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+ <title>Recoll 1.20 series release notes</title>
+ <meta name="Author" content="Jean-Francois Dockes">
+ <meta name="Description"
+ content="recoll is a simple full-text search system for unix and linux based on the powerful and mature xapian engine">
+ <meta name="Keywords" content="full text search, desktop search, unix, linux">
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+ <li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
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+ <h1>Release notes for Recoll 1.20.x</h1>
+ <h2>Caveats</h2>
+ <p><em>Installing over an older version</em>: 1.19 </p>
+ <p>1.20 and 1.21 indexes are fully compatible. Installing 1.21
+ over an 1.19 index is possible, but there have been small
+ changes in the way compound words (e.g. email addresses) are
+ indexed, so it will be best to reset the index. Still, in a
+ pinch, 1.21 search can mostly use an 1.19 index. </p>
+ <p>Always reset the index if you do not know by which version it
+ was created (you're not sure it's at least 1.18). The best method
+ is to quit all Recoll programs and delete the index directory
+ (<span class="literal">
+ rm��-rf��~/.recoll/xapiandb</span>), then start <code>recoll</code>
+ or <code>recollindex</code>. <br>
+ <span class="literal">recollindex -z</span> will do the same
+ in most, but not all, cases. It's better to use
+ the <tt>rm</tt> method, which will also ensure that no debris
+ from older releases remain (e.g.: old stemming files which are
+ not used any more).</p>
+ <p>Case/diacritics sensitivity is off by default. It can be
+ turned on <em>only</em> by editing
+ recoll.conf (
+ <a href="usermanual/usermanual.html#RCL.INDEXING.CONFIG.SENS">
+ see the manual</a>). If you do so, you must then reset the
+ index.</p>
+ <h2>Changes in Recoll 1.21</h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Allow saving queries to files and reloading them
+ later. Available both for simple and advanced queries, and
+ based on XML files.</li>
+ <li>A Bison-based query parser replaces the old regexp-based
+ one and allows parenthized sub-expressions and easier future
+ expansions.</li>
+ <li>The GUI gets a "close to system tray" function.</li>
+ <li>Avoid retrying to index previously indexed files if
+ nothing seems to have changed in the filters.</li>
+ <li>Improve indexing speed by always using vfork() for
+ spawning external commands.</li>
+ <li>The pdf filter gains the capability to run OCR (tesseract) on
+ image-only files.</li>
+ <li>Improved check about when we should try to uncompress
+ stuff. Will eliminate some of the most dreadful case of
+ recollindex having an impact on system performance.</li>
+ <li>Warn if non-existent paths are listed in the configuration
+ file (help with typos).</li>
+ <li>Adjust background color for webkit-based elements (result
+ list and snippets window) according to desktop setup.</li>
+ <li>Listing the results with the KIO slave is now
+ performed with incremental updates. Bumped max entries to
+ 10000.</li>
+ </ul>
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