/* Copyright (C) 2004 J.F.Dockes
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* Structures to hold data coming almost directly from the gui
* and handle its translation to Xapian queries.
* This is not generic code, it reflects the choices made for the user
* interface, and it also knows some specific of recoll's usage of Xapian
* (ie: term prefixes)
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "rcldb.h"
#include "refcntr.h"
#include "smallut.h"
#include "cstr.h"
#include "hldata.h"
class RclConfig;
namespace Rcl {
/** Search clause types */
enum SClType {
class SearchDataClause;
Data structure representing a Recoll user query, for translation
into a Xapian query tree. This could probably better called a 'question'.
This is a list of search clauses combined through either OR or AND.
Clauses either reflect user entry in a query field: some text, a
clause type (AND/OR/NEAR etc.), possibly a distance, or points to
another SearchData representing a subquery.
The content of each clause when added may not be fully parsed yet
(may come directly from a gui field). It will be parsed and may be
translated to several queries in the Xapian sense, for exemple
several terms and phrases as would result from
["this is a phrase" term1 term2] .
This is why the clauses also have an AND/OR/... type.
A phrase clause could be added either explicitly or using double quotes:
{SCLT_PHRASE, [this is a phrase]} or as {SCLT_XXX, ["this is a phrase"]}
class SearchData {
SearchData(SClType tp)
: m_tp(tp), m_haveDates(false), m_maxSize(size_t(-1)),
m_minSize(size_t(-1)), m_haveWildCards(false)
if (m_tp != SCLT_OR && m_tp != SCLT_AND)
m_tp = SCLT_OR;
~SearchData() {erase();}
/** Make pristine */
void erase();
/** Is there anything but a file name search in here ? */
bool fileNameOnly();
/** Do we have wildcards anywhere apart from filename searches ? */
bool haveWildCards() {return m_haveWildCards;}
/** Translate to Xapian query. rcldb knows about the void* */
bool toNativeQuery(Rcl::Db &db, void *);
/** We become the owner of cl and will delete it */
bool addClause(SearchDataClause *cl);
/** If this is a simple query (one field only, no distance clauses),
* add phrase made of query terms to query, so that docs containing the
* user terms in order will have higher relevance. This must be called
* before toNativeQuery().
* @param threshold: don't use terms more frequent than the value
* (proportion of docs where they occur)
bool maybeAddAutoPhrase(Rcl::Db &db, double threshold);
/** Set/get top subdirectory for filtering results */
void addDirSpec(const std::string& t, bool excl = false, float w = 1.0)
m_dirspecs.push_back(DirSpec(t, excl, w));
void setMinSize(size_t size) {m_minSize = size;}
void setMaxSize(size_t size) {m_maxSize = size;}
/** Set date span for filtering results */
void setDateSpan(DateInterval *dip) {m_dates = *dip; m_haveDates = true;}
/** Add file type for filtering results */
void addFiletype(const std::string& ft) {m_filetypes.push_back(ft);}
/** Add file type to not wanted list */
void remFiletype(const std::string& ft) {m_nfiletypes.push_back(ft);}
void setStemlang(const std::string& lang = "english") {m_stemlang = lang;}
/** Retrieve error description */
std::string getReason() {return m_reason;}
/** Return term expansion data. Mostly used by caller for highlighting
void getTerms(HighlightData& hldata) const;
* Get/set the description field which is retrieved from xapian after
* initializing the query. It is stored here for usage in the GUI.
std::string getDescription() {return m_description;}
void setDescription(const std::string& d) {m_description = d;}
// Combine type. Only SCLT_AND or SCLT_OR here
SClType m_tp;
// Complex query descriptor
std::vector<SearchDataClause*> m_query;
// Restricted set of filetypes if not empty.
std::vector<std::string> m_filetypes;
// Excluded set of file types if not empty
std::vector<std::string> m_nfiletypes;
// Restrict to subtree or exclude one
class DirSpec {
std::string dir;
bool exclude;
// For positive spec: affect weight instead of filter
float weight;
DirSpec(const std::string&d, bool x, float w)
: dir(d), exclude(x), weight(w)
std::vector<DirSpec> m_dirspecs;
bool m_haveDates;
DateInterval m_dates; // Restrict to date interval
size_t m_maxSize;
size_t m_minSize;
// Printable expanded version of the complete query, retrieved/set
// from rcldb after the Xapian::setQuery() call
std::string m_description;
std::string m_reason;
bool m_haveWildCards;
std::string m_stemlang;
bool expandFileTypes(RclConfig *cfg, std::vector<std::string>& exptps);
/* Copyconst and assignment private and forbidden */
SearchData(const SearchData &) {}
SearchData& operator=(const SearchData&) {return *this;};
class SearchDataClause {
SearchDataClause(SClType tp)
: m_tp(tp), m_parentSearch(0), m_haveWildCards(0),
m_modifiers(SDCM_NONE), m_weight(1.0)
virtual ~SearchDataClause() {}
virtual bool toNativeQuery(Rcl::Db &db, void *, const std::string&) = 0;
bool isFileName() const {return m_tp == SCLT_FILENAME ? true: false;}
virtual std::string getReason() const {return m_reason;}
virtual void getTerms(HighlightData & hldata) const = 0;
SClType getTp()
return m_tp;
void setParent(SearchData *p)
m_parentSearch = p;
virtual void setModifiers(Modifier mod)
m_modifiers = mod;
virtual int getModifiers()
return m_modifiers;
virtual void addModifier(Modifier mod)
int imod = getModifiers();
imod |= mod;
virtual void setWeight(float w)
m_weight = w;
friend class SearchData;
std::string m_reason;
SClType m_tp;
SearchData *m_parentSearch;
bool m_haveWildCards;
Modifier m_modifiers;
float m_weight;
SearchDataClause(const SearchDataClause&)
SearchDataClause& operator=(const SearchDataClause&)
return *this;
* "Simple" data clause with user-entered query text. This can include
* multiple phrases and words, but no specified distance.
class SearchDataClauseSimple : public SearchDataClause {
SearchDataClauseSimple(SClType tp, const std::string& txt,
const std::string& fld = std::string())
: SearchDataClause(tp), m_text(txt), m_field(fld)
m_haveWildCards =
(txt.find_first_of(cstr_minwilds) != std::string::npos);
virtual ~SearchDataClauseSimple()
/** Translate to Xapian query */
virtual bool toNativeQuery(Rcl::Db &, void *, const std::string& stemlang);
virtual void getTerms(HighlightData& hldata) const
virtual const std::string& gettext()
return m_text;
virtual const std::string& getfield()
return m_field;
std::string m_text; // Raw user entry text.
std::string m_field; // Field specification if any
HighlightData m_hldata;
* Filename search clause. This is special because term expansion is only
* performed against the unsplit file name terms.
* There is a big advantage in expanding only against the
* field, especially for file names, because this makes searches for
* "*xx" much faster (no need to scan the whole main index).
class SearchDataClauseFilename : public SearchDataClauseSimple {
SearchDataClauseFilename(const std::string& txt)
: SearchDataClauseSimple(SCLT_FILENAME, txt)
// File name searches don't count when looking for wild cards.
m_haveWildCards = false;
virtual ~SearchDataClauseFilename()
virtual bool toNativeQuery(Rcl::Db &, void *, const std::string& stemlang);
* A clause coming from a NEAR or PHRASE entry field. There is only one
* std::string group, and a specified distance, which applies to it.
class SearchDataClauseDist : public SearchDataClauseSimple {
SearchDataClauseDist(SClType tp, const std::string& txt, int slack,
const std::string& fld = std::string())
: SearchDataClauseSimple(tp, txt, fld), m_slack(slack)
virtual ~SearchDataClauseDist()
virtual bool toNativeQuery(Rcl::Db &, void *, const std::string& stemlang);
int m_slack;
/** Subquery */
class SearchDataClauseSub : public SearchDataClause {
// We take charge of the SearchData * and will delete it.
SearchDataClauseSub(SClType tp, RefCntr<SearchData> sub)
: SearchDataClause(tp), m_sub(sub)
virtual ~SearchDataClauseSub()
virtual bool toNativeQuery(Rcl::Db &db, void *p, const std::string&)
return m_sub->toNativeQuery(db, p);
virtual void getTerms(HighlightData& hldata) const
RefCntr<SearchData> m_sub;
} // Namespace Rcl