* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef _CONFTREE_H_
#define _CONFTREE_H_
* A simple configuration file implementation.
* Configuration files have lines like 'name = value', and/or like '[subkey]'
* Lines like '[subkey]' in the file define subsections, with independant
* configuration namespaces. Only subsections holding at least one variable are
* significant (empty subsections may be deleted during an update, or not)
* Whitespace around name and value is insignificant.
* The names are case-sensitive but don't depend on it, this might change
* Values can be queried for, or set.
* Any line without a '=' is a comment (a line like #var = value
* actually assigns a variable named '#var', which is not a big issue)
* A configuration object can be created empty or by reading from a file or
* a string.
* All 'set' calls cause an immediate rewrite of the backing object if any
* (file or string)
* The ConfTree derived class interprets the subkeys as file paths and
* lets subdir keys hierarchically inherit the properties from
* parents.
* The ConfStack class stacks several Con(Simple/Tree) objects so that
* parameters from the top of the stack override the values from lower
* (useful to have central/personal config files)
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
// rh7.3 likes iostream better...
#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ < 3
#include <iostream>
#include <istream>
#include <ostream>
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using std::map;
using std::istream;
using std::ostream;
#include "pathut.h"
/** Internal class used for storing presentation information */
class ConfLine {
Kind m_kind;
string m_data;
ConfLine(Kind k, const string& d)
: m_kind(k), m_data(d)
bool operator==(const ConfLine& o)
return o.m_kind == m_kind && o.m_data == m_data;
* Virtual base class used to define an interface mostly useful for testing
class ConfNull {
enum StatusCode {STATUS_ERROR=0, STATUS_RO=1, STATUS_RW=2};
virtual ~ConfNull() {};
virtual int get(const string &name, string &value,
const string &sk = string()) const = 0;
virtual bool hasNameAnywhere(const string& nm) = 0;
virtual int set(const string &nm, const string &val,
const string &sk = string()) = 0;
virtual bool ok() const = 0;
virtual vector<string> getNames(const string &sk, const char* = 0) = 0;
virtual int erase(const string &, const string &) = 0;
virtual int eraseKey(const string &) = 0;
virtual void showall() {};
virtual vector<string> getSubKeys() = 0;
virtual vector<string> getSubKeys(bool) = 0;
virtual bool holdWrites(bool) = 0;
virtual bool sourceChanged() = 0;
* Manages a simple configuration file with subsections.
class ConfSimple : public ConfNull {
* Build the object by reading content from file.
* @param filename file to open
* @param readonly if true open readonly, else rw
* @param tildexp try tilde (home dir) expansion for subkey values
ConfSimple(const char *fname, int readonly = 0, bool tildexp = false);
* Build the object by reading content from a string
* @param data points to the data to parse.
* @param readonly if true open readonly, else rw
* @param tildexp try tilde (home dir) expansion for subsection names
ConfSimple(const string& data, int readonly = 0, bool tildexp = false);
* Build an empty object. This will be memory only, with no backing store.
* @param readonly if true open read only, else rw
* @param tildexp try tilde (home dir) expansion for subsection names
ConfSimple(int readonly = 0, bool tildexp = false);
virtual ~ConfSimple() {};
/** Origin file changed. Only makes sense if we read the data from a file */
virtual bool sourceChanged();
* Decide if we actually rewrite the backing-store after modifying the
* tree.
virtual bool holdWrites(bool on)
m_holdWrites = on;
if (on == false) {
return write();
} else
return true;
* Get value for named parameter, from specified subsection (looks in
* global space if sk is empty).
* @return 0 if name not found, 1 else
virtual int get(const string &name, string &value,
const string &sk = string()) const;
* Set value for named parameter in specified subsection (or global)
* @return 0 for error, 1 else
virtual int set(const string &nm, const string &val,
const string &sk = string());
* Remove name and value from config
virtual int erase(const string &name, const string &sk);
* Erase all names under given subkey (and subkey itself)
virtual int eraseKey(const string &sk);
virtual StatusCode getStatus() const;
virtual bool ok() const {return getStatus() != STATUS_ERROR;}
* Walk the configuration values, calling function for each.
* The function is called with a null nm when changing subsections (the
* value is then the new subsection name)
* @return WALK_STOP when/if the callback returns WALK_STOP,
* WALK_CONTINUE else (got to end of config)
virtual WalkerCode sortwalk(WalkerCode
(*wlkr)(void *cldata, const string &nm,
const string &val),
void *clidata);
/** Print all values to stdout */
virtual void showall();
/** Return all names in given submap. */
virtual vector<string> getNames(const string &sk, const char *pattern = 0);
/** Check if name is present in any submap. This is relatively expensive
* but useful for saving further processing sometimes */
virtual bool hasNameAnywhere(const string& nm);
* Return all subkeys
virtual vector<string> getSubKeys(bool) {return getSubKeys();}
virtual vector<string> getSubKeys();
/** Test for subkey existence */
virtual bool hasSubKey(const string& sk)
return m_submaps.find(sk) != m_submaps.end();
virtual string getFilename() {return m_filename;}
* Copy constructor. Expensive but less so than a full rebuild
ConfSimple(const ConfSimple &rhs)
: ConfNull()
if ((status = rhs.status) == STATUS_ERROR)
m_filename = rhs.m_filename;
m_submaps = rhs.m_submaps;
* Assignement. This is expensive
ConfSimple& operator=(const ConfSimple &rhs)
if (this != &rhs && (status = rhs.status) != STATUS_ERROR) {
m_filename = rhs.m_filename;
m_submaps = rhs.m_submaps;
return *this;
* Write in file format to out
bool write(ostream& out) const;
bool dotildexpand;
StatusCode status;
// Set if we're working with a file
string m_filename;
time_t m_fmtime;
// Configuration data submaps (one per subkey, the main data has a
// null subkey)
map<string, map<string, string> > m_submaps;
// Presentation data. We keep the comments, empty lines and
// variable and subkey ordering information in there (for
// rewriting the file while keeping hand-edited information)
vector<ConfLine> m_order;
// Control if we're writing to the backing store
bool m_holdWrites;
void parseinput(istream& input);
bool write();
// Internal version of set: no RW checking
virtual int i_set(const string &nm, const string &val,
const string &sk, bool init = false);
bool i_changed(bool upd);
* This is a configuration class which attaches tree-like signification to the
* submap names.
* If a given variable is not found in the specified section, it will be
* looked up the tree of section names, and in the global space.
* submap names should be '/' separated paths (ie: /sub1/sub2). No checking
* is done, but else the class adds no functionality to ConfSimple.
* NOTE: contrary to common behaviour, the global or root space is NOT
* designated by '/' but by '' (empty subkey). A '/' subkey will not
* be searched at all.
* Note: getNames() : uses ConfSimple method, this does *not* inherit
* names from englobing submaps.
class ConfTree : public ConfSimple {
/* The constructors just call ConfSimple's, asking for key tilde
* expansion */
ConfTree(const char *fname, int readonly = 0)
: ConfSimple(fname, readonly, true) {}
ConfTree(const string &data, int readonly = 0)
: ConfSimple(data, readonly, true) {}
ConfTree(int readonly = 0)
: ConfSimple(readonly, true) {}
virtual ~ConfTree() {};
ConfTree(const ConfTree& r) : ConfSimple(r) {};
ConfTree& operator=(const ConfTree& r) {
return *this;
* Get value for named parameter, from specified subsection, or its
* parents.
* @return 0 if name not found, 1 else
virtual int get(const string &name, string &value, const string &sk) const;
* Use several config files, trying to get values from each in order. Used to
* have a central config, with possible overrides from more specific
* (ie personal) ones.
* Notes: it's ok for some of the files not to exist, but the last
* one must or we generate an error. We open all trees readonly, except the
* topmost one if requested. All writes go to the topmost file. Note that
* erase() won't work except for parameters only defined in the topmost
* file (it erases only from there).
template <class T> class ConfStack : public ConfNull {
/// Construct from configuration file names. The earler
/// files in have priority when fetching values. Only the first
/// file will be updated if ro is false and set() is used.
ConfStack(const vector<string> &fns, bool ro = true)
construct(fns, ro);
/// Construct out of single file name and multiple directories
ConfStack(const string& nm, const vector<string>& dirs, bool ro = true)
vector<string> fns;
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = dirs.begin();
it != dirs.end(); it++){
fns.push_back(path_cat(*it, nm));
ConfStack::construct(fns, ro);
ConfStack(const ConfStack &rhs)
: ConfNull()
virtual ~ConfStack()
m_ok = false;
ConfStack& operator=(const ConfStack &rhs)
if (this != &rhs){
m_ok = rhs.m_ok;
if (m_ok)
return *this;
virtual bool sourceChanged()
typename vector<T*>::const_iterator it;
for (it = m_confs.begin();it != m_confs.end();it++) {
if ((*it)->sourceChanged())
return true;
return false;
virtual int get(const string &name, string &value, const string &sk) const
typename vector<T*>::const_iterator it;
for (it = m_confs.begin();it != m_confs.end();it++) {
if ((*it)->get(name, value, sk))
return true;
return false;
virtual bool hasNameAnywhere(const string& nm)
typename vector<T*>::iterator it;
for (it = m_confs.begin();it != m_confs.end();it++) {
if ((*it)->hasNameAnywhere(nm))
return true;
return false;
virtual int set(const string &nm, const string &val,
const string &sk = string())
if (!m_ok)
return 0;
// Avoid adding unneeded entries: if the new value matches the
// one out from the deeper configs, erase or dont add it
// from/to the topmost file
typename vector<T*>::iterator it = m_confs.begin();
while (it != m_confs.end()) {
string value;
if ((*it)->get(nm, value, sk)) {
// This file has value for nm/sk. If it is the same as the new
// one, no need for an entry in the topmost file. Else, stop
// looking and add the new entry
if (value == val) {
m_confs.front()->erase(nm, sk);
return true;
} else {
return m_confs.front()->set(nm, val, sk);
virtual int erase(const string &nm, const string &sk)
return m_confs.front()->erase(nm, sk);
virtual int eraseKey(const string &sk)
return m_confs.front()->eraseKey(sk);
virtual bool holdWrites(bool on)
return m_confs.front()->holdWrites(on);
virtual vector<string> getNames(const string &sk, const char *pattern = 0)
return getNames1(sk, pattern, false);
virtual vector<string> getNamesShallow(const string &sk, const char *patt = 0)
return getNames1(sk, patt, true);
virtual vector<string> getNames1(const string &sk, const char *pattern,
bool shallow)
vector<string> nms;
typename vector<T*>::iterator it;
bool skfound = false;
for (it = m_confs.begin();it != m_confs.end(); it++) {
if ((*it)->hasSubKey(sk)) {
skfound = true;
vector<string> lst = (*it)->getNames(sk, pattern);
nms.insert(nms.end(), lst.begin(), lst.end());
if (shallow && skfound)
sort(nms.begin(), nms.end());
unique(nms.begin(), nms.end());
return nms;
virtual vector<string> getSubKeys(){return getSubKeys(false);}
virtual vector<string> getSubKeys(bool shallow)
vector<string> sks;
typename vector<T*>::iterator it;
for (it = m_confs.begin();it != m_confs.end(); it++) {
vector<string> lst;
lst = (*it)->getSubKeys();
sks.insert(sks.end(), lst.begin(), lst.end());
if (shallow)
sort(sks.begin(), sks.end());
unique(sks.begin(), sks.end());
return sks;
virtual bool ok() const {return m_ok;}
bool m_ok;
vector<T*> m_confs;
/// Reset to pristine
void clear() {
typename vector<T*>::iterator it;
for (it = m_confs.begin();it != m_confs.end();it++) {
delete (*it);
/// Common code to initialize from existing object
void init_from(const ConfStack &rhs) {
if ((m_ok = rhs.m_ok)) {
typename vector<T*>::const_iterator it;
for (it = rhs.m_confs.begin();it != rhs.m_confs.end();it++) {
m_confs.push_back(new T(**it));
/// Common construct from file names code
void construct(const vector<string> &fns, bool ro) {
vector<string>::const_iterator it;
bool lastok = false;
for (it = fns.begin(); it != fns.end(); it++) {
T* p = new T(it->c_str(), ro);
if (p && p->ok()) {
lastok = true;
} else {
delete p;
lastok = false;
if (!ro) {
// For rw acccess, the topmost file needs to be ok
// (ro is set to true after the first file)
ro = true;
m_ok = lastok;
#endif /*_CONFTREE_H_ */