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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"> 0A?8A0=85 ?0:5B=>3> 8=45:A8@>20=8O <span style=" font-weight:600;">Recoll</span> (cron) </p>
<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"></p>
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">064>5 ?>;5 <>65B A>45@60BL H01;>= (*), >4=> G8A;5==>5 7=0G5=85, A?8A>: G5@57 70?OBCN (1,3,5) 8;8 480?07>= (1-7). -B8 ?>;O 1C4CB 8A?>;L7>20=K <span style=" font-style:italic;">:0: 5ABL</span> 2 D09;5 crontab, 4;O >7=0:><;5=8O A ?>;=K< A8=B0:A8A>< :>B>@>3> A<. crontab(5).</p>
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><br />0?@8<5@, 22>4 <span style=" font-family:'Courier New,courier';">*</span> 4;O <span style=" font-style:italic;">=8</span>, <span style=" font-family:'Courier New,courier';">12,19</span> 4;O <span style=" font-style:italic;">'0AK</span> 8 <span style=" font-family:'Courier New,courier';">15</span> 4;O <span style=" font-style:italic;">8=CBK</span> 70?CAB8B recollindex 5654=52=> 2 12:15 8 19:15.</p>
<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"></p>
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"> 0A?8A0=85 A >G5=L G0ABK<8 70?CA:0<8 <>65B >:070BLAO <5=55 MDD5:B82=K<, G5< 8=45:A8@>20=85 2 @50;L=>< 2@5<5=8.</p></body></html>Ĺ<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Recoll</span> batch indexing schedule (cron) </p>
<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"></p>
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Each field can contain a wildcard (*), a single numeric value, comma-separated lists (1,3,5) and ranges (1-7). More generally, the fields will be used <span style=" font-style:italic;">as is</span> inside the crontab file, and the full crontab syntax can be used, see crontab(5).</p>
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><br />For example, entering <span style=" font-family:'Courier New,courier';">*</span> in <span style=" font-style:italic;">Days, </span><span style=" font-family:'Courier New,courier';">12,19</span> in <span style=" font-style:italic;">Hours</span> and <span style=" font-family:'Courier New,courier';">15</span> in <span style=" font-style:italic;">Minutes</span> would start recollindex every day at 12:15 AM and 7:15 PM</p>
<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"></p>
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">A schedule with very frequent activations is probably less efficient than real time indexing.</p></body></html>	CronToolWx<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">06<8B5 <span style=" font-style:italic;">K:;NG8BL</span> 4;O ?@5:@0I5=8O 02B><0B8G5A:>9 D>=>2>9 8=45:A0F88, <span style=" font-style:italic;">:;NG8BL</span> 4;O 5Q 70?CA:0, <span style=" font-style:italic;">B<5=0</span>, GB>1K >AB028BL 2AQ :0: 5ABL.</p></body></html>š<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Click <span style=" font-style:italic;">Disable</span> to stop automatic batch indexing, <span style=" font-style:italic;">Enable</span> to activate it, <span style=" font-style:italic;">Cancel</span> to change nothing.</p></body></html>	CronToolW80;>3 CronCron Dialog	CronToolWZ=8 =545;8 (* 8;8 0-7, 0 8;8 7 - 2>A:@5A5=L5))Days of week (* or 0-7, 0 or 7 is Sunday)	CronToolWK:;NG8BLDisable	CronToolW:;NG8BLEnable	CronToolWnH81:0 CAB0=>2:8 70?8A8 cron. 525@=K9 A8=B0:A8A ?>;59?3Error installing cron entry. Bad syntax in fields ?	CronToolW"'0AK (* 8;8 0-23)Hours (* or 0-23)	CronToolWŚ>E>65, GB> 4;O recollindex 5ABL 2@CG=CN ?@02;5=K5 70?8A8, =5 1C45< B@>30BL crontabPIt seems that manually edited entries exist for recollindex, cannot edit crontab	CronToolW8=CBK (0-59)Minutes (0-59)	CronToolW80;>3Dialog
EditDialogÚ<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">>E>65, GB> 8=45:A 4;O MB>9 :>=D83C@0F88 =5 ACI5AB2C5B.</span><br /><br />A;8 =04> ?@>8=45:A8@>20BL 4><0H=89 :0B0;>3 A =01>@>< @07C<=KE C<>;G0=89, =06<8B5 :=>?:C <span style=" font-style:italic;">0?CAB8BL 8=45:A8@>20=85</span>. >4@>1=>AB8 <>6=> 1C45B CB>G=8BL ?>765. </p>
<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"></p>
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">A;8 B@51C5BAO 1>;LH5 :>=B@>;O, 2>A?>;L7C9B5AL AAK;:0<8 4;O CB>G=5=8O :>=D83C@0F88 8 @0A?8A0=8O 8=45:A8@>20=8O.</p>
<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"></p>
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">-B>B 8=AB@C<5=B0@89 4>ABC?5= 2 ;N1>5 2@5<O ?>A@54AB2>< <5=N <span style=" font-style:italic;">0AB@>9:8</span>.</p></body></html>ę<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">It appears that the index for this configuration does not exist.</span><br /><br />If you just want to index your home directory with a set of reasonable defaults, press the <span style=" font-style:italic;">Start indexing now</span> button. You will be able to adjust the details later. </p>
<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"></p>
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">If you want more control, use the following links to adjust the indexing configuration and schedule.</p>
<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"></p>
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">These tools can be accessed later from the <span style=" font-style:italic;">Preferences</span> menu.</p></body></html>FirstIdxDialog@0AB@>9:0 ?5@2>3> 8=45:A8@>20=8OFirst indexing setupFirstIdxDialog6>=D83C@0F8O 8=45:A8@>20=8OIndexing configurationFirstIdxDialog2 0A?8A0=85 8=45:A8@>20=8OIndexing scheduleFirstIdxDialog00?CAB8BL 8=45:A8@>20=85Start indexing nowFirstIdxDialogř45AL <>6=> CB>G=8BL, :0:85 :0B0;>38 B@51C5BAO 8=45:A8@>20BL, :0:85 ?CB8 8;8 8<5=0 =5 B@51C5BAO, A :0:8<8 :>48@>2:0<8 8 B.?.This will let you adjust the directories you want to index, and other parameters like excluded file paths or names, default character sets, etc.FirstIdxDialog.45AL <>6=> 2K1@0BL @568< 8=45:A8@>20=85O: ?0:5B=K9 8;8 @50;L=>3> 2@5<5=8, 0 B0:65 =0AB@>8BL @0A?8A0=85 02B><0B8G5A:>3> 8=45:A8@>20=8O ?@8 ?><>I8 cron.€This will let you chose between batch and real-time indexing, and set up an automatic  schedule for batch indexing (using cron).FirstIdxDialog	ň<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">=45:A8@>20=85 <span style=" font-weight:600;">Recoll</span> <>65B @01>B0BL ?>AB>O==>, 8=45:A8@CO 87<5=ONI85AO D09;K, 8;8 70?CA:0BLAO G5@57 ?@><56CB:8 2@5<5=8. </p>
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">@>G8B09B5 ?>4A:07:C, GB>1K @5H8BL, :0:>9 ?>4E>4 1C45B C4>1=59 (=06<8B5 F1). </p>
<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"></p>
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">45AL <>6=> =0AB@>8BL @0A?8A0=85 02B><0B8G5A:8E 70?CA:>2 ?0:5B=>3> 8=45:A8@>20=8O 8;8 65 AB0@B0 8=45:A8@>20=8O 2 @50;L=>< 2@5<5=8 ?@8 2E>45 2 A8AB5<C (8;8 2AQ 8 A@07C, GB> @54:> 8<55B A<KA;). </p></body></html>ż<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Recoll</span> indexing can run permanently, indexing files as they change, or run at discrete intervals. </p>
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Reading the manual may help you to decide between these approaches (press F1). </p>
<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"></p>
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">This tool can help you set up a schedule to automate batch indexing runs, or start real time indexing when you log in (or both, which rarely makes sense). </p></body></html>	IdxSchedW 0A?8A0=85 cronCron scheduling	IdxSchedWä 5H8B5, =C6=> ;8 =0G8=0BL 8=45:A8@>20=85 2 @50;L=>< 2@5<5=8 ?@8 2E>45 2 A8AB5<C (B>;L:> 4;O 8=45:A0 ?> C<>;G0=8N).ZDecide if real time indexing will be started when you log in (only for the default index).	IdxSchedWF0AB@>9:0 @0A?8A0=8O 8=45:A8@>20=8OIndex scheduling setup	IdxSchedWP0?CA: 8=45:A8@>20=8O 2 @50;L=>< 2@5<5=8Real time indexing start up	IdxSchedW˛45AL <>6=> 2K1@0BL, 2 :0:>5 2@5<O 70?CA:0BL 8=45:A8@>20=85, 8 CAB0=>28BL 70?8AL crontab._The tool will let you decide at what time indexing should run and will install a crontab entry.	IdxSchedW80;>3Dialog
ListDialogź$09; 8AB>@88 ("history") ?>2@564Q= 8;8 =5 G8B05BAO/=5 70?8AK205BAO, ?@>25@LB5 8;8 C40;8B5 53>:K"history" file is damaged or un(read)writeable, please check or remove it: Main<5B :0B0;>30  2 :>=D83C@0F88 No db directory in configurationMain&0;LH5&NextPreview&@54K4CI55	&PreviousPreview&A:0BL:&Search for:Preview€52>7<>6=> A:>=25@B8@>20BL 4>:C<5=B 2> 2=CB@5==55 ?@54AB02;5=85 0Can't turn doc into internal representation for PreviewB<5=0CancelPreviewJ52>7<>6=> A>740BL 2@5<5==K9 :0B0;>3:#Cannot create temporary directory: PreviewG8AB8BLClearPreview0:@KBL 2:;04:C	Close TabPreview4!>740N B5:AB 4;O ?@>A<>B@0Creating preview textPreview*H81:0 703@C7:8 D09;0Error while loading filePreview203@C60N B5:AB 2 @540:B>@ Loading preview text into editorPreview$&!>1;N40BL @538AB@Match &CasePreviewNBACBAB2C5B 2A?><>30B5;L=0O ?@>3@0<<0: Missing helper program: Preview>?8@>20BLCopyPreviewTextEdit"5@5=>A8BL AB@>:8
Fold linesPreviewTextEdit"!>E@0=OBL >BABC?KPreserve indentationPreviewTextEdit5G0BLPrintPreviewTextEditD5G0BL B5:CI53> >:=0 ?@54?@>A<>B@0Print Current PreviewPreviewTextEdit2!>E@0=8BL 4>:C<5=B 2 D09;Save document to filePreviewTextEditK45;8BL 2AQ
Select AllPreviewTextEdit>:070BL ?>;OShow fieldsPreviewTextEdit(>:070BL 87>1@065=85
Show imagePreviewTextEdit.>:070BL >A=>2=>9 B5:ABShow main textPreviewTextEdit6<b>0B0;>38 A >A>15==>ABO<8<b>Customised subtreesQObjectv<i>!;54CNI85 ?0@0<5B@K CAB0=02;820NBAO =0 25@E=5< C@>2=5, 5A;8 2K1@0BL<br>=8G53> 8;8 ?CABCN AB@>:C, 8;8 4;O 2K1@0==>3> ?>4:0B0;>30.<br>K <>65B5 4>102;OBL 8 C40;OBL :0B0;>38 :=>?:0<8 +/-.ă<i>The parameters that follow are set either at the top level, if nothing<br>or an empty line is selected in the listbox above, or for the selected subdirectory.<br>You can add or remove directories by clicking the +/- buttons.QObject$Web-8AB>@8O BeagleBeagle web historyQObject,>48@>2:0 ?> C<>;G0=8NDefault character setQObject> 0A:@K20BL A8<2>;8G5A:85 AAK;:8Follow symbolic linksQObject¸%>48BL ?> A8<2>;8G5A:8< AAK;:0< ?@8 8=45:A8@>20=88.  1KG=> =5 45;05BAO 4;O 871560=8O 4C1;59TFollow symbolic links while indexing. The default is no, to avoid duplicate indexingQObject1I85 ?0@0<5B@KGlobal parametersQObject<=45:A8@>20BL 2A5 8<5=0 D09;>2Index all file namesQObject0=45:A8@>20BL 8 B5 8<5=0 D09;>2, 4;O :>B>@KE =5 ?>;CG05BAO >?@545;8BL 8;8 >1@01>B0BL A>45@68<>5 (=58725AB=K9 8;8 =5?>445@68205<K9 B8? MIME).  1KG=> B0:}Index the names of files for which the contents cannot be identified or processed (no or unsupported mime type). Default trueQObject"'0AB=K5 ?0@0<5B@KLocal parametersQObject 0@0<5B@K ?>8A:0Search parametersQObject$@>?CA:05<K5 8<5=0
Skipped namesQObjectÚ!?8A>: ?>4:0B0;>3>2 2 8=45:A8@C5<>9 85@0@E88,<br>345 =5:>B>@K5 ?0@0<5B@K =C640NBAO 2 :>@@5:F88.  1KG=> ?CAB.sThe list of subdirectories in the indexed hierarchy <br>where some parameters need to be redefined. Default: empty.QObjectˆ(01;>=K 8<Q= D09;>2 8;8 :0B0;>3>2, :>B>@K5 =5 A;54C5B 8=45:A8@>20BL.LThese are patterns for file or directory  names which should not be indexed.QObjectˆ-B0 :>48@>2:0 1C45B 8A?>;L7>20=0 ?@8 GB5=88 D09;>2, 2 :>B>@KE B0:>20O =5 C:07K205BAO O2=> (=0?@8<5@, G8AB> B5:AB>2KE D09;>2).<br>1KG=> 7=0G5=85 ?CAB>, B>340 >=> 872;5:05BAO 87 >:@C65=8O (;>:0;8).ŇThis is the character set used for reading files which do not identify the character set internally, for example pure text files.<br>The default value is empty, and the value from the NLS environnement is used.QObject€<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">=45:A8@>20=85 <span style=" font-weight:600;">Recoll</span> <>65B 1KBL =0AB@>5=> :0: A5@28A, >1=>2;ONI89 8=45:A ?@8 87<5=5=88 D09;>2 2 @50;L=>< 2@5<5=8. @8 MB>< 8=45:A 2A5340 A25689, => F5=>9 ?>AB>O==> 8A?>;L7C5<KE A8AB5<=KE @5AC@A>2.</p>
<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"></p></body></html>.<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Recoll</span> indexing can be set up to run as a daemon, updating the index as files change, in real time. You gain an always up to date index, but system resources are used permanently.</p>
<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"></p></body></html>RTIToolWf"0:65 70?CAB8BL A;C61C 8=45:A8@>20=8O ?@O<> A59G0A.%Also start indexing daemon right now.RTIToolWh$09; 02B>70?CA:0 C40;Q=. AB0=>28BL B5:CI89 ?@>F5AA?2Autostart file deleted. Kill current process too ?RTIToolW"5 <>3C A>740BL: Can't create: RTIToolW@52>7<>6=> 70?CAB8BL recollindexCould not execute recollindexRTIToolW#40;ON D09;
Deleting fileRTIToolW#40;ON: 
Deleting: RTIToolWn2B><0B8G5A:89 70?CA: 8=45:A8@>20=8O 2 @50;L=>< 2@5<5=8"Real time indexing automatic startRTIToolW"#18@0N 02B>70?CA:Removing autostartRTIToolW0<5=ON D09;Replacing fileRTIToolW0<5=ON: Replacing: RTIToolWl0?CA:0BL A;C61C 8=45:A8@>20=8O 2<5AB5 A <>59 A5AA859..Start indexing daemon with my desktop session.RTIToolWAB>@>6=>WarningRTIToolW(2A5 O7K:8)(all languages)RclMain(157 A;>2>D>@<)
(no stemming)RclMain ?@>3@0<<5About RecollRclMain2A5AllRclMain*5B 4>ABC?0 : D09;C: Can't access file: RclMainJ52>7<>6=> A>740BL >:=> ?@54?@>A<>B@0Can't create preview windowRclMain:52>7<>6=> @0A?0:>20BL D09;: Can't uncompress file: RclMain`5 <>3C >1=>28BL 8=45:A: 8=45:A0B>@ C65 B@C48BAO#Can't update index: indexer runningRclMainl52>7<>6=> 872;5GL 4>:C<5=B 8;8 A>740BL 2@5<5==K9 D09;0Cannot extract document or create temporary fileRclMainZ52>7<>6=> 872;5GL 8=D>@<0F8N 4>:C<5=B0 87 +Cannot retrieve document info from databaseRclMain0:@K20NClosingRclMainb@>8=45:A8@>20=> A>45@60=85 A;54CNI8E MIME-B8?>2:.Content has been indexed for these mime types:RclMain¨5 C40;>AL >B:@KBL 2=5H=89 8=45:A.  =5 >B:@KB0. @>25@LB5 A?8A>: 2=5H=8E 8=45:A>2.HCould not open external index. Db not open. Check external indexes list.RclMain4$8;LB@ :0B53>@88 4>:C<5=B0Document category filterRclMain$AB>@8O 4>:C<5=B>2Document historyRclMain>B>2>DoneRclMain!B8@0N 8=45:A
Erasing indexRclMainH81:0ErrorRclMainK?>;=ON: [Executing: [RclMainŹBACBAB2CNI85 2=5H=85 ?@8;>65=8O/:><0=4K, B@51C5<K5 4;O 8=45:A8@>20=8O 20H8E D09;>2:

SExternal applications/commands needed and not found for indexing your file types:

RclMain0==K5 8AB>@88History dataRclMain =45:A =5 >B:@KBIndex not openRclMainR=45:A 4;O MB>3> D09;0 CAB0@5;. 5 1C4C @8A:>20BL ?>:07K20BL =5 B>B D@03<5=B. 06<8B5 OK 4;O >1=>2;5=8O 8=45:A0 4;O MB>3> D09;0, 70B5< ?>2B>@8B5 70?@>A. ;8 65 B<5=8BL.´Index not up to date for this file. Refusing to risk showing the wrong entry. Click Ok to update the index for this file, then re-run the query when indexing is done. Else, Cancel.RclMainH81:0 70?@>A0Index query errorRclMain2=45:A8@>20=85 =5 C40;>ALIndexing failedRclMain =45:A8@>20=85: Indexing in progress: RclMainJ54>AB0NI85 2A?><>30B5;L=K5 ?@>3@0<<KMissing helper programsRclMain>=8B>@MonitorRclMainX5 C:070=0 2=5H=OO ?@>3@0<<0 ?@>A<>B@0 4;O [-No external viewer configured for mime type [RclMainLA5 2A?><>30B5;L=K5 ?@>3@0<<K 4>ABC?=KNo helpers found missingRclMain0>8A: =5 40; @57C;LB0B>2No results foundRclMainBACBAB2C5BNoneRclMainG8AB8BLPurgeRclMain&>4@>1=>AB8 70?@>A0
Query detailsRclMainŽ0?@>A >1@010BK205BAO.<br>7-70 >3@0=8G5=89 181;8>B5:8<br>>AB0=>2 ?@5@2QB 2AN ?@>3@0<<CeQuery in progress.<br>Due to limitations of the indexing library,<br>cancelling will exit the programRclMain" 57C;LB0BK ?>8A:0
Query resultsRclMain@1=C;8BL 8=45:A 8 =0G0BL 70=>2>?(Reset the index and start from scratch ?RclMain, 57C;LB0B>2 (?@8<5@=>)Result count (est.)RclMain!>E@0=8BL D09;	Save fileRclMain070 :>@=59StemdbRclMain0&@5@20BL 8=45:A8@>20=85Stop &IndexingRclMainô"5:CI89 ?@>F5AA 8=45:A8@>20=8O =5 1K; 70?CI5= 87 MB>3> 8=B5@D59A0. 06<8B5 OK 4;O >AB0=>20 8;8 B<5=8BL, GB>1 @01>B0; A515yThe current indexing process was not started from this interface. Click Ok to kill it anyway, or Cancel to leave it aloneRclMain´@>3@0<<0 ?@>A<>B@0, C:070==0O 2 mimeview 4;O %1: %2, =5 =0945=0.
B:@KBL 480;>3 =0AB@>5:?hThe viewer specified in mimeview for %1: %2 is not found.
Do you want to start the  preferences dialog ?RclMain2-B>B ?>8A: C65 =5 0:B825="This search is not active any moreRclMain58725AB=>UnknownRclMain 1=>28BL &8=45:A
Update &IndexRclMain1=>2;ONUpdatingRclMainAB>@>6=>WarningRclMain<>H81:0 ?>;CG5=8O A?8A:0 O7K:>2#error retrieving stemming languagesRclMainD8;LB@>20==>5filteredRclMain
<5480mediaRclMainA>>1I5=8OmessageRclMain8=>5otherRclMain?@575=B0F88presentationRclMainA>@B8@>20==>5sortedRclMainB01;8FKspreadsheetRclMain
B5:ABtextRclMain& ?@>3@0<<5
&About RecollRclMainBase&!;>6=K9 ?>8A:&Advanced SearchRclMainBase8&G8AB8BL 8AB>@8N 4>:C<5=B>2&Erase document historyRclMainBase0G8AB8BL 8AB>@8N &?>8A:0&Erase search historyRclMainBase
&$09;&FileRclMainBase> 25AL &M:@0=&Full ScreenRclMainBase&>4A:07:0&HelpRclMainBase4& 0A?8A0=85 8=45:A8@>20=8O&Indexing scheduleRclMainBase&0AB@>9:8&PreferencesRclMainBase$5@5&8=45:A8@>20BL&Rebuild indexRclMainBase8>:070BL 8=45:A8@C5<K5 &B8?K&Show indexed typesRclMainBaseN&>:070BL =54>AB0NI85 2=5H=85 ?@>3@0<<K&Show missing helpersRclMainBase*&0@0<5B@K A>@B8@>2:8&Sort parametersRclMainBase&=AB@C<5=BK&ToolsRclMainBase& C:>2>4AB2>&User manualRclMainBase!;>6=K9 ?>8A:Advanced/complex  SearchRclMainBase2A5AllRclMainBaseCtrl+QCtrl+QRclMainBase$AB>@8O 4>:C<5=B>2Document  HistoryRclMainBase&&AB>@8O 4>:C<5=B>2Document &HistoryRclMainBase&KE>4E&xitRclMainBase080;>3 &2=5H=53> 8=45:A0E&xternal index dialogRclMainBase.80;>3 2=5H=53> 8=45:A0External index dialogRclMainBaseF11F11RclMainBase5@20O AB@0=8F0
First pageRclMainBase> 25AL M:@0=Full ScreenRclMainBaseJ5@59B8 : ?5@2>9 AB@0=8F5 @57C;LB0B>2Go to first page of resultsRclMainBase!;54. AB@0=8F0	Next pageRclMainBase<!;54CNI0O AB@0=8F0 @57C;LB0B>2Next page of resultsRclMainBasePgDownPgDownRclMainBasePgUpPgUpRclMainBase@54. AB@0=8F0
Previous pageRclMainBase>@54K4CI0O AB@0=8F0 @57C;LB0B>2Previous page of resultsRclMainBaseRecollRecollRclMainBase$!?8A>: @57C;LB0B>2Result listRclMainBase$=AB@C<5=BK ?>8A:0Search toolsRclMainBaseShift-PgUp
Shift+PgUpRclMainBase.>:070BL 45B0;8 70?@>A0Show Query DetailsRclMainBaseD>:070BL @57C;LB0BK 2 2845 B01;8FKShow results as tableRclMainBaseL!>@B8@>20BL ?> 40B0< >B =>2KE : AB0@K<#Sort by dates from newest to oldestRclMainBaseL!>@B8@>20BL ?> 40B0< >B AB0@KE : =>2K<#Sort by dates from oldest to newestRclMainBase(0@0<5B@K A>@B8@>2:8Sort parametersRclMainBase&02830B>@ &B5@<8=>2Term &explorerRclMainBase@=AB@C<5=B 8AA;54>20=8O B5@<8=>2Term explorer toolRclMainBase 1=>28BL &8=45:A
Update &indexRclMainBasesortByDateAsc
2B>@AuthorRecollModel0B0DateRecollModel0B0 8 2@5<O
Date and timeRecollModel0B0 4>:C<5=B0
Document dateRecollModel  07<5@ 4>:C<5=B0
Document sizeRecollModel0B0 D09;0	File dateRecollModel<O D09;0	File nameRecollModel 07<5@ D09;0	File sizeRecollModelI-?CBLIpathRecollModel;NG52K5 A;>20KeywordsRecollModel7<5=5=>MtimeRecollModel$AE>4=0O :>48@>2:0Original character setRecollModel 5;520=B=>ABLRelevancy ratingRecollModel0720=85TitleRecollModelURLURLRecollModel&B:@KBL&OpenResListL&B:@KBL @>48B5;LA:89 4>:C<5=B/:0B0;>3&Open Parent document/folderResList&@>A<>B@&PreviewResList"&!>E@0=8BL 2 D09;&Write to FileResList"(?>:070BL 70?@>A)(show query)ResList0<p><b>5 =0945=></b><br><p><b>No results found</b><br>ResList‚<p><i>;LB5@=0B82=0O >@D>3@0D8O (157 480:@8B8G5A:8E 7=0:>2): </i>4<p><i>Alternate spellings (accents suppressed): </i>ResList,!:>?8@>20BL &8<O D09;0Copy &File NameResList>?8@>20BL &URL	Copy &URLResList$AB>@8O 4>:C<5=B>2Document historyResList>:C<5=BK	DocumentsResList209B8 &?>4>1=K5 4>:C<5=BKFind &similar documentsResList!;54CNI0ONextResListB:@KBLOpenResList@54?@>A<>B@PreviewResList\&@54?@>A<>B@ @>48B5;LA:>3> 4>:C<5=B0/:0B0;>30Preview P&arent document/folderResList@54K4CI0OPreviousResList$!?8A>: @57C;LB0B>2Result listResList&>:C<5=B =54>ABC?5=Unavailable documentResList?>forResList87 <8=8<C<out of at leastResList &#40;8BL AB>;15F&Delete columnResTable&B:@KBL&OpenResTableL&B:@KBL @>48B5;LA:89 4>:C<5=B/:0B0;>3&Open Parent document/folderResTable&@>A<>B@&PreviewResTable<&!1@>A8BL ?0@0<5B@K A>@B8@>2:8&Reset sortResTable$&!>E@0=8BL :0: CSV&Save as CSVResTable"&!>E@0=8BL 2 D09;&Write to FileResTable*>1028BL :>;>=:C "%1"Add "%1" columnResTable@5 C40;>AL >B:@KBL/A>740BL D09;:Can't open/create file: ResTable,!:>?8@>20BL &8<O D09;0Copy &File NameResTable>?8@>20BL &URL	Copy &URLResTable209B8 &?>4>1=K5 4>:C<5=BKFind &similar documentsResTable\&@54?@>A<>B@ @>48B5;LA:>3> 4>:C<5=B0/:0B0;>30Preview P&arent document/folderResTable8!>E@0=8BL B01;8FC 2 CSV-D09;Save table to CSV fileResTable&B:@KBL&OpenResTableDetailAreaL&B:@KBL @>48B5;LA:89 4>:C<5=B/:0B0;>3&Open Parent document/folderResTableDetailArea&@>A<>B@&PreviewResTableDetailArea"&!>E@0=8BL 2 D09;&Write to FileResTableDetailArea,!:>?8@>20BL &8<O D09;0Copy &File NameResTableDetailArea>?8@>20BL &URL	Copy &URLResTableDetailArea209B8 &?>4>1=K5 4>:C<5=BKFind &similar documentsResTableDetailArea\&@54?@>A<>B@ @>48B5;LA:>3> 4>:C<5=B0/:0B0;>30Preview P&arent document/folderResTableDetailAreaA5 A;>20	All termsSSearchN1>5 A;>2>Any termSSearch.525@=0O AB@>:0 70?@>A0Bad query stringSSearch>?>;=5=8OCompletionsSSearch42548B5 <0A:C 8<5=8 D09;0.$Enter file name wildcard expression.SSearchŠ2548B5 2K@065=85 =0 O7K:5 70?@>A>2. (?0@30;:0:<br>
<i>A;>2>1 A;>2>2</i> : 'A;>2>1' 8 'A;>2>2' 2 ;N1>< ?>;5.<br>
<i>?>;5:A;>2>1</i> : 'A;>2>1' 2 ?>;5 '?>;5'.<br>
!B0=40@B=K5 ?>;O/A8=>=8<K:<br>
  title/subject/caption, author/from, recipient/to, filename, ext.<br>
 A524>-?>;O: dir, mime/format, type/rclcat, date.<br>
 @8<5@K 8=B5@20;>2 <564C 42C<O 40B0<8: 2009-03-01/2009-05-20  2009-03-01/P2M.<br>
<i>A;>2>1 A;>2>2 OR A;>2>3</i> : A;>2>1  (A;>2>2  A;>2>3).<br>
   459AB28B5;L=>AB8, A:>1:8 =5 @07@5H5=K.<br>
<i>"A;>2>1 A;>2>2"</i> : D@070 (4>;6=0 2AB@5G0BLAO 8<5==> 2 B0:>< 2845). >48D8:0B>@K:<br>
<i>"A;>2>1 A;>2>2"p</i> : =5C?>@O4>G5==K9 ?>8A: A @0AAB>O=85< (<i><b>p</b>roximity</i>) ?> C<>;G0=8N.<br>
A?>;L7C9B5 AAK;:C <b>?>:070BL 70?@>A</b>, :>340 A><=5205B5AL 2 @57C;LB0B5, 8 A<>B@8B5 ?>4@>1=>AB8 2 @C:>2>4AB25 (&lt;F1>).
éEnter query language expression. Cheat sheet:<br>
<i>term1 term2</i> : 'term1' and 'term2' in any field.<br>
<i>field:term1</i> : 'term1' in field 'field'.<br>
 Standard field names/synonyms:<br>
  title/subject/caption, author/from, recipient/to, filename, ext.<br>
 Pseudo-fields: dir, mime/format, type/rclcat, date.<br>
 Two date interval exemples: 2009-03-01/2009-05-20  2009-03-01/P2M.<br>
<i>term1 term2 OR term3</i> : term1 AND (term2 OR term3).<br>
  No actual parentheses allowed.<br>
<i>"term1 term2"</i> : phrase (must occur exactly). Possible modifiers:<br>
<i>"term1 term2"p</i> : unordered proximity search with default distance.<br>
Use <b>Show Query</b> link when in doubt about result and see manual (&lt;F1>) for more detail.
SSearch 2548B5 ?>8A:>2K5 A;>20.  >6=> =060BL Esc-?@>15; 4;O 4>?>;=5=8O B5:CI53> A;>20.FEnter search terms here. Type ESC SPC for completions of current term.SSearch<O D09;0	File nameSSearch&54>AB0B>G=> ?0<OB8
Out of memorySSearch/7K: 70?@>A0Query languageSSearchK15@8B5:Select an item:SSearch0!;8H:>< <=>3> 4>?>;=5=89Too many completionsSSearch&K15@8B5 B8? ?>8A:0Choose search type.SSearchBaseG8AB8BLClearSSearchBaseCtrl+SCtrl+SSSearchBase 2548B5 ?>8A:>2K5 A;>20.  >6=> =060BL Esc-?@>15; 4;O 4>?>;=5=8O B5:CI53> A;>20.FEnter search terms here. Type ESC SPC for completions of current term.SSearchBase&G8AB8BL ?>;5 22>40Erase search entrySSearchBaseSSearchBaseSSearchBaseSSearchBaseA:0BLSearchSSearchBase&@8ABC?8BL : ?>8A:CStart querySSearchBase2A5All
SearchClauseW8<O D09;0	File name
SearchClauseW5 8A?. ?>;ONo field
SearchClauseW>;8G5AB2> 4>?>;=8B5;L=KE A;>2, :>B>@K5 <>3CB >:070BLAO <564C 2K1@0==K<8HNumber of additional words that may be interspersed with the chosen ones
SearchClauseW1;87>ABL	Proximity
SearchClauseWpK15@8B5 B8? 70?@>A0, :>B>@K9 1C45B ?@>87254Q= ?> A;>20<>Select the type of query that will be performed with the words
SearchClauseW!;54CNI0ONextSnippets&0:@KBL&Close	SpellBase& 0A:@KBL &Expand 	SpellBase
Alt+CAlt+C	SpellBase
Alt-EAlt+E	SpellBase(5B 8=D>@<0F88 > .No db info.	SpellBase$02830B>@ B5@<8=>2
Term Explorer	SpellBase6H81:0 @0A:@K20=8O aspell. Aspell expansion error. SpellWl5 ?>;CG8;>AL 8=8F80;878@>20BL Aspell.  = CAB0=>2;5=?)Aspell init failed. Aspell not installed?SpellW>:. / A53>Doc. / Tot.SpellW( 0A:@KB85 =5 =0945=>No expansion foundSpellW 532K@065=85RegexpSpellW$0?8A0=85/D>=5B8:0Spelling/PhoneticSpellW  0A:@KB85 >A=>2KStem expansionSpellW
!;>2>TermSpellW(01;>=K	WildcardsSpellW<>H81:0 ?>;CG5=8O A?8A:0 O7K:>2#error retrieving stemming languagesSpellWK15@8B5Choose
UIPrefsDialog–K15@8B5 :0B0;>3 8=45:A0 Xapian (=0?@8<5@, /home/?@8OB5;L/.recoll/xapiandb)@Select xapian index directory (ie: /home/buddy/.recoll/xapiandb)
UIPrefsDialogVK1@0==K9 :0B0;>3 =5 ?>E>6 =0 8=45:A Xapian;The selected directory does not appear to be a Xapian index
UIPrefsDialogD-B>B :0B0;>3 C65 2 A?8A:5 8=45:A>23The selected directory is already in the index list
UIPrefsDialog&-B> 3;02=K9 8=45:A!This is the main/local index!
UIPrefsDialog<>H81:0 ?>;CG5=8O A?8A:0 O7K:>2#error retrieving stemming languages
UIPrefsDialogf7<5=5=85 459AB289 A @07;8G=K<8 B5:CI8<8 7=0G5=8O<8.Changing actions with different current values
ViewAction !<5=8BL 459AB285
Change ActionViewActionBase0:@KBLCloseViewActionBase >4=K5 2LN5@KNative ViewersViewActionBaseęK15@8B5 >48= 8;8 =5A:>;L:> B8?>2 D09;>2, 70B5< =06<8B5 "!<5=8BL 459AB285" 4;O 87<5=5=8O ?@>3@0<<K, @01>B0NI59 A =8<8bSelect one or several file types, then click Change Action to modify the program used to open themViewActionBaseęK15@8B5 >48= 8;8 =5A:>;L:> MIME-B8?>2 8 =06<8B5"!<5=8BL 459AB285"<br>"0:65 K <>65B5 70:@KBL MB>B 480;>3 8 CAB0=>28BL D;03 "A?>;L7>20BL 45A:B>?=K5 =0AB@>9:8"<br> 2 >A=>2=>9 ?0=5;8, GB>1K 8A?>;L7>20BL 45A:B>?=K5 =0AB@>9:8 2<5AB> 40==>3> A?8A:0.ÉSelect one or several mime types then click "Change Action"<br>You can also close this dialog and check "Use desktop preferences"<br>in the main panel to ignore this list and use your desktop defaults.ViewActionBaseRBeagle  4>;65= 2K?>;=OBLAO. :;NG8BL >1@01>B:C >G5@548 Beagle 4;O 8=45:A8@>20=8O Web-8AB>@88 Firefox.<br>(4;O MB>3> A;54C5B B0:65 CAB0=>28BL ?;038= Beagle 4;O Firefox)”Beagle MUST NOT be running. Enables processing the beagle queue to index Firefox web history.<br>(you should also install the Firefox Beagle plugin)confgui::ConfBeaglePanelWˆ@8 4>AB865=88 C:070==>3> @07<5@0 :MH0 AB0@K5 70?8A8 1C4CB C40;OBLAO1Entries will be recycled once the size is reachedconfgui::ConfBeaglePanelWL0:A8<0;L=K9 @07<5@ web-E@0=8;8I0 () Max. size for the web store (MB)confgui::ConfBeaglePanelW\>A?>;L7>20BLAO >G5@54LN 8=45:A8@>20=8O BeagleSteal Beagle indexing queueconfgui::ConfBeaglePanelW<O :0B0;>30 4;O E@0=5=8O :>?89 ?>A5IQ==KE web-AB@0=8F.<br>CBL, =5 O2;ONI89AO 01A>;NB=K<, 15@QBAO >B=>A8B5;L=> :0B0;>30 :>=D83C@0F88.‘The name for a directory where to store the copies of visited web pages.<br>A non-absolute path is taken relative to the configuration directory.confgui::ConfBeaglePanelWL<O :0B0;>30 4;O E@0=8;8I0 web-AB@0=8FWeb page store directory nameconfgui::ConfBeaglePanelWJ52>7<>6=> 70?8A0BL D09; :>=D83C@0F88Can't write configuration fileconfgui::ConfIndexW@>A<>B@Chooseconfgui::ConfParamFNW++confgui::ConfParamSLW--confgui::ConfParamSLW
1I55Globalconfgui::ConfSubPanelWđA;8 MB> 7=0G5=85 CAB0=>2;5=> (B.5. =5 @02=> -1), B> ?@8 8=45:A8@>20=88 B5:AB>2K5 D09;K @071820NBAO =0 D@03<5=BK A>>B25BAB2CNI53> @07<5@0.
0==0O >?F8O <>65B ?><>GL ?@8 2K?>;=5=88 ?>8A:0 2 >G5=L 1>;LH8E B5:AB>2KE D09;0E (=0?@8<5@, D09;0E 6C@=0;>2).¤If this value is set (not equal to -1), text files will be split in chunks of this size for indexing.
This will help searching very big text  files (ie: log files).confgui::ConfSubPanelWB@545; @07<5@0 A60B>3> D09;0 (KB)Max. compressed file size (KB)confgui::ConfSubPanelWJ@545;L=>5 2@5<O @01>BK D8;LB@0 (A5:)Max. filter exec. time (S)confgui::ConfSubPanelWH@545; @07<5@0 B5:AB>2>3> D09;0 (MB)Max. text file size (MB)confgui::ConfSubPanelWJ 07<5@ AB@0=8FK B5:AB>2>3> D09;0 (KB)Text file page size (KB)confgui::ConfSubPanelW-B> 7=0G5=85 CAB0=02;8205B ?>@>3 @07<5@0 A60BKE D09;>2, :>B>@K5 1C4CB >1@010BK20BLAO. -1 >B:;NG05B ?>@>3, 0 >B:;NG05B 45:><?@5AA8N.‡This value sets a threshold beyond which compressedfiles will not be processed. Set to -1 for no limit, to 0 for no decompression ever.confgui::ConfSubPanelW¸-B> 7=0G5=85 CAB0=02;8205B ?>@>3 @07<5@0 B5:AB>2KE D09;>2, :>B>@K5 1C4CB >1@010BK20BLAO. -1 >B:;NG05B ?>@>3.
0==0O =0AB@>9:0 <>65B 1KBL ?>;57=0 4;O ?@54>B2@0I5=8O 8=45:A8@>20=8O 1>;LH8E D09;>2: 6C@=0;>2 A>>1I5=89 8 B.?.›This value sets a threshold beyond which text files will not be processed. Set to -1 for no limit. 
This is for excluding monster log files from the index.confgui::ConfSubPanelW/7K: aspellAspell languageconfgui::ConfTopPanelW&0B0;>3 107K 40==KEDatabase directory nameconfgui::ConfTopPanelWB:;NG05B 8A?>;L7>20=85 aspell 4;O 35=5@0F88 ?@81;865=89 =0?8A0=8O 2 =02830B>@5 B5@<8=>2.<br> >;57=>, 5A;8 aspell >BACBAB2C5B 8;8 A;><0=. †Disables use of aspell to generate spelling approximation in the term explorer tool.<br> Useful if aspell is absent or does not work. confgui::ConfTopPanelW8=B5@20; 70?8A8 8=45:A0 (1)Index flush megabytes intervalconfgui::ConfTopPanelW$09; 6C@=0;0
Log file nameconfgui::ConfTopPanelW&>4@>1=>ABL 6C@=0;0Log verbosity levelconfgui::ConfTopPanelWH0:A8<0;L=>5 8A?>;L7>20=85 48A:0 (%)Max disk occupation (%)confgui::ConfTopPanelW,5 8A?>;L7>20BL aspellNo aspell usageconfgui::ConfTopPanelW@>?CA:0BL
Skipped pathsconfgui::ConfTopPanelW*/7K:8 A> A;>2>D>@<0<8Stemming languagesconfgui::ConfTopPanelW–$09;, :C40 1C4CB 70?8AK20BLAO A>>1I5=8O.<br>'stderr' 4;O 2K2>40 =0 B5@<8=0;PThe file where the messages will be written.<br>Use 'stderr' for terminal outputconfgui::ConfTopPanelW„/7K:8, 4;O :>B>@KE 1C4CB ?>AB@>5=K<br>A;>20@8 @0A:@KB8O A;>2>D>@<.IThe languages for which stemming expansion<br>dictionaries will be built.confgui::ConfTopPanelWŹ!?8A>: :0B0;>3>2, 345 =0G8=05BAO @5:C@A82=>5 8=45:A8@>20=85.  1KG=> 4><0H=89 :0B0;>3.LThe list of directories where recursive indexing starts. Default: your home.confgui::ConfTopPanelWH<5=0 :0B0;>3>2, :>B>@K5 8=45:A8@>20=85 >1>94QB.<br>>65B A>45@60BL H01;>=K.  1O70=> ?>4E>48BL : ?CBO<, :>B>@K5 2848B 8=45:A0B>@ (=0?@8<5@, 5A;8 topdirs 2:;NG05B '/home/me' 8 '/home' O2;O5BAO AAK;:>9 =0 '/usr/home', B> ?@028;L=0O 70?8AL 4>;6=0 1KBL '/home/me/tmp*', 0 =5 '/usr/home/me/tmp*')#These are names of directories which indexing will not enter.<br> May contain wildcards. Must match the paths seen by the indexer (ie: if topdirs includes '/home/me' and '/home' is actually a link to '/usr/home', a correct skippedPath entry would be '/home/me/tmp*', not '/usr/home/me/tmp*')confgui::ConfTopPanelW"@>F5=B 70=OB>AB8 48A:0, ?@8 :>B>@>< 8=45:A8@>20=85 1C45B ?@5@20=> (2> 871560=85 70?>;=5=8O 4>ABC?=>3> <5AB0).<br>1KG=>: 0 (>B:;NG05B ?@>25@:C).—This is the percentage of disk occupation where indexing will fail and stop (to avoid filling up your disk).<br>0 means no limit (this is the default).confgui::ConfTopPanelWD-B> 7=0G5=85 >?@545;O5B :>;8G5AB2> ?@>8=45:A8@>20==KE 40==KE <564C A1@>A0<8 =0 48A:.<br>><>305B :>=B@>;8@>20BL 8A?>;L7>20=85 ?0<OB8 ?@8 8=45:A0F88.  1KG=> 10Mb ŒThis value adjust the amount of data which is indexed between flushes to disk.<br>This helps control the indexer memory usage. Default 10MB confgui::ConfTopPanelW˘-B> 7=0G5=85 >?@545;O5B ?>4@>1=>ABL A>>1I5=89,<br>>B >H81>: 4> >B;04>G=KE 40==KE.ZThis value adjusts the amount of messages,<br>from only errors to a lot of debugging data.confgui::ConfTopPanelW&=45:A8@C5<K5 ?0?:8Top directoriesconfgui::ConfTopPanelW:A?>;L7>20BL A8AB5<=CN 'file'Use system's 'file' commandconfgui::ConfTopPanelWŽA?>;L7>20BL A8AB5<=CN :><0=4C 'file' <br>?@8 A1>5 2=CB@5==53> >?@545;8B5;O B8?>2 MIME.NUse the system's 'file' command if internal<br>mime type identification fails.confgui::ConfTopPanelW&B<5=0&CanceluiPrefsDialogBase&OK&OKuiPrefsDialogBase„>8A: [rolling stones] (420 A;>20) 1C45B 87<5=Q= =0 [rolling 8;8 stones 8;8 (rolling phrase 2 stones)].
-B> <>65B ?>4=OBL @57C;LB0BK, 4;O :>B>@KE A;>20 A;54CNB 8<5==> 2 B>< ?>@O4:5, :0: 22545=K.ŃA search for [rolling stones] (2 terms) will be changed to [rolling or stones or (rolling phrase 2 stones)]. 
This should give higher precedence to the results where the search terms appear exactly as entered.uiPrefsDialogBaseH 0745;8B5;L D@03<5=B>2 2 @57C;LB0B0EAbstract snippet separatoruiPrefsDialogBase:;NG8BL 2A5Activate AlluiPrefsDialogBase>1028BL 8=45:A	Add indexuiPrefsDialogBase&@8<5=8BL 87<5=5=8O
Apply changesuiPrefsDialogBaseP0G8=0BL ?@>AB>9 ?>8A: ?> 22>4C ?@>15;0.-Auto-start simple search on whitespace entry.uiPrefsDialogBase`2B><0B8G5A:8 4>102;OBL D@07C ?@8 ?@>AB>< ?>8A:5+Automatically add phrase to simple searchesuiPrefsDialogBaseT>@>3 G0AB>BK B5@<>2 02B>D@07K 2 ?@>F5=B0E.Autophrase term frequency threshold percentageuiPrefsDialogBaseK1@0BLChooseuiPrefsDialogBase K1>@ @540:B>@>2Choose editor applicationsuiPrefsDialogBaset06<8B5, GB>1K 4>1028BL 5IQ >4=C ?0?:C A 8=45:A>< 2 A?8A>:0Click to add another index directory to the listuiPrefsDialogBase4$>@<0B 40BK ?> strftime(3)Date format (strftime(3))uiPrefsDialogBaseK:;NG8BL 2A5Deactivate AlluiPrefsDialogBase$B<5=8BL 87<5=5=8ODiscard changesuiPrefsDialogBaseŢ>:07K20BL D8;LB@ :0B53>@88 4>:C<5=B0 2 2845 2K?040NI53> A?8A:0, 0 =5 ?0=5;8 A :=>?:0<8 (B@51C5BAO ?5@570?CA:).KDisplay category filter as toolbar instead of button panel (needs restart).uiPrefsDialogBasef!>74020BL ;8 :>=A?5:B, 5A;8 4>:C<5=B C65 8<55B 53>?EDo we synthetize an abstract even if the document seemed to have one?uiPrefsDialogBase !;54C5B ;8 ?KB0BLAO ?>AB@>8BL :>=A?5:B 87 =0945==KE 4>:C<5=B>2, >?8@0OAL =0 :>=B5:AB :;NG52KE A;>2?
>65B 1KBL <54;5==K< 4;O 1>;LH8E 4>:C<5=B>2.zDo we try to build abstracts for result list entries by using the context of query terms ? 
May be slow for big documents.uiPrefsDialogBase@8=0<8G5A:>5 2K45;5=85 :>=A?5:B0Dynamically build abstractsuiPrefsDialogBaseD@028BL HTML-703>;>2>: @57C;LB0B>2#Edit result page html header insertuiPrefsDialogBaseR@028BL AB@>:C D>@<0B8@>20=8O @57C;LB0B>2#Edit result paragraph format stringuiPrefsDialogBase:;NG8BLEnableuiPrefsDialogBase=5H=85 8=45:AKExternal IndexesuiPrefsDialogBase>@>3 G0AB>BK 2 ?@>F5=B0E, ?>A;5 :>B>@>3> <K =5 8A?>;L7C5< B5@<K 2 02B>D@075. 
'0ABK5 B5@<K O2;ONBAO ACI5AB25==>9 ?@>1;5<>9 ?@>872>48B5;L=>AB8 =0 D@070E. 
@>?CI5==K5 B5@<K 4>?>;=ONB ?@>A04:C D@07K 8 C<5=LH0NB MDD5:B82=>ABL $. 
=0G5=85 ?> C<>;G0=8N - 2 (?@>F5=B0). ţFrequency percentage threshold over which we do not use terms inside autophrase. 
Frequent terms are a major performance issue with phrases. 
Skipped terms augment the phrase slack, and reduce the autophrase efficiency.
The default value is 2 (percent). uiPrefsDialogBaseHelvetica-10Helvetica-10uiPrefsDialogBase"@OB0BL 4C1;8:0BKHide duplicate results.uiPrefsDialogBase8&25B 2K45;5=8O :;NG52KE A;>2Highlight color for query termsuiPrefsDialogBaseŚ>:07K20BL @57C;LB0BK A B5< 65 A>45@60=85< ?>4 @07=K<8 8<5=0<8 =5 1>;55 >4=>3> @070XIf checked, results with the same content under different names will only be shown once.uiPrefsDialogBaser0:A8<0;L=K9 >1JQ< B5:AB0 A 2K45;5=85< ?@8 ?@>A<>B@5 (1)5Maximum text size highlighted for preview (megabytes)uiPrefsDialogBaseT>;8G5AB2> 70?8A59 =0 AB@0=8FC @57C;LB0B>2"Number of entries in a result pageuiPrefsDialogBasebB:@K205B 480;>3 2K1>@0 H@8DB0 A?8A:0 @57C;LB0B>2-Opens a dialog to select the result list fontuiPrefsDialogBaseDB:@KBL 480;>3 2K1>@0 D09;0 AB8;59-Opens a dialog to select the style sheet fileuiPrefsDialogBaseT@54?>G8B0BL HTML B5:ABC 4;O ?@54?@>A<>B@0&Prefer Html to plain text for preview.uiPrefsDialogBaseh038G5A:85 @0AH8@5=8O 8<5=8 D09;0 4;O O7K:0 70?@>A>2(Query language magic file name suffixes.uiPrefsDialogBase>0?><=8BL A>AB>O=85 A>@B8@>2:8.Remember sort activation state.uiPrefsDialogBaseb#40;8BL 87 A?8A:0. =45:A =0 48A:5 157 87<5=5=89.7Remove from list. This has no effect on the disk index.uiPrefsDialogBase$#40;8BL 2K45;5==K5Remove selecteduiPrefsDialogBaseX0<5I0BL :>=A?5:B, A>45@60I89AO 2 4>:C<5=B0E Replace abstracts from documentsuiPrefsDialogBase5@=CBLResetuiPrefsDialogBase`#AB0=02;8205B H@8DB A?8A:0 @57C;LB0B>2 2 >1KG=K91Resets the result list font to the system defaultuiPrefsDialogBase45@=CBL AB8;8 ?> C<>;G0=8N!Resets the style sheet to defaultuiPrefsDialogBase$!?8A>: @57C;LB0B>2Result ListuiPrefsDialogBase0(@8DB A?8A:0 @57C;LB0B>2Result list fontuiPrefsDialogBase 0@0<5B@K ?>8A:0Search parametersuiPrefsDialogBaseZB:@K20BL 480;>3 A;>6=>3> ?>8A:0 ?@8 70?CA:5.'Start with advanced search dialog open.uiPrefsDialogBase/7K: A;>2>D>@<Stemming languageuiPrefsDialogBase01>@ AB8;59Style sheetuiPrefsDialogBase >=B5:AB=KE A;>2 Synthetic abstract context wordsuiPrefsDialogBaseT 07<5@ A>740205<>3> :>=A?5:B0 (2 A8<2>;0E)$Synthetic abstract size (characters)uiPrefsDialogBase˛"5:ABK 1>;LH53> @07<5@0 =5 1C4CB ?>4A25G820BLAO ?@8 ?@5420@8B5;L=>< ?@>A<>B@5 (<54;5==>).CTexts over this size will not be highlighted in preview (too slow).uiPrefsDialogBase”!;>20 2 A?8A:5 1C4CB 02B><0B8G5A:8 ?@5>1@07>20=K : 284C ext:xxx 2 70?@>A5.bThe words in the list will be automatically turned to ext:xxx clauses in the query language entry.uiPrefsDialogBase,5@5:;NG8BL 2K45;5==K5Toggle selecteduiPrefsDialogBase„A?>;L7>20BL 45A:B>?=K5 =0AB@>9:8 4;O 2K1>@0 @540:B>@0 4>:C<5=B>2.2Use desktop preferences to choose document editor.uiPrefsDialogBase=B5@D59AUser interfaceuiPrefsDialogBase@54?>GB5=8OUser preferencesuiPrefsDialogBase