << dbytes << "]\n");
+    LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: sig: [" << sig << "]\n");
+    LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: pc: [" << pc << "]\n");
+    LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: xdocid: [" << (unsigned long)xdocid << "]\n");
+    for (const auto& e : meta) {
+        LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: meta[" << e.first <<"]->["<< e.second << "]\n");
+    if (dotext)
+        LOGDEB("Rcl::Doc::dump: text: \n[" << text << "]\n");
-    // Copy ensuring no shared string data, for threading issues.
-    void Doc::copyto(Doc *d) const
-    {
-	d->url.assign(url.begin(), url.end());
-        d->idxurl.assign(idxurl.begin(), idxurl.end());
-        d->idxi = idxi;
-	d->ipath.assign(ipath.begin(), ipath.end());
-	d->mimetype.assign(mimetype.begin(), mimetype.end());
-	d->fmtime.assign(fmtime.begin(), fmtime.end());
-	d->dmtime.assign(dmtime.begin(), dmtime.end());
-	d->origcharset.assign(origcharset.begin(), origcharset.end());
-        map_ss_cp_noshr(meta, &d->meta);
-	d->syntabs = syntabs;
-	d->pcbytes.assign(pcbytes.begin(), pcbytes.end());
-	d->fbytes.assign(fbytes.begin(), fbytes.end());
-	d->dbytes.assign(dbytes.begin(), dbytes.end());
-	d->sig.assign(sig.begin(), sig.end());
-        d->text.assign(text.begin(), text.end());
-	d->pc = pc;
-	d->xdocid = xdocid;
-	d->idxi = idxi;
-	d->haspages = haspages;
-	d->haschildren = haschildren;
-	d->onlyxattr = onlyxattr;
-    }
+// Copy ensuring no shared string data, for threading issues.
+void Doc::copyto(Doc *d) const
+    d->url.assign(url.begin(), url.end());
+    d->idxurl.assign(idxurl.begin(), idxurl.end());
+    d->idxi = idxi;
+    d->ipath.assign(ipath.begin(), ipath.end());
+    d->mimetype.assign(mimetype.begin(), mimetype.end());
+    d->fmtime.assign(fmtime.begin(), fmtime.end());
+    d->dmtime.assign(dmtime.begin(), dmtime.end());
+    d->origcharset.assign(origcharset.begin(), origcharset.end());
+    map_ss_cp_noshr(meta, &d->meta);
+    d->syntabs = syntabs;
+    d->pcbytes.assign(pcbytes.begin(), pcbytes.end());
+    d->fbytes.assign(fbytes.begin(), fbytes.end());
+    d->dbytes.assign(dbytes.begin(), dbytes.end());
+    d->sig.assign(sig.begin(), sig.end());
+    d->text.assign(text.begin(), text.end());
+    d->pc = pc;
+    d->xdocid = xdocid;
+    d->haspages = haspages;
+    d->haschildren = haschildren;
+    d->onlyxattr = onlyxattr;
 static const string cstr_fileu("file://");
 bool docsToPaths(vector<Rcl::Doc> &docs, vector<string> &paths)
-    for (vector<Rcl::Doc>::iterator it = docs.begin(); it != docs.end(); it++) {
-	Rcl::Doc &idoc = *it;
-	string backend;
-	idoc.getmeta(Rcl::Doc::keybcknd, &backend);
+    for (const auto& idoc : docs) {
+        string backend;
+        idoc.getmeta(Rcl::Doc::keybcknd, &backend);
-	// This only makes sense for file system files: beagle docs are
-	// always up to date because they can't be updated in the cache,
-	// only added/removed. Same remark as made inside internfile, we
-	// need a generic way to handle backends.
-	if (!backend.empty() && backend.compare("FS"))
-	    continue;
+        // This only makes sense for file system files: beagle docs are
+        // always up to date because they can't be updated in the cache,
+        // only added/removed. Same remark as made inside internfile, we
+        // need a generic way to handle backends.
+        if (!backend.empty() && backend.compare("FS"))
+            continue;
-	// Filesystem document. The url has to be like file://
-	if (idoc.url.find(cstr_fileu) != 0) {
-	    LOGERR("idx::docsToPaths: FS backend and non fs url: [" <<
+        // Filesystem document. The url has to be like file://
+        if (idoc.url.find(cstr_fileu) != 0) {
+            LOGERR("idx::docsToPaths: FS backend and non fs url: [" <<
                    idoc.url << "]\n");
-	    continue;
-	}
-	paths.push_back(idoc.url.substr(7, string::npos));
+            continue;
+        }
+        paths.push_back(idoc.url.substr(7, string::npos));
     return true;